Recent content by neevo

  1. N

    Back when I started DC'ing

    Hello fellow old'uns :) Really reduced the number of machines running it, I'm still trying to pay off the credit card bills tht I accumulated many years ago trying to rise up the charts, nowadays poverty means I am probably sinking daily. I remember checking my stats every couple of hours...
  2. N

    Sister-in-law's a threat to science

    If you want to keep them going why not suggest that you sleep in that room and let the 2 siblings sleep together in your bed. This may seem strange to some but I believe it is perfectly normal behaviour in redneck country where it would be expected that all 3 of you would share the same bed...
  3. N

    On Flying Home

    My Mum's parents (never considered my grandparents as they died long before I was born) died in different ways, her dad suddenly and her mum took a long time due to cancer. She always felt that her mums death was worse for all of them. I suppose it was similar with my real grandparents as my...
  4. N

    On Flying Home

    I hope you are just being too pessimistic, you have my kind thoughts if you are not. One thing occured to me though reading your post, your mother can be with your father and brothers if she is cremated - it just depends on your/her views on cremation. Don't read too much into the cat...
  5. N

    OT but important

    If we are talking about removing spyware thanks to this test I have tried Giant antispyware (using the 15 day unlimited demo) and am impressed, so impressed that I may well cough up for it when it runs out on my gaming machine. I had to clean...
  6. N

    What does papa-ming look like?

    hah, I don't even see ads these days, I think my brain has a built in ad filter for any other than beer ads :) Might also be that all the popupstoppers etc actually work!
  7. N

    What does papa-ming look like?

    Err, that's Zhang Ziyi. A stunning actress seen in the movie Crouching Tiger... Now I have to wonder what things are like over there :)
  8. N

    What does papa-ming look like?

    Verbose, that can mean only one thing, pm must look something like this:
  9. N

    More f@h publicity

    Just noticed this blurb
  10. N

    Why UD??? It puts millions in company pockets...

    I am against the drug companies making profits off my work esp. as I have seen the patent application for the major advance in insulin injection replacement and a possible cure for diabetes and which has received no publicity leading me to believe that it is more profitable to treat diabetes...
  11. N

    SETI has not found ET: official when the boss tells you to go f**k yourself, you actually can?
  12. N

    SETI has not found ET: official

    No, your fat arse makes you look fat :D
  13. N

    SETI has not found ET: official

    Ugh, you SHOULD add water to whisky, it releases the aroma and taste. It should be water from the same burn that is used in the whisky process itself and never more used than whisky itself. I've only ever managed to drink whisky with the burn water once and that was Glenfiddich, and it was the...
  14. N

    Pizza Boxen

    Short the power pins with a screwdriver blade, crosshead blades are safer as they tend not to slip all over the place. Otherwise find a scrapped case and rag the on/off cable and switch.
  15. N

    Deleting Unfinished Bit Torrents...

    Tried that before and it didnt work, but gave it another go tonight and it did. Thanks relic - still unsure what caused the messages to appear. BTW I cheated in the end as I'm a crap typist, "ren *.exe *.ex1" allowed me to sort them in windows easily and to avoid typo hassle.