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    IDE to SATA converters

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    24pin power supply connectors

    -hes running a single x1800xt btw if that info is helpful...
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    24pin power supply connectors

    my friend just baught an A8R-MVP and his power supply has a 20pin mobo connection instead of the 24 pin... the 20 pin, however, does plug in but obviously 4 pins r left un connected... is it ok to run the system like this?
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    Ic7 Max 3

    does anyone know if abit stopped making bios's for the IC7 MAX 3? it seems like the regular IC7 has newer bios's but the max3 hasnt comeout with 1 since nov1 2004? does the regular ic7 bios work with the max3?
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    WD Raptor question

    im about to reformat my 36gb raptor... gonna reinstall windows etc... any tips for optimization? i never messed with the block data or whatever its called... whats the best settings?
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    Overclock my comp

    i have 2gb of ram, 2x512PC-3500, 2x512PC3200, Prescott P4 3.0Ghz, ABit IC7 Max3, and an X850XTPE Bios blows, i cant clock my ram fsb indepent of my cpu fsb only 5:4 ... cant OC higher than 200mhz cuz the pc-3200 cant take it... hook me up.
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    2405FPW or 2 NEC LCD1970GX's ?

    nm just baught the dell :D next day shipping... financed.. im STRAAAIT
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    2405FPW or 2 NEC LCD1970GX's ?

    bout the same price... gonna be used on a high end comp for gaming and graphic/webdesign.
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    3LCD's - 1PC

    ya i dont want clones. the guy is lokoing at wide ass spread sheets... he goes 'im not satisfied with one monitor' lol like he was saying hes not satisfied with1 meal a day or something... i dunno hes def loaded tho... so ya i know each card will display 2 monitors in clone or sidebyside but...
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    3LCD's - 1PC

    anyways haha back to MY question haha... the guy im building this comp for is a chairman and CEO of a big stock & mutual funds company in boston. money is NO OBJECT. im thinking independent PCIe x700's on a SLI board.. so jus for confirmation.. it IS possible to run 2 pcie ATI's...
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    3LCD's - 1PC

    should i just get an SLI motherboard and put 2 of the same x700s in.. i know they wont run in SLI but would it support 2 seperate pcie cards?
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    3LCD's - 1PC

    whats the best way to have 3 LCDS (19" samsung 915n's) on 1 pc displaying a single desktop (not clones) video card is pcie x700 256
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    AMD64 4000+ at 100°C

    update hes running an Abit Av8 and i just found out that its known for faulty temp readouts so im having him upgrade the bios.
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    AMD64 4000+ at 100°C

    my friend has a 4000+ and he says its running at 100+°C (im not totally sure that HEs sure hes reading the temp in F or C) but ya 100+°C and hes cooling it with a Thermaltake Silent Tower (with 1 fan attatched) furthermore his alluminum case has 5 80mm fans in addition to 1 120mm fan blowing...
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    ATI and SLI

    Correct me if im wrong, but if i had an ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe, and plugged up 2 normal PCIE-X800's to it, the SLI wouldnt work correctly right? i would need to use 2 GFU6800's with an SLI bridge correct?
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    SP2 takes forever to boot

    From the time the "welcome" screen comes up to the time the start menu appears is atleast 2 minutes... i have everything shut off in msconfig... windows firewall disabled... whats takin so long?!
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    Soc 478 Asus Grantsdale

    gotta love the engrish
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    Quad Processor Mobos

    can anyone think of any quad proc mobos off the top of their head? doesnt matter which socket
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    X800 XT and Call of Duty

    nope... strange..
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    How much did you pay for your X800XT?

    I payed $584 (overnight shipping included) from on june 6th i was lucky because like a couple hours later they jacked the price up by more than $100... but i did recieve it overnight and It felt cool to be one of the first people to have the card.... how much u pay?
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    X800 XT and Call of Duty

    does anyone else have probs? im using cat4.6 drivers and like the game randomly becomes unstable... screen starts to flicker etc... card isnt overclocked...
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    System Temp° monitor apps?

    are there any windows apps that allow you to see your system temps? (cpu temp etc)
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    prescott overclock settings

    Post youre overclock settings for your prescott cpu
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    IDE to SATA converters

    I have an 80GB maxtor (7200RPM, IDE) and i was looking at some IDE to SATA converters on Newegg - should i get one? is there a difference in performance?