11 Days to DOOM 3 and no UPS guy with new GPU


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2003
I am starting to FREAK OUT and was just wondering who else is. I ordered a X800pro more than a month ago from Frys and it is still on BACKORDER. I thought It would surely get here before DOOM 3 because there had been no new news on D3 for a while. Then I look on Voodoo EXT. and all the sudden " D3 HAS GONE GOLD". At first I was like :D, then I remembered my backordered card and was like:eek:, but once I calmed down and told myself I still had time i was cool. Now that AUG. 3 is moving up fast I am like :( leaning tword :mad:. I know my 9800pro will run it OK but not like a new X800pro will. If I get the game first I know I wont be able to hold off playing it, and I'll never be able to hold off buying it so HURRY UP FRYS or whoever and send me my card! Am I the only one freaking out?
for the same $, and better performance, you can have the 6800GT in one day. not starting a flame or anything. I had a 9800pro until a few weeks ago, and it was great. But the 6800GT @ 410/1150 is the killer card for the $$.

Unless you were ordering a vivo with the intentions of making it into a PE.
Dude...chill out, you still have a 9800pro. I feel your pain though, if Fed Ex doesn't deliver my eVGA 6800GT today I'm gonna get angsty. :(
Just ordered the basic 6800..from newegg for $221 hopefully after a little OCing i'll be alright with doom III
Got my X800XT-PE(from BestBuy) last night, on the doorstep, and looks like I'll be installing it tonight after work.
3l3m3nt said:
Just ordered the basic 6800..from newegg for $221 hopefully after a little OCing i'll be alright with doom III
Are you sure you got a 6800 for that price? :wtf:
3l3m3nt said:
Just ordered the basic 6800..from newegg for $221 hopefully after a little OCing i'll be alright with doom III

That is something I will not do ... I'll buy the game when it comes out ... then upgrade whatever hardware is needed to get a great playing experience ... I am not plunking any woney for guesses .... If I have to spend $1000 for mobo, cpu and video card ... I want to make sure I'll get it right ...
I'm in the same boat, Dyslexic. Ordered my 6800 Ultra OC a month ago, still nada :mad:
Maybe it was a refurb.

And I do feel your pain Dyslexic, still waiting on mine. :(
Yeah, no kidding. I figure I'll get a 6800/X800 when I do a full system upgrade around x-mas time. I'm not gonna plunk down ~US$300+ just so one game runs "ok." My 9800Pro is on the reccommended list so I'm happy with what I have. :p

Dyslexic said:
I am starting to FREAK OUT and was just wondering who else is. I ordered a X800pro more than a month ago from Frys and it is still on BACKORDER. I thought It would surely get here before DOOM 3 because there had been no new news on D3 for a while. Then I look on Voodoo EXT. and all the sudden " D3 HAS GONE GOLD". At first I was like :D, then I remembered my backordered card and was like:eek:, but once I calmed down and told myself I still had time i was cool. Now that AUG. 3 is moving up fast I am like :( leaning tword :mad:. I know my 9800pro will run it OK but not like a new X800pro will. If I get the game first I know I wont be able to hold off playing it, and I'll never be able to hold off buying it so HURRY UP FRYS or whoever and send me my card! Am I the only one freaking out?

is it just me or does this guy remind you of the seaturtle Crush in finding nemo?

Crush: Yeah, we saw you and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..." and we went like, "whoa..."
Sickness said:
is it just me or does this guy remind you of the seaturtle Crush in finding nemo?

Crush: Yeah, we saw you and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..." and we went like, "whoa..."

That was the first thing I thought of!
WOW lol.. i had no clue that Doom3 was around the corner!! for some reason i felt like august was still like 3 months away.. i forgot august is next month!!!
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
WOW lol.. i had no clue that Doom3 was around the corner!! for some reason i felt like august was still like 3 months away.. i forgot august is next month!!!

Man you were living the high life weren't you? Ah well, welcome to hell. Try not to feed the man-eating zombies.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
WOW lol.. i had no clue that Doom3 was around the corner!! for some reason i felt like august was still like 3 months away.. i forgot august is next month!!!

Damn, you were better off not knowing! Now you can really suffer in suspense like the rest of us!
lol, i ordered my bfg gt late and am still waiting for chumbo to get them IN STOCK no less delivered to me.. if i dont get the card in time for doom3, i will NOT play doom3 on my old 4600ti.. id rather wait and enjoy the game with the gt :D :)
sirviro said:
Yeah, no kidding. I figure I'll get a 6800/X800 when I do a full system upgrade around x-mas time. I'm not gonna plunk down ~US$300+ just so one game runs "ok." My 9800Pro is on the reccommended list so I'm happy with what I have. :p


Where is this "recommended list" of which you speak??? :confused:
Techx said:
lol, i ordered my bfg gt late and am still waiting for chumbo to get them IN STOCK no less delivered to me.. if i dont get the card in time for doom3, i will NOT play doom3 on my old 4600ti.. id rather wait and enjoy the game with the gt :D :)

Or you could cancel your pre-order and get an eVGA. They OC just as well as the BFGs.
I dont know....im getting a GT around August 20th probably....wait and play it then...or play it now with my 9700Pro.....damnit i play 1280*1024 and FarCry plays like crap on this system with that.... DAMNIT.
Dyslexic, w/your current setup, you're much more likely to be CPU- rather than GPU-limited. Either way, you should still be able to run the game w/out issues... I mean, it's not like you're goin' to sit on your hands & wait to play it, right? ;)
This is my second attempt at this. I must have to type very fast. Both of these companies who make video cards need to be thrashed. It has been 3 Mo. since the paper launch of these cards and they cannot even have the things for sale. No stock everywhere. I have the $ for one but refuse to pay for a card from a foreign Co.(yes i am american) I want a BFG. these co are ripping us off 600 for a 500$ card. look at newcrap.com. it is all of you who made these criminals what they are today remember that. peeps who buy a dell or a comcrap deserve to wait in line, not us. they are the______who cant do anything.
Be playing D3 on a shit card. Waiting for 2yrs. Thanx N&A
Humpday [H]ardforum [H]appenings has people panicking that DOOM 3 is shipping but their video card is still on backorder…how bad is that sucking?

I dont know why, but i couldn't help but laugh when i saw that posted on the front page lol.

If you guys are geared up for Doom 3, why are you waiting on a backordered X800 to start with? You could get an in stock GT right now and most likely the GT at stock will outperform the PE in Doom 3 which is fully OpenGL and uses UltraShadow II Tech.

UltraShadow II Technology

This technology was first implemented in the NV35 / 38 generation of cards and allows for faster shadow calculations. With the new and improved version Ultra Shadow II, the NV40 is a good four times faster than the previous generation. As a result, it seems safe to say that the chip will be ready for upcoming games such as Doom III, which will make extensive use of stencil shadows.

A game does not need to be optimized in any special way for Ultra Shadow II to accelerate shadow calculations. However, adapting the game's code will yield additional speed increases as well. For example, certain areas can be defined through the game's engine in which the shadows will be visible. This reduces unnecessary calculations, as only those shadows will be calculated that are supposed to be visible.

Ultra Shadow II will also run smooth in conjunction with FSAA, so shadow edges will appear antialiased.

I work at Fry's and they should receive X800 XT sometime soon because we just made space yesterday for it. We received last week BFG 6800GT and yesterday we received PNY 6800GT. All other cards that about to come out have space. I will reply to you whenever they put anything new on the shelves.
Cali3350 said:
I dont know....im getting a GT around August 20th probably....wait and play it then...or play it now with my 9700Pro.....damnit i play 1280*1024 and FarCry plays like crap on this system with that.... DAMNIT.

I don't know what's wrong with your computer, but I have a gig of ram, a p4 2.6c and a non-overclocked built by ati 9700 pro, and I play farcry at 1280x1024 beautifully. If it runs like crap on your system, it's probably a user error.

edit: one more thing. I agree with one of the posts above.... why upgrade hardware for a game that's not even out yet? how do you know how your computer will perform? oh wait, you DON'T know. if doom 3 doesn't run well on my 9700 pro (which I highly doubt) THEN I will CONSIDER upgrading.