Resident Evil 4 (remake)

In spite of them claiming Ashley would be less of a liability in this one, I found her to be way worse. Probably because they keep staging scenarios where she gets attacked while you're distracted with more powerful enemies. Even when you can tell her to hide, it doesn't work for very long. Either she makes a bunch of noise in the locker or she gets bored and leaves it after a few seconds.
Yeah, like that 'escape the villagers' scene!? LOL, I failed a couple times because I didn't initially shoot any of the villages and it starts you off facing in the direction of Bitores Mendez, so I think I ran towards him accidentally. At the end of that scene, I really wanted to detonate that cart holding the red barrel, struggled to change weapons, then accidentally triggered the cut scene that ended that particular scene.

While I wouldn't say the remake is particularly difficult, I think that the original GC/Wii version was easier... I blame that GD knife nerf.
Yeah, like that 'escape the villagers' scene!? LOL, I failed a couple times because I didn't initially shoot any of the villages and it starts you off facing in the direction of Bitores Mendez, so I think I ran towards him accidentally. At the end of that scene, I really wanted to detonate that cart holding the red barrel, struggled to change weapons, then accidentally triggered the cut scene that ended that particular scene.

While I wouldn't say the remake is particularly difficult, I think that the original GC/Wii version was easier... I blame that GD knife nerf.

That entire sequence is both weird and pointless. You're basically supposed to turn around (why they make you do that I'll never know) and run to the exit. Yet they offer zero clues that you can't fight anything or Ashley will get grabbed and you'll "die." The best approach seems to be to use a flash grenade on the first batch, grab another flash grenade in the shed, shoot the barrel when there's a crowd, and then just keep running. Why that's even in there, I still don't really know. Cheap deaths I guess. Might as well have just made it a cutscene otherwise. With Ashley, my biggest frustrating moment was the battle with the 2 chainsaw wenches. It wouldn't be that bad alone, but she gets captured almost immediately from either locker and you're just taking it from all angles in that fight. There are a couple moments near the end of the game (where she's pulling switches) that are equally annoying. One of them you basically have to sprint straight to her psychically or she'll get captured before you even know what happened.

Difficulty-wise, I think it's pretty challenging on Hardcore. Especially compared the the previous remakes and Village. Whatever RNG or dynamic algorithm they're using to handle damage just doesn't feel right. It's just so damned inconsistent with how many hits things take.
So I'm guessing the only way to get infinite ammo is to complete the game on Professional difficulty? Is this a scam to sell me the DLC to unlock special weapon features?

I'm not sure if they're saying the new sound design is bad, if so, then I think there's a lack of understanding on their part. The original game had good sound for the time, but it lacked dynamic range, which is why the new game seems quiet in comparison. The audio in the remake is miles ahead, if it seems too quiet, then butcher it by setting the game to 'TV mode' and set your TV or audio device to equalize the volume level so it's just noise.

I like the comments about guns being too quiet, seems that comes up in various games. Gotta wonder if people really want guns at their real-world loudness while playing a game where you're constantly shooting guns, because that noise is gonna get old real quick.
So I'm guessing the only way to get infinite ammo is to complete the game on Professional difficulty? Is this a scam to sell me the DLC to unlock special weapon features?

You can do it I believe in you 😎👉👉
So I'm guessing the only way to get infinite ammo is to complete the game on Professional difficulty? Is this a scam to sell me the DLC to unlock special weapon features?
It's just a reward for completing a challenge. Most RE games do this kind of thing. It's more manageable than RE2 remake, where you had to complete No Way Out by firing fewer than 60 handgun bullets to unlock the cat ears. It's extremely difficult to manage the weapon drops in that mode while trying to last 15-20 minutes of relentless enemy waves. If you screw up you need to start all over again. It took me around 6 hours of non-stop grinding just to complete it normally the first time, so I never went for the cat ears.
So I'm guessing the only way to get infinite ammo is to complete the game on Professional difficulty? Is this a scam to sell me the DLC to unlock special weapon features?

So, there's more to it than that. You have to complete it on Professional with an S+ rank. That means you won the game in under 5 and half hours with 15 saves or less. It's basically a speed run on the highest difficulty with almost zero help along the way. All so you can get an item that you're clearly so good that you'll never want/need. Hopefully they'll eventually change that requirement. They tweaked a couple other unlocks so you can get 'em in other ways, so you never know. For what it's worth, they definitely aren't selling you anything. At least not yet.
So, there's more to it than that. You have to complete it on Professional with an S+ rank. That means you won the game in under 5 and half hours with 15 saves or less. It's basically a speed run on the highest difficulty with almost zero help along the way. All so you can get an item that you're clearly so good that you'll never want/need. Hopefully they'll eventually change that requirement. They tweaked a couple other unlocks so you can get 'em in other ways, so you never know. For what it's worth, they definitely aren't selling you anything. At least not yet.
You can use any bonus items and weapons to unlock the cat ears. You just can't do it on NG+, which locks out the infinite rocket launcher.
Sounds like they definitely make you work for it. If I remember correctly, you could just farm money in RE5 to fully upgrade everything.
Sounds like they definitely make you work for it. If I remember correctly, you could just farm money in RE5 to fully upgrade everything.
Yes, farming lickers in that long corridor to farm Lion Hearts for money.
I definitely preferred the RE8 method of once you fully upgrade any weapon you can unlock unlimited ammo for it using CP.
Resident Evil 4 Remake update 1.05 released

After installing the 1.04 patch, various Xbox players reported shimmering and aliasing issues alongside blurry visuals in both the game's Performance and Resolution mode...from the looks of it, the new 1.05 update for Resident Evil 4 Remake does address some of these reported issues for Xbox Series X players

the official release notes mentions fixes for changes that were made via the 1.04 update...included fixes on Xbox Series X include changes to the graphics rendering process as well fixes to the stick dead zone...
I am enjoying this one, but this is really an action game and not a horror game. Seemed like there was no explanation for what happened after RE2/3 which was odd. Yes there was a 60 second or so summary, but that is kind of odd seeing how number 2 ended. Having zero technical issues, just extremely minor stutter when opening doors if you run around too quickly.
Seemed like there was no explanation for what happened after RE2/3 which was odd. Yes there was a 60 second or so summary, but that is kind of odd seeing how number 2 ended.
The events between RE2 and RE4 are explained in other games.
  • CODE: Veronica explains what happened to Claire
  • Umbrella Chronicles explains the various BOW terrorist attacks around the world in the intervening years, the downfall of Umbrella, and the formation of the BSAA with Jill's and Chris' first mission in Russia
  • One part in Revelations explains the events that led to the UN taking over the BSAA
  • The Japanese DVD movie Incubate explains what happened to the village featured in RE4
I enjoyed Resident Babysitter 4. It was a brainless action flick that takes itself too seriously in a corny B rated action movie kind of a way. Gameplay was fine except for the baby sitting (which wasn't that bad) and the regen enemies which pissed me off to no end. End boss fight was a bit of a slog but not too bad once you learnt the attacks. I give it a solid 8.5/10.

There were some chapters which were extremely drawn out and I ran away from one boss that I couldn't kill in one of the chapters (where you wait for elevator) but other than that, dandy! Uninstalled. Got my 30 bucks worth.
In the original Resident Evil 4 it started with a cutscene that was like "Yeah Umbrella is gone now k bye" so even if still bad it's not different than the original/original way things played out in that sense
The events between RE2 and RE4 are explained in other games.
  • CODE: Veronica explains what happened to Claire
  • Umbrella Chronicles explains the various BOW terrorist attacks around the world in the intervening years, the downfall of Umbrella, and the formation of the BSAA with Jill's and Chris' first mission in Russia
  • One part in Revelations explains the events that led to the UN taking over the BSAA
  • The Japanese DVD movie Incubate explains what happened to the village featured in RE4

Thanks. I assume those entries came out between the main numbered releases. I just checked the dates, apparently a 6 year gap between 3 and 4. That must explain it. Still, a better recap video would have been nice. I assume a lot of people even back then might have missed the other games.
I didn't like the first 3 RE games, so I liked that RE4 was a totally clean break and had little to do with them minus a few recurring characters. Being able to jump in and know that I'm simply trying to rescue Ashley worked for me.
Thanks. I assume those entries came out between the main numbered releases. I just checked the dates, apparently a 6 year gap between 3 and 4. That must explain it. Still, a better recap video would have been nice. I assume a lot of people even back then might have missed the other games.
CODE: Veronica is the only one that came out before 4. The Umbrella Chronicles came out between 4 & 5. I never played the latter because I'm not a big fan of rail shooters. I'd love to revisit it with the appropriate hardware, though, like PS Move on the PS3 or Wiimote on the Wii.
If you like when Resident Evil turns into an overly complicated mess of a B-movie plot where everyone is just quoting Dante's Inferno at each other every other second and you have no idea what's going on - play Revelations 1 👌

It's the most old school feeling of the modern games IMO (before 2 Remake came out), just have to forgive the fact it's originally a Nintendo 3DS game, so it's very 'simple' in terms of models and textures and maps. And also it's broken up into chapters because of its mobile origins, which sucks when you get into things and it suddenly ends on you lol

There's also 2 of the dumbest, most annoying characters in Resident Evil history - but I swear it's a good one. Good music, spooky atmosphere (the ship) and first go around you'll usually have trouble with enough ammo that things can get tense

Also the last boss is a PITA in a 'git gud' way - and then you unlock all levels for RAID mode when you beat the game 🤩

Also Conan O'brien is in the game


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It was a brainless action flick that takes itself too seriously in a corny B rated action movie kind of a way. .

That is kind of how I feel. To me, number 2 Remake was a bit more believable in terms of set up. I wish they would remake 1, but seems like they already did many years ago and I doubt they will remake a game twice.
I'm pretty late to the party, bought a code off of someone from the forums here. If you can run resizeable bar on your machine I got roughtly 20-30 percent more performance in this game running it. I thought my performance was way off using a 7900 XTX, turns out I'm just a dumb dumb. Game is great so far but I'm barely into it at all. We'll see if it's as good as I remember on the Gamecube and Wii. Wii was my favorite version because of the motion controls and aiming. I'd love to play this in VR, but I'm not buying a PS 5 and PSVR 2.
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Just wanted to point something out I haven't really seen addressed around here and I'm noticing for myself having just received a copy of the game. I noticed my performance was a bit low compared to the benchmarks I watched of my current video card (7900 XTX) at 4K. It turns out, toggling HDR on causes GPU load to take a major hit.

With HDR on I'm getting 70-90 frames and hitting anywhere from 64 percent utilization to 80 percent utilization.

After doing this, shut HDR off in the settings menu and exit the game. Turn HDR off on your monitor, then relaunch the game. You'll notice once you're in the game GPU utilization will stay pegged at 100 percent, and you'll get roughly a 30-40 FPS increase in performance. How has this not been widely mentioned by the community and not addressed in a patch? I would think enough people would have seen this behaviour and complained about it by now but I supposed that's not the case.

Does capcom have a support forum to request bugfixes or is RE4 in its final state and I'm out of luck? It's still playable but it's honestly odd to me to choose between higher frame rates and HDR due to a weird bug.
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Just wanted to point something out I haven't really seen addressed around here and I'm noticing for myself having just received a copy of the game. I noticed my performance was a bit low compared to the benchmarks I watched of my current video card (7900 XTX) at 4K. It turns out, toggling HDR on causes GPU load to take a major hit.

With HDR on I'm getting 70-90 frames and hitting anywhere from 64 percent utilization to 80 percent utilization.

After doing this, shut HDR off in the settings menu and exit the game. Turn HDR off on your monitor, then relaunch the game. You'll notice once you're in the game GPU utilization will stay pegged at 100 percent, and you'll get roughly a 30-40 FPS increase in performance. How has this not been widely mentioned by the community and not addressed in a patch? I would think enough people would have seen this behaviour and complained about it by now but I supposed that's not the case.

Does capcom have a support forum to request bugfixes or is RE4 in its final state and I'm out of luck? It's still playable but it's honestly odd to me to choose between higher frame rates and HDR due to a weird bug.

I believe someone else mentioned this somewhere else in this thread, or maybe on the Steam forums. HDR shouldn't impact performance (in theory), but it definitely can if that toggle is also triggering other things.
The interesting thing about the RE4 remake is that it doesn't have an internal HDR toggle. It uses the built-in Windows HDR implementation. Their other HDR-enable titles (like Village) handle it themselves.
Yeah HDR should affect performance like AF x16 should affect performance - nonexistent in practical terms today in age - on a low end card like a GT 1030 you might see a single digit % performance hit from HDR at times
According to DF tech video.. This game has broken RTX and it's actually recommended to leave it off cause the game looks better... Anyways just curious if RTX was ever fixed..
According to DF tech video.. This game has broken RTX and it's actually recommended to leave it off cause the game looks better... Anyways just curious if RTX was ever fixed..
RTX != ray tracing

Ray tracing was never broken. There was just general issues with the lighting in the game that were not due to ray tracing, such as lighting on hair. They were not fixed on launch, but they have been in patches.
According to DF tech video.. This game has broken RTX and it's actually recommended to leave it off cause the game looks better... Anyways just curious if RTX was ever fixed..
The ray tracing works but I think it's only reflections.

Just an update on the HDR performance decline thing. I sent a support request to Capcom and they're actually in contact with me and giving me some back and forth things to do. I basically am just sucking them off in the emails to see if I can get the bug resolved. Someone suggested to me that there's an issue running HDR over Displayport using DSC and if I ran my monitor over the HDMI 2.1 port I wouldn't see the GPU pull back so hard in terms of utilization. Can anyone confirm this? Once I leave work today I'm going to test it and post results.

Edit: So this hypothesis is total bullshit, it's broken over HDMI 2.1. I used a solid HDMI 2.1 Anker cable. Same result, low GPU Utilization in HDR. Very strange to me the PCGaming community in general (especially on reddit) failed to notice this issue.
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RE4 Remake is the first RE game that has HDR just work properly for me, the past RE games always had some odd issue where you have to toggle HDR or mess with the HDR brightness slider to make it work. I'm running on an RTX3090 through DisplayPort and haven't noticed any performance issues running HDR.

Based on monitor reviews, there's something different about how AMD and Nvidia handle HDR, so I wonder if it's an AMD driver bug.
Just an update on the HDR performance decline thing. I sent a support request to Capcom and they're actually in contact with me and giving me some back and forth things to do. I basically am just sucking them off in the emails to see if I can get the bug resolved. Someone suggested to me that there's an issue running HDR over Displayport using DSC and if I ran my monitor over the HDMI 2.1 port I wouldn't see the GPU pull back so hard in terms of utilization. Can anyone confirm this? Once I leave work today I'm going to test it and post results.

Edit: So this hypothesis is total bullshit, it's broken over HDMI 2.1. I used a solid HDMI 2.1 Anker cable. Same result, low GPU Utilization in HDR. Very strange to me the PCGaming community in general (especially on reddit) failed to notice this issue.
4k 144hz over DP with DSC here and HDR is still working flawlessly.

The vast majority of PC gamers are still stuck in SDR, and clearly people having issues with HDR are outliers. So it shouldn't be surprising that the "PCGaming community in general failed to notice this issue".

Have you tried running the game with HDR disabled in Windows, but enabled in game? RE3r (and presumably RE2r) would have broken/blown out HDR if you enabled HDR in Windows AND in game. RE4r fixed that in my experience, but it's worth a shot.
4k 144hz over DP with DSC here and HDR is still working flawlessly.

The vast majority of PC gamers are still stuck in SDR, and clearly people having issues with HDR are outliers. So it shouldn't be surprising that the "PCGaming community in general failed to notice this issue".

Have you tried running the game with HDR disabled in Windows, but enabled in game? RE3r (and presumably RE2r) would have broken/blown out HDR if you enabled HDR in Windows AND in game. RE4r fixed that in my experience, but it's worth a shot.
I'm not aruging that HDR doesn't work, it will lower your GPU utilization below 100 percent. Run Rivatuner or GPU-Z and watch.

Do the following:
1. Run the game with HDR off, watch GPU Utilization.
2. Run the game with HDR on, watch GPU Utilization / load (in gpu z).

It will be 100 percent with HDR off, and be anywhere from 65 percent to 80 percent with HDR on. It is not working flawlessly. You're running a 4090 so it may be irrelevant if your monitor is maxed out regardless.
RE4 Remake is the first RE game that has HDR just work properly for me, the past RE games always had some odd issue where you have to toggle HDR or mess with the HDR brightness slider to make it work. I'm running on an RTX3090 through DisplayPort and haven't noticed any performance issues running HDR.

Based on monitor reviews, there's something different about how AMD and Nvidia handle HDR, so I wonder if it's an AMD driver bug.
Try as listed above and LMK. I'm in contact with Capcom support. I sent them a video of it.
I'm not aruging that HDR doesn't work, it will lower your GPU utilization below 100 percent. Run Rivatuner or GPU-Z and watch.

Do the following:
1. Run the game with HDR off, watch GPU Utilization.
2. Run the game with HDR on, watch GPU Utilization / load (in gpu z).

It will be 100 percent with HDR off, and be anywhere from 65 percent to 80 percent with HDR on. It is not working flawlessly. You're running a 4090 so it may be irrelevant if your monitor is maxed out regardless.

Loading into my current NG+ save file at the beginning of the game, I'm completely GPU bottlenecked. HDR on and HDR off both result in 99% GPU utilization and 122 fps.
Loading into my current NG+ save file at the beginning of the game, I'm completely GPU bottlenecked. HDR on and HDR off both result in 99% GPU utilization and 122 fps.
Nice! Thanks for that. So maybe it is an AMD thing. Maybe I can write them as well. Either way, I'm playing the game but I do have HDR off. I'd much rather play 90-120 fps than 60-90
Nice! Thanks for that. So maybe it is an AMD thing. Maybe I can write them as well. Either way, I'm playing the game but I do have HDR off. I'd much rather play 90-120 fps than 60-90

I'd choose 60 with more eye candy, but higher FPS means better egg targeting so yeah hard to pick :p
I'd choose 60 with more eye candy, but higher FPS means better egg targeting so yeah hard to pick :p
I'm able to run with RT on as well, the reflections look nice so I'll take it. Surprised they don't do any other RT effects, this game would shine with RTGI. HDR on my screen is a decent upgrade for sure but it isn't the end of the world. I forgot how much I loved this game back in 2005-7 when I used to play it all the time. I've owned at least 4 different copies now (Gamecube, Wii, PC, PC Remake).
I'm able to run with RT on as well, the reflections look nice so I'll take it. Surprised they don't do any other RT effects, this game would shine with RTGI. HDR on my screen is a decent upgrade for sure but it isn't the end of the world. I forgot how much I loved this game back in 2005-7 when I used to play it all the time. I've owned at least 4 different copies now (Gamecube, Wii, PC, PC Remake).
Only versions I've never owned are the PS2 version and Oculus VR version. I have played the PS2 version on PCSX2, though. The PS2 version always looked like trash, to me. Aside from the extra content it is overall a huge downgrade from the Gamecube version. The only version worse than the PS2 version is the original PC version.
I only played RE remake and 0 on the GameCube - didn't play 4 until the HD Remaster release on Steam in 2014 - took me a while to even acknowledge non-zombie RE games :p