
  1. cageymaru

    Vulkan Multi-GPU Support - Not Just for Windows 10

    The Vulkan Working Group in Khronos has confirmed that Windows 10 is not required for Multi-GPU support. They admit that the wording contained in the original statement was easily misinterpreted. Khronos states that WDDM is just one of the options that they were releasing as a package of...
  2. Armenius

    Update for Windows 10 Fixes Issues with Gambryo Engine Games

    There was a cumulative update released today for Windows 10 that fixes issues with NVIDIA video cards and Gamebryo powered games, including Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Oblivion. The update is KB3200970. I just finished playing 2 hours of a lightly modded Oblivion install to test and ran into no...