Search results

  1. J

    KV8-Max3 & ram

    I've been running this board for about a year with 2 512 dims and I want to kick it up to 2 gig, so I ordered a 1 gig pc3200 Corsair from New Egg. When it arrived I put it into the third slot... would not boot. So I moved the 1 gig to slot 1 and put the 512's in slot 2 and 3,...would not...
  2. J

    SuSE N00b needs some help

    Your wrong there, SuSe is one of the easiest distros to upgrading is a different story sometimes...If you want hard, do Gentoo, a great and powerful distro once it is installed properly, but really like pulling teeth for all except the highly knowledgeable cause you have to...
  3. J

    SuSE rpm updating

    Never seems to fail does it. You ask a simple question and there is always some big mouth dweeb that has to try and impress everyone with their (lack of) knowledge. Try Debian or Gentoo if SuSE is to hard for me...Where have you had your head boy? Certainly been someplace the sun don't shine...
  4. J

    Best Linux distro for noobs?

    If you want an EASY install and yet a full easy to use system I would take a look at Yopper. I put it on my laptop and it came right up with everything working. Very easy to use yet powerful.
  5. J


    Go to and do a search for slax. Burn the iso to a cd and fire it up. Very nice well working live cd that will give you the feel for linux. If you want to do a real install get the iso for yopper and install it, very easy install and works very well to learn on.
  6. J

    Point me in the right direction(linux noob)

    1. I would recommend either SuSE V.9.1, Yopper, Mandrake. They all install easy and usually come up to desktop with everything working. There may be more powerfull distros out there,but they are not as easy to install and use. Oh ya, I've been playing with Buffalo Linux the last few
  7. J

    SuSE rpm updating

    Well I was finally able to update kde to version 3.3. Had to do it a way that makes me a bit uncomforable, but it seems to have worked, at least to this point. Someone suggested I use the force and nodep mode to install so after 3 days of failure I figured what the heck and gave it a shot...
  8. J

    Best Linux distro for noobs?

    I have installed and played with a lot of distros lately and have found a few I would recommed for a noob to try. 1.If you want to do a live CD, in otherwords not actually install, but run it from a cd and get an idea of how you like it SLAX works very well. Of course no live cd is going to...
  9. J

    SuSE rpm updating

    Been there, done that, didn't work ! Guess I won't have to worry about loosing anything in an upgrade, no way in h*** I can get it to upgrade !!
  10. J

    SuSE rpm updating

    I don't know, would be afraid to try with the luck I have been having... I hear you for sure, unless I can find an easier way than this things just probably won't be upgraded. Simply not work all the headaches..
  11. J

    SuSE rpm updating

    How does one update an installed program in SuSE. When I try going through Yast it keeps asking me to put the install cd in the drive and then it goes and installs the original file from the cd instead of upgrading from the new file. I tried opening a terminal and type in: rpm -F qt3.rpm...
  12. J

    Linux questions & SuSe V.9.1 64 bit

    "an experienced person such as yourself".... Hey, I like that, so much better than saying an old fart like you.....(G) Ya, have heard a lot of good things about Gentoo linux. I may just get around to giving it a try. Yesterday I installed Debian and Yoper on my laptop just to check them out...
  13. J

    Linux questions & SuSe V.9.1 64 bit

    Jeez I sure am glad that you don't want to flame me, it might tend to make me mad and that wouldn't do either of us any good. For your information my linux experience started quite a few years ago. I have been looking for a way to dump winders almost from the first day there was a winders...
  14. J

    Linux questions & SuSe V.9.1 64 bit

    I didn't really say that I wouldn't compile under the right circumstances, I object to having to finish the work of the programers by doing so for the average run of the mill program that they write. There are always proper conditions for tweaking and compiling and configuring. I built my...
  15. J

    Linux questions & SuSe V.9.1 64 bit

    First of all I purchased the amd64 because I wanted 64 bit so I want it to work. Second of all I DO NOT compile everything, as a matter of fact I DO NOT compile anything. If someone wants me to try/use their program, I'm not about to do their work for them, I am not a programer and don't intend...
  16. J

    Linux questions & SuSe V.9.1 64 bit

    I have a few questions on linux, specifically the SuSe V.9.1 64 bit version. 1. Will the Creative Audigy 2 zs sound card work with this OS? It seems I had it working at one time, but can't seem to get it to work now even though it shows it as installed and working. 2. What am I doing...
  17. J

    Woops, HELP !

    It has been posted in all linux forums. Reason it is posted here also is I am a member of this forum and know that there are a few folders out here who run under linux and was hoping one of them might know a way to fix this without a reinstall and starting from scratch again which is a bit more...
  18. J


    Fairly sure it was the update that did it. Been running it for well over a month and has always worked fine. But as soon as I did the update and rebooted I got the error message and will no longer boot. Yes I am using grub for the boot loader.
  19. J


    I have been running SuSE V.9.1 64 bit version since it came out on my Amd 64 system and it has run just fine. It seems I made a mistake yesterday and let it automaticly update the system with new updates and patches as I have not been able to boot back into linux since the update. I get the...
  20. J

    Woops, HELP !

    Ran into a bit of a problem. I have been running SuSe V.9.1 64 bit version for a while now on my Amd 64 system. Worked just great as far as I could tell untill yesterday when I made the mistake of letting it update the system with updates and patches. Somewhere along the line, when I rebooted...
  21. J

    KV8-Max 3 question

    When I first put this system together I tried a quick OC and it booted up at 2.43, but now when I tried to do a little OC with it, it locks up and requires a power off. Twice now I have had to repair Windows itself in order to get back to desktop. Someone mentioned something about a conflict...
  22. J

    New to watercooling questions

    That is the way I did it for about a year. I had the res, the pump and the rad all in a box sitting on the floor and only two hoses going in the back of the computer through one of the slot holes to the block. Had the rad on the outside of the box with a 120mm fan sucking air through the rad...
  23. J

    Non existant customer service

    I highly recommend that you do not purchase any of the products from Their "customer service/support" seems to be quite non existant. I purchased 4 of their software programs from them and have sent 3 requests for some help and they have not answered even one time, even to tell...
  24. J

    DVD Ripper

    Just don't buy the Aare's program at Probaby works, but their customer support seems to ignore requests for help. After 4 requests for help with no reply I finally gave up and threw the program in the dumpster.
  25. J

    Lowering Temps

    50C on an Athlon under load isn't overly hot. However, being a cool nut myself you could probably bring that down somewhat without a lot of work or expense. You didn't say what you had for cooling other than "stock", but what does that mean? How many fans do you have working in what...
  26. J

    How many instances

    Well, actually piling up points means nothing to me, how many points does it take to buy a cup of coffee... As for where I stand on the list what difference does that make either. There are hundreds ahead of me on the list running 5 or 10 computers that I will never be able to pass so why worry...
  27. J

    How many instances

    On an AMD64 with 1 gig of ram, how many instances of folding can one do at once?
  28. J


    Well jeez forgive me for breathing. If you bother to notice, I didn't tell him his system was on the verge of melting. As a matter of fact I said he was in no danger, then gave him a few options that he might want to consider both in air or water. If he wants to leave it exactly as is that is...
  29. J


    I'm no expert by any means, but I would say that you need a bit more cooling. Perhaps one of the better heat sinks with good fan would solve your problem, or you might consider cutting a blow hole in the top of the case with a good 120mm fan for exhaust, and having the two fans you have now...
  30. J


    Really didn't give a lot of info there... Are you overclocked? How much, what ya got for cooling? What is your average room temp? My amd64 3400 runs at 35C when folding usually, so does my p4 3.0. Both systems water cooled.
  31. J

    amd 64 memory question

    You got that right! The last two times I have tried to overclock this puppy I have ended up having to repair XP itself to get it to load up again. For some reason this baby don't like no overclocking... sure glad it runs darn good at stock.
  32. J

    Test that OC and cooling

    Those Aussie chaps better throw another shrimp on the barbie cause I just put a new Amd 64 online folding and were gona kick their butts....
  33. J

    Watercooling gains?

    Your biggest "gain" will be in noise. Average water cooling temps will be about the same as high end air cooling, just the noise level will be less, and a good well done wc can look really neat. My wifes system is a P4 3.0 done in blue and green under uv lights. looks really nice at night. Mine...
  34. J

    input needed on temps for watercooling system.

    First off I am not gona bad mouth the Exos. There are enough that will do that automaticly. For what it is, it does a fair job of cooling "Normal stock" systems. However, it really doesn't have the capacity to take on good overclocks. The pumps are to small and the tubes are to small. You may...
  35. J

    Good PC Case for Watercooling?

    New Egg has a nice full tower Chieftec alum case for only $70. It gives you lots of room to add goodies, is lightweight yet sturdy. Big side picture window, quite a nice case for the money. Save your money for goodies to go inside instead of blowing it all on overpriced cases.
  36. J

    How much of a risk is Water Cooling?

    Of course you want to keep a watch on your system, even with fans you need to do that in order to make sure nothing is wrong, but leaving it off at way, wc'ing is safe if you do things right. My two systems run 24/7 and have for years. As for being gone for a few days, no matter what...
  37. J

    How good is water cooling

    Regular water cooling will give you just about the same temps that high end air cooling will, with less noise. I have two systems on water and they are: P4 3.0 idle temp 29C Loaded temp 35C Amd 64 3400+ Idle temp 30C Loaded temp 35C These temps are in a room whose average temp runs...
  38. J

    Quiet Athlon64 System

    That is done easly. My 64 3400 runs right at 35C loaded all the time. Right now it is early morning and I am typing this with folding going in the background and it is 31C. I have 3 80m fans going with the wc, one intake and 2 exhaust out the back and those three fans make twice the noise of...
  39. J

    1/4"id to 3/8"id adapters?

    Try Danger Den for the adapters. Under Products, misc, tubing....
  40. J

    Intel P4 CPU Temp Poll

    P4 3.0 Idle 35C (My idle is running 2 instances of folding) other wise 29C Loaded 36C (Running Battlefield 1942) Amd 64 3400+ Idle 35C (One instance of folding) Loaded 36C (Battlefield 1942)