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  • Greetings,

    I'm daring mimic your SNES PC project. The review of your video was excellent, however it is a documentary style versus "how you can do it". Which is fine, because that was your goal. I still own my SNES, with original controllers and I would really dig if I turned it into my own SNES PC. My only concerns is I'm having trouble finding an online vendor to sell me the motherboard & I'm having trouble with the conversion of SNES Controller to PC. I was hoping for two things 1) The website your purchased the motherboard 2) Do you offer solder for just the controller to USB components? I would pay for your time & materials of course.

    If I could push a 3rd... the other items either model # or websites for power, etc. I've found all the items quite easily, but those above are giving me trouble. Thank you very much!
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