10 Things a Linux Fanboy Wont Tell You

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
Those of us who use Windows products are often the brunt of some friendly humor. So we’re going to turn the tables today and poke a little fun at you Linux folks. Of all the ones on this list, I think I’d associate best with this one:

05) You will lose 10 days of your life to configure Wine just to play a game which under Windows requested 2 clicks and yes, it will lose frames.
LMAO. I spent years listening to the Linux guys preach about how great it was. I spent DAYS getting everything to work right. Tryed dozens of Distros. I don't regret it, but thats not what I signed up for. In the end, because of compatability, and ease of use, I still use Windows.
So. Unbelievably. True.

I always laugh at people who try to use and convince me that I need to use Linux as my desktop system. Don't get me wrong - I love Linux, Linux has it's place as a server operating system, and my personal website is 100% Linux-powered, but serious, I get such a laugh out of people who try to use Linux as a desktop. Linux is intended for use as a server, and it excels at that one task.

I put people who try to use Linux as a desktop in with the people who say OSX is better. When everything boils down - Windows can do everything that OSX and Linux can, simpler, and faster (don't give me any BS here - we all know that Photoshop CS runs faster on Windows than OSX on identical hardware).

Linux is a server OS, plain and simple. Using it in a desktop is like trying to build a gaming desktop from Itanium processors and Quadro video cards.
No offense to our Linux friends, but I thought it was funny myself. If you know a token Linux guy you've probably heard there already. ;)
I think it's pro-linux reverse-psychology propaganda.

Even a Linux fanboy could find 10 non-joke things that are bad about Linux.

I mean, that point 5, are they saying that windows is better because it plays games (it is), or are they saying that linux is more powerful and flexible because although it takes a bit of work, the darn thing can still use software written for a whole other OS?

It is impossible to find ANY fault with Linux. How devious! Microsoft workers set up to attack the boards ...on Mother's Day. I know that's you Bill!
I think it's pro-linux reverse-psychology propaganda.

Even a Linux fanboy could find 10 non-joke things that are bad about Linux.

I mean, that point 5, are they saying that windows is better because it plays games (it is), or are they saying that linux is more powerful and flexible because although it takes a bit of work, the darn thing can still use software written for a whole other OS?


Yeah, that and point 7 is a joke too (or ignorant): real linux fans wouldn't proclaim that Linux is free is in beer, they'd proclaim that it's free as in speech.
As someone who just spent a few weeks with ubuntu... I have to say I laughed my butt off reading that.

Yes, I really liked ubuntu... but I've gone back to M$ just because of it's ease of use(sorry linux guys). ;)
It's so true ;)

I love using Linux, but I never preach/evangelize it to anyone like "omg nub go use Linux" because well, it's not anywhere close to Windows yet in many respects, which is why I've got a linux desktop and windows laptop (I need MS Office, MS Visual Studio, and games!). :D
biggest prob i had with linux is getting all the damn video formats to play, and getting it to play them from my shared windows drives. i use my laptop as a to watch stuff all the time when im working with my desktop, and had to keep kicking it back to windows for that.

ubuntu + beryl is great for class though, everyones like "oooh, neato"
Yeah, that and point 7 is a joke too (or ignorant): real linux fans wouldn't proclaim that Linux is free is in beer, they'd proclaim that it's free as in speech.

Oh, yeah of little knowledge.
It's a COMMON comparison by linux users.


I've been seeing that reference for somewhere around a decade.
Now, all of a sudden, stallman makes the claim you just made, and "sheep" (or are you guys penguins?) start walking in single-file behind him when he says it should be likened to free speech.

Seriously, I think, sometimes, *nix users are more brainwashed than Windows users.

I own ~100 *nix boxes.
I own 8 MS boxes
I don't run Linux because it is free as in speech, or anything like that. I use it because in many cases, it is the best tool for the job.

Sure, there is a learning curve, but Windows has one too. And no, Linux is currently not the right tool for the job if you are just a gamer.
It's a funny article, how ever I would like to make some points.

Linux is not, never will be, should never attempt to be, Windows. If you want to use Windows then use Windows. Don't try and use Linux like a Windows alternative, it's not. Don't try and make Linux into Windows, it's not. That doesn't mean Linux can't be used on a desktop, it can, but if you require Windows, or what you are trying to do works better in Windows, or you just can't figure out how to do something in Linux you are used to in Windows, just keep using Windows. Their isn't any really wrong with Windows, it does have it's week points but so does every thing else, play the strengths.

My only real wish is for Windows to have a shell, ssh, and plain text files to configure their services that doesn't require 10,000 lines of code to decypher (like sendmail).
I have used Linux for years, and use it at work. I am Linux+ Certified and have worked as Linux tech support for several local IT companies; However, On my home box and personal web server I use Windows 2003 Server, I got a free license for some contracting work and havn't looked back. Talk about just getting it done. I don't have a bit of trouble getting things to work In Win 2003

Some of the things that they forgot to leave out was...

11) Trying to remember how to exit out of Vi. Now is it ':q' or :exit, Er, Crap.... ctrl+c... nope, Argh!

12) Um... Ok so how exactly do I get my ATI drivers to work with this Dirsto... Ahh hell with it where is my Windows XP cd?
Some of the things that they forgot to leave out was...

11) Trying to remember how to exit out of Vi. Now is it ':q' or :exit, Er, Crap.... ctrl+c... nope, Argh!

12) Um... Ok so how exactly do I get my ATI drivers to work with this Dirsto... Ahh hell with it where is my Windows XP cd?

I suffer using vi when there's no GUI like at work (RHEL 3 FTL). At home I always use gedit. I'm sure the reasons for such an arcane editor are long gone, especially with the advent of those new fangled 2400bps modems. I remember using ANSI.sys-type text editors on BBSs in the DOS days that worked perfectly fine on slow connections. Regex support is nice, but I never use it (I do use wildcard search in Windows editors though).

#12 reminds me of the pain configuring my last HP laptop (in my sig) with Beryl and Dapper. Buggy, buggy, buggy. What makes it worse is that it works perfectly on a couple of laptops using the same ATI chipset and it just plain doesn't work on others. And under Mandriva it worked fine even on the Live DVD. :rolleyes:
You guys compalin about using vi, and that happens to be my favorite editor. Their is a lot more then just regex support, but yes that is one of it's great features.

Honestly I would prefer a good shell to a gui any day, and every day I have to use RDP (and maybe a KVM or two) it just feels like it's getting in my way. It's hard to beat grep, sed, awk, shell scripting, etc, in my mind. If you haven't learned how to use them yet I can understand having difficulty in learning how to use them, but I love them.
11) Trying to remember how to exit out of Vi. Now is it ':q' or :exit, Er, Crap.... ctrl+c... nope, Argh!

So don't type vi if you want to edit a file. at the very least, pico/nano or ee/edit will be on the system, if not emacs