The I960: When Intel Went RISC


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Pretty sweet, and almost RISC-V

"Remarkably, the i960 as a solid RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture has its roots in Intel’s ill-fated extreme CISC architecture, the iAPX 432. As [Ken] describes in his comparison between the i960 and 432, both architectures are remarkably similar in terms of their instruction set, essentially taking what it could from the 432 project and putting it into a RISC-y shape. This meant that although the i960 could be mistaken as yet another RISC CPU, as was common in the 1980s, but integrated higher-level features as well, such as additional memory protection and inter-process communication.

Although there were four versions of the i960 sold, they all used the same die, just with some parts not connected. The high-end XA version can be regarded as a 33-bit processor due to the full architecture’s features being enabled, including the entire ISA and object model. A year after the initial i960 release, the CA version would become the world’s first superscalar processor, and as a whole the i960 processor became a popular sight in the US military, also due to the way it worked well with the US-mandated use of the Ada programming language. In a way this fulfilled many of the promises the iAPX 432 had made.

Despite the successes, ultimately the i960 was axed by Intel after it had been neglected for many years in favor of the x86 architecture, until in 2007 the production of i960 processors finally ceased.

(Heading image: The microarchitecture of the i960 XA. FPU is Floating Point Unit. IEU is Instruction Execution Unit. MMU is Memory Management Unit. From the 80960 datasheet.)"


"The i960 KA/KB/MC/XA with the main functional blocks labeled. Click this image (or any other) for a larger version. Die image courtesy of Antoine Bercovici. Floorplan from The 80960 microprocessor architecture."

I would have liked to mess around with an i960. I didn't start getting involved with RISC/PowerPC until 2007ish with IBM Power4's and AIX 5.1.

16 years later and now I work with Power10 and AIX 7.3.
You know, I'm pretty sure I have at least one laying around my house. It was in a management card for an old HP or Dell server. Basically an early BMC, but went into a PCI slot, was super long, and only for network-based control. The 1KB of ram made me giggle.
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You know, I'm pretty sure I have at least one laying around my house. It was in a management card for an old HP or Dell server. Basically an early BMC, but went into a PCI slot, was super long, and only for network-based control. The 1KB of ram made me giggle.
I had an i960 based scsi raid card I’m sure
It's amazing how many general purpose CPUs systems have under the guise of various independent controllers.
Pretty sure z80's and 68000's are STILL being produced and used.

z80 is almost 50 years old.

Bring back memories of writing assembly code on my TI85 in middle school.
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Pretty sure z80's and 68000's are STILL being produced and used.

Z80, yes. 68000, no.

The 680x0 line ended in 1994 with the 68060, and the family offerings were gradually paired back as time went on. NXP (Motorola's chip arm successor) stopped producing the 68000 a number of years ago. NXP also made the 68030, but the 040 and 060 stopped being made in the late 90s IIRC. They were too expensive to produce and the demand was non-existent.

You can still get FPGAs with a 680x0 core though.
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Z80, yes. 68000, no.

The 680x0 line ended in 1994 with the 68060, and the family offerings were gradually paired back as time went on. NXP (Motorola's chip arm successor) stopped producing the 68000 a number of years ago. NXP also made the 68030, but the 040 and 060 stopped being made in the late 90s IIRC. They were too expensive to produce and the demand was non-existent.

You can still get FPGAs with a 680x0 core though.
TI uses the 68000 in the TI89, which is still being made.
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TI uses the 68000 in the TI89, which is still being made.

A product using a 68000 doesn't indicate the 68000 is still in production. The TI89 is also not still being made, it was discontinued back in 2004. The Titanium version is still being made, but it's basically a Voyage 200 in a slightly updated TI 89 case.

TI uses an ASIC SoC with an integrated 68000 for the TI 89 Titanium. You can get MCUs, ASICs and FPGAs with 68000 cores in them all day, but the discrete CPU hasn't been manufactured in a very long time. There might be a second source that manufactures them, but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. Signetics is one example that was a horrible second source for 68000s. Their manufacturing process sucked, which resulted in unstable chips at their rated clock speed.
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Pretty sure z80's and 68000's are STILL being produced and used.

z80 is almost 50 years old.

Bring back memories of writing assembly code on my TI85 in middle school.
I remember the Ti 89 getting banned in the calculus classes. Someone submitted all the right answers on an exam without any work
I remember the Ti 89 getting banned in the calculus classes. Someone submitted all the right answers on an exam without any work

The TI-89 was thankfully not banned in my algebra class, because my teacher had no idea what it was. I was the only one in the class that had a TI-89 thanks to my old man buying it for me, everyone else had school provided TI-83s. I still have that calculator 20 years on.

One really nice feature the 89 had over the 83 was archive memory, that saved my ass countless times. During tests, the teacher would have us clear the program memory and go around to make sure it was. Mine with archive memory could save a copy that was normally hidden, and I could recall it after he checked it.

I was TERRIBLE with algebra, still is. That feature allowed me to barely scrape by in that class. My high school math teacher was terrible, he'd intentionally mix up formulas in confusing ways that did the same thing, and it was hard to remember all of the stupid ways he wanted things done. I made a little program that wrote them down, else I would have never remembered them.