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  1. W

    POST Processor Count Incorrect

    I'm not sure when it first started, but lately I've noticed that my POST screen says "COUNT : 2" when it used to say 4. I've got a Q6600 that I know used to display as "COUNT : 4". It seems that Vista is just fine; taskmanager shows 4 cores, device manager shows 4 entries, and CPUZ shows 4...
  2. W

    Fan Buss Powering My 6800 GT Fan

    I have a Leadtek 6800 GT and have carefully modded it with a 6 cm Sunon fan. I unscrewed the filter and carefully took out the tiny factory fan. I then zap-strapped the the Sunon over the hole in the fan shroud, the fanshroud is perfect for a 6 cm fan! Now my question is......... Would...
  3. W

    Sisoft Sandra or MBM for most accurate temps?

    Mother Board Monitor detects my max CPU temp durring Sisoft Sandra CPU Burn-in at 63c. Sisoft detects the temp to be 60 max. I am running a P4 [email protected] on an Asus P4P800. Which program is more accurate? Thanks
  4. W

    Bios taking forever to detect IDE drives

    For some reason after transferring the contents of my PC to a new case (Antec Sonata), I now have to wait at least 45 seconds for my bios to detect my IDE drives! Now the obvious factor here is the cables are bad, but I can still do everything on both HDs just fine in windows and there doesn't...
  5. W

    Prescott Processor Over-volting

    So what do you consider safe Prescott Voltage? My box says I can go 1.4v max which I am pretty happy with, but I want to push my CPU farther. I have an XP-120 with Arctic Silver 3 (I still have a lot left from my last install) I am running a 3.2E @ 3.6 1.4v. Right now with Sisoft Sandra...
  6. W

    Cooling Video Card and Case With a PCI Blower

    I have one of those pci slot blowers installed right under my video card (9800 Pro). I have the hole facing up on the blower right close to the HSF on the video card. (For anyone without experience with blowers, the air gets sucked into the hole) Do I need to worry about killing the fan...
  7. W

    I am at my wit's end with this ti4200!!

    I bought a BFG Ti4200 128mb in the summer and it was working great until just before Christmas. I don't know if this is related, but in BF1942 textures would flash and dissapear and sometimes random objects from the game would flash on my screen. Needless to say this was very annoying and...
  8. W

    Hardware Accleration, change it too much and damage your graphics card?

    A couple of weeks ago I was playing around with the Display Properties; Hardware Acceleration tab, adjusting it to minimum and maximum perhaps once a day or two. The reason for doing this is of course to record streaming videos, audio etc. from the net using Hypercam. It seems that my...