$10 Giftcard for Circuit City

Oct 2, 2001

i know it says

Circuit City gift cards are available exclusively to qualified e-business professionals.
BroadVision reserves the right to refuse requests at its sole discretion. Quantities are limited.
but worth a try anyways
It's worth a shot. Thanks TTP.

Thank-you for registering to receive a $10 Circuit City gift card. Your card will be sent to you shortly.
Danke! It wouldn't take my hotmail addy, so I used my business one - wonder just how much spam it will generate?
Dear Jay,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to our Circuit City giftcard promotion. As was stated in the promotion, supplies were limited and we have distributed all available cards.

We appreciate your interest.


BroadVision, Inc.

Boo !!! :( oh well...
Ya, I got the same "we ran outta stock" email :(

Oh well, still hadta try now didn't I? :p