The Crew Motorfest


Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
Looks like they're aping Forza Horizon and Test Drive Unlimited this time, even going so far as setting it on Oahu like the first TDU. If the island if full scale like TDU I may be interested.

Thanks. I need dash cam to play video games. Motorfest is climbing the ranks on must play day 1 game especially given the Forza preview recently posted was quite underwhelming. As long as they don't want to nickel and dime me for cars and crap, I am considering picking this up on day 1.
i tried this out today since i have Ubisoft+ right now, and dang did it surprise me. at first it was pretty underwhelming, and shamelessly rips off Horizon, but give it at least an hour or so and the strong points will be obvious. number one, the sounds... my god the sounds!! every single car just sounds absolutely *chef's kiss* and while i'm sure not every single car had its real-life counterpart recorded, i can say for SURE that the vast majority of them actually *are* recorded, even the DeLorean with its pathetic, wimpy little V6 o_O

physics and controls on gamepad are quite good, not up to Horizon's level but i my low expectations were definitely surpassed easily. with all the assists turned off it feels reasonably natural and "realistic" in the sense that you can trail brake to turn in, heavy cars feel heavy, that sort of thing.

the best part IMHO is that the "cross country" offroad style racing is WAY more fun in this compared to Horizon. the physics seem to lend themselves much moreso to soft surfaces like mud and sand and that makes me actually look forward to those types of events instead of groaning and rushing to get it over with.

worst part by far is the dialogue which somehow manages to one up Horizon in nuclear-grade cringe.. to the point where i'm not even kidding when i say all of the lines from the "hostess" character literally feel both composed and spoken by AI, and i honestly would not be surprised to find it WAS. jesus h christ, just leave this shit ouf of the game for fucks sake
i tried this out today since i have Ubisoft+ right now, and dang did it surprise me. at first it was pretty underwhelming, and shamelessly rips off Horizon, but give it at least an hour or so and the strong points will be obvious. number one, the sounds... my god the sounds!! every single car just sounds absolutely *chef's kiss* and while i'm sure not every single car had its real-life counterpart recorded, i can say for SURE that the vast majority of them actually *are* recorded, even the DeLorean with its pathetic, wimpy little V6 o_O

physics and controls on gamepad are quite good, not up to Horizon's level but i my low expectations were definitely surpassed easily. with all the assists turned off it feels reasonably natural and "realistic" in the sense that you can trail brake to turn in, heavy cars feel heavy, that sort of thing.

the best part IMHO is that the "cross country" offroad style racing is WAY more fun in this compared to Horizon. the physics seem to lend themselves much moreso to soft surfaces like mud and sand and that makes me actually look forward to those types of events instead of groaning and rushing to get it over with.

worst part by far is the dialogue which somehow manages to one up Horizon in nuclear-grade cringe.. to the point where i'm not even kidding when i say all of the lines from the "hostess" character literally feel both composed and spoken by AI, and i honestly would not be surprised to find it WAS. jesus h christ, just leave this shit ouf of the game for fucks sake
That's good to hear after how bad The Crew 2 was.

The first game is pretty decent, I just could never get used to the controls.
you should give motorfest a try then. i could never get into the first two games because of the controls, and motorfest is a huge improvement on that front.

it's not a perfect racing game by any means, for example the upgrade parts system is... weird, to say the least. basically there's a random rarity + affix that controls how "effective" the part is and the affix has little bonuses like increased draft effect or whatever. it's not awful, but clunky and not very intuitive
also i mean, it is pretty fucking wild that you can also do this in the same game:

TheCrewMotorfest 9_13_2023 8_45_58 PM.png
60 fps locked. Poor AA choices. Bland world design (seems like a game from the 2000s).
Gameplay is much more improved but compared to Forza Horizon 5 this is nowhere near that. Still trying out stuff so let's see. Might pick it up for a cheap price but not paying 70 euros for this.
60 fps locked. Poor AA choices. Bland world design (seems like a game from the 2000s).
Gameplay is much more improved but compared to Forza Horizon 5 this is nowhere near that. Still trying out stuff so let's see. Might pick it up for a cheap price but not paying 70 euros for this.
just curious, what makes you say this is nowhere near FH5 in terms of gameplay?

edit: the 60fps is annoying for sure. at least the game has perfect frame pacing and generally a very polished visual presentation. in some graphical aspects i'd say Horizon is better (car models seem to be slightly higher quality in Forza, or at least the ones added in the last 2 or 3 years - motorfest's models are definitely better than the OG models Forza keeps reusing year after year) but in others motorfest is ahead. i especially like motorfest's real sky simulation with volumetric clouds and weatherfronts compared to horizon's skybox model. water rendering is much better in Motorfest, not just water surfaces but rain & wiper effects on the windshield are way better. natural details like rocks and vegetation are better in motorfest, especially in terms of LOD/draw distance/pop in. it's really not noticeable where in FH5 it's always visible even on maximum settings
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I must be playing a different game then. All types of models look like crap for me. Also for some reason they only have windowed borderless or window options which means I am unable to run at 4K on my PC. AA is just bad. I have yet to experience any rain effects. The water on the ground seems like a joke and reflections on cars are also quite poor. I have every single option maxed out and it runs at 60 fps so that my GPU drops to less than 2000 MHz (it is supposed to run at 2800 MHz). My CPU is idling while playing the game at 55 C. The game is really a joke for a PC game. I don't know if you are playing at 4K and maybe things look better than but for me at 1440P it looks like garbage compared to FH5.

Coming to gameplay it is decent and a clear step above the abominations that were Crew 1 and 2 so that's all good. I may actually purchase it but I need to be able to run 4K DLDSR at least. I have about 3 hrs and 45 mins left on the game and still doing the Mustang playlist.
I must be playing a different game then. All types of models look like crap for me. Also for some reason they only have windowed borderless or window options which means I am unable to run at 4K on my PC. AA is just bad. I have yet to experience any rain effects. The water on the ground seems like a joke and reflections on cars are also quite poor. I have every single option maxed out and it runs at 60 fps so that my GPU drops to less than 2000 MHz (it is supposed to run at 2800 MHz). My CPU is idling while playing the game at 55 C. The game is really a joke for a PC game. I don't know if you are playing at 4K and maybe things look better than but for me at 1440P it looks like garbage compared to FH5.

Coming to gameplay it is decent and a clear step above the abominations that were Crew 1 and 2 so that's all good. I may actually purchase it but I need to be able to run 4K DLDSR at least. I have about 3 hrs and 45 mins left on the game and still doing the Mustang playlist.
Windowed Borderless uses whatever resolution your desktop is set to.
Windowed Borderless uses whatever resolution your desktop is set to.
I am aware. I usually keep desktop at 1440P as that is my monitor’s native resolution. However, this new crop of lazy games don’t let me have proper full screen and scaling in games only. I will keep desktop at 4K to see if I can live with it but changing desktop resolution prior to launching these new lazy games is really annoying (Hogwarts, Motorfest, Starfield).
I am aware. I usually keep desktop at 1440P as that is my monitor’s native resolution. However, this new crop of lazy games don’t let me have proper full screen and scaling in games only. I will keep desktop at 4K to see if I can live with it but changing desktop resolution prior to launching these new lazy games is really annoying (Hogwarts, Motorfest, Starfield).
what about upgrading to a native 4k display?
what about upgrading to a native 4k display?
Waiting for 32" OLED 4K for past 2 years (22/23). I bought my current monitor in 20 as a stop gap but then the 32 inch OLED never came. Tried the 55 inch OLED in 2020 as well and played on it for a bit but usually don't have it hooked up as multi monitor displays with games typically messes up things especially if the TV is not on and all the quirks that come with it about resolutions etc. Also I don't have the 55 inch on my desk - means I have to use a controller.
Waiting for 32" OLED 4K for past 2 years (22/23). I bought my current monitor in 20 as a stop gap but then the 32 inch OLED never came. Tried the 55 inch OLED in 2020 as well and played on it for a bit but usually don't have it hooked up as multi monitor displays with games typically messes up things especially if the TV is not on and all the quirks that come with it about resolutions etc. Also I don't have the 55 inch on my desk - means I have to use a controller.
Get a gigabyte m32u and be happy. That 32" oled is still years away. They can be had for $600-650 on sale. If you want smaller, the m28u can be had for $450-500 on sale. Both are superb 4k 144hz ips panels.
ASUS announced one already. I am willing to even pay the ASUS tax once it is out in Q1. So close so will wait.
Also I don't think I am ever going back to IPS. It just feels washed out to me.
I wanted to get the NEO G7 so badly but held off as pricing was off (thankfully).
Fine, I bought the game. Also ended up getting Ass Creed Mirage since I was going to get it anyway. Not sure why I keep pre ordering the games.

Moving to 4K and Japanese playlist convinced me that arcade handling was good enough to indulge. Just got standard editions for both games. Seems like this is one and done kind of games but with a meaty campaign.

Hopefully I don’t regret my decision as I made it only after playing 2 hours rather than the full 5 hour trial.
I am aware. I usually keep desktop at 1440P as that is my monitor’s native resolution. However, this new crop of lazy games don’t let me have proper full screen and scaling in games only. I will keep desktop at 4K to see if I can live with it but changing desktop resolution prior to launching these new lazy games is really annoying (Hogwarts, Motorfest, Starfield).
All games run in windowed borderless on Windows 11 even when a game has an "exclusive fullscreen" option.
what about upgrading to a native 4k display?
He has a CX 55 next to the 32G75 in his signature. Don't understand why he wouldn't use it.
Does this game do not support gsync/VRR? I see stuttering if I drop below 60fps.
Does this game do not support gsync/VRR? I see stuttering if I drop below 60fps.
Stuttering isn't caused by display sync, or lack thereof. Do you mean judder or tearing?
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Does this game do not support gsync/VRR? I see stuttering if I drop below 60fps.
yeah it does seem to have some weird frame pacing problem if you drop below 60. btw, that seems odd that your 4090 would even drop below 60. are you running higher than 4k (scaling or something)? if so, try dropping the volumetric quality to medium, and turn down SSAO+ to just 'SSAO'. You won't even see a difference in gameplay but it seems those settings have exponential performance impact
Tried it, wish I hadn't. Same crap as previous crew games, only this time ripping off Forza Horizon and Test Drive Unlimited at the same time.

Graphics is horribly outdated, car models look like Gran Turismo 4, NPCs even worse. This is 2005 all over again:


But I could take sub par graphics if at least it got other things right. But it didn't.
  • Driving with a wheel is impossible, the steering is so vague that you don't feel connected to the car at all. Like trying to steer the titanic with a paddle.
  • The game is easier to control and more predictable using keyboard. No, I didn't say it is good, just better than wheel / pedals, which is a huge red flag in a driving game. To me this would already be a deal breaker, but let's continue looking anyway.
  • In car view with dash is handicapped, the camera position is so low and fov so fucked up, that you don't see where you are going at all, making the chase camera the only usable view.
  • Races are inconsistent. Try race, get time 3:05 finish 4th. Try again, finish 10 seconds faster, but 8th dead last this time. The AI has more than catch up, because they automatically match your speed even if they are in front of you. So the only way to win is to make no mistakes at all, and overtake them with nitro at the very last moment before the finish line.
  • The whole racing is dependant on spamming nitro, every car has it from factory apparently, and it serves more like a rocket booster, it literally boosts you in air! The game even suggests this as a feature.
  • Oahu is defeinitely not 1:1, it's freaking tiny, 1:25 maybe?

Does this look like a 2023 game, honestly?

The rev counter doesn't even match between the hud and the dash, I've just noticed that. That reminds me playing with manual gears requires you to constantly stare at the hud, as engine sounds are washed out by all the bakground noise, bgm, and NPCs blabbering. Talking of which, they seem to be using the same Voice Actor for multiple characters within one conversation?! How cheap can you be Ubisoft? It sounds like a schizophrenic talking to himself.

  • And good news, if you were upset about pronouns in Starfield you don't have to worry about that here. This game literally ignores pronouns as you are just referred to as he/him regardless of what avatar you have chosen.
  • And of course the game is an always online MMO with public freeride mode, you can not play offline you can't even hide other players.
  • There is so much spyware (drm and anti cheat) that the game takes a minute to actually start after clicking on it while it initializes all the rootkits.
  • The narration / story is absolute cringe, like they are trying to sell car culture to the tiktok generation with 2 second attention span.

I can't say I'm disappointed because I didn't expect much, but surprised it is this bad.
What are you suggesting with this cherry picked screenshot? Look at the side mirror. Not even 2005, because we had working mirrors long before that in games.
I think he was just looking at the FOV, which looks similar to other games in the genre on 16:9. Maybe ultrawide isn't behaving correctly? There is nothing about it on WSGF, yet.
I think he was just looking at the FOV, which looks similar to other games in the genre on 16:9. Maybe ultrawide isn't behaving correctly? There is nothing about it on WSGF, yet.
It is possible that it is emphasized by ultrawide. And it didn't look that bad in free roam, although I had issues even there seeing the turn in point for corners, but in races I was totally blind to where I was going until I switched to the external camera.
What are you suggesting with this cherry picked screenshot? Look at the side mirror. Not even 2005, because we had working mirrors long before that in games.
yeah the lack of mirrors is dumb. i'm not wasting my time with your "cherry picked" bullshit, so i'm out. peace
shhh, let him have this moment to shine
Yeah, go ahead cherry pick more screenshots, because you can't argue with any of my complaints. I knew you were bad faith from the get go, hence why I said what are you suggesting. But of course you will never actually address any actual complaints.