[Rumour] PS5 Pro dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months


Sep 28, 2018
Insider Gaming has previously revealed that Sony does have a PlayStation 5 Pro in development. Our report in March was dismissed as being inaccurate by many when it was first reported and although the PlayStation 5 Pro could be canceled at any given time, Insider Gaming can report with a 100% degree of certainty that the PlayStation 5 Pro is currently in development.

Whilst we cannot report on any more specifics at this time, we understand that the first dev kit prototypes will be going to 1st party developers within the next couple of months, with 3rd party developers receiving them by the end of the year.

Expected Release Date: Q4 2024 (Tentative)
Not very surprising. After the success of the PS4 Pro, I think Sony sees the value of a mid-cycle refresh to keep more enthusiast gamers satiated through a console generation’s lifespan.
I’m curious if they would roll with Zen4 and RDNA3.
Yeah, if you want a loud console, run a PS4 Pro.
Hah, yeah mine was super loud until I re-pasted it with some Arctic Silver so I could play TLoU Part 2 in peace. The fan never went into hair dryer mode after that.
I’m curious if they would roll with Zen4 and RDNA3.
I would think they'd be beholden to Zen 2 still for the CPU for the games to easily scale from the base consoles, just like the previous gen consoles had to stick with the Jaguar cores for their upgraded consoles despite the CPU really bottlenecking games on that gen and being the main reason many games couldn't run at 60 FPS no matter how low they lowered the resolution.

But I don't see any upgraded consoles happening anytime soon this generation. With how long they've stretched the overlap supporting last gen consoles and how little most games are really taking advantage of current gen hardware still, and no new standardized TV resolution being mainstream anytime soon like 4K was when the Pro/X consoles launched last gen, it's just not warranted nearly as much at the moment. We're just now getting some games that are finally dropping the previous gen consoles too, but many are still to come and I'm sure devs are already hurting trying to support 7-8 different variations (base PS4, Xbone, PS4 Pro, Xbone X, PS5, XSS, XSX, and Switch if it's supported) of consoles with differing hardware.

If anything I'd be more excited for a smaller/slim console, as I travel a decent bit and sometimes like to bring my PS5 with me to some places and that thing just takes a stupid amount of space in anything you put it in. Acoustics on it are great though at least, I never hear it outside of the optical drive ramping up when you have a disc in it and turn it on.
Yar, not really seeing the need for a 'PS5 Pro' but I'm sure it'll sell enough to warrant a release. We're only starting to see the PS5 exclusives now (Burning Shores DLC, FF XVI), so it's not like the PS5 has really had a chance to 'stretch its legs'. However, if Sony made a certification process where any title that wants to receive a 'PS5 Enhanced' moniker is required to have a 60fps mode, I'd probably pick one up for that reason. More and more titles are receiving that 60fps performance mode, but if there was a way to increase those titles or 'guarantee' the feature, I'd bite.

I do agree that a smaller/slim console would be great, as I like to bring a console with me when I travel (or night shift) and the larger size of the PS5 makes this cumbersome. Plus, the OG PS5 is kinda ugly - I like how silent it is, and the NVME upgrade path is great but she still looks like a fish.
Hah, yeah mine was super loud until I re-pasted it with some Arctic Silver so I could play TLoU Part 2 in peace. The fan never went into hair dryer mode after that.

I would think they'd be beholden to Zen 2 still for the CPU for the games to easily scale from the base consoles, just like the previous gen consoles had to stick with the Jaguar cores for their upgraded consoles despite the CPU really bottlenecking games on that gen and being the main reason many games couldn't run at 60 FPS no matter how low they lowered the resolution.

But I don't see any upgraded consoles happening anytime soon this generation. With how long they've stretched the overlap supporting last gen consoles and how little most games are really taking advantage of current gen hardware still, and no new standardized TV resolution being mainstream anytime soon like 4K was when the Pro/X consoles launched last gen, it's just not warranted nearly as much at the moment. We're just now getting some games that are finally dropping the previous gen consoles too, but many are still to come and I'm sure devs are already hurting trying to support 7-8 different variations (base PS4, Xbone, PS4 Pro, Xbone X, PS5, XSS, XSX, and Switch if it's supported) of consoles with differing hardware.

If anything I'd be more excited for a smaller/slim console, as I travel a decent bit and sometimes like to bring my PS5 with me to some places and that thing just takes a stupid amount of space in anything you put it in. Acoustics on it are great though at least, I never hear it outside of the optical drive ramping up when you have a disc in it and turn it on.
I agree on the cpu front. I don't know why people think it'll have zen 4 and rdna 3. It's a refresh with a lil more umph not a new generation. As far as your second point. By the time this launches it'll be 4 years since it launched. So time for some kind of update to keep things fresh. On your third point. It's pretty much a sure thing a slim or smaller version of the ps5 is coming soon. It usually takes them about 3 years or so to do it.
The PS4 Pro was able to push quite a few games into 45-60fps territory, which I welcomed with open arms. This time around I don't know if the PS5 really needs that much more horsepower to achieve what I want. The games that aren't pushing 60fps (at least via a mode toggle) are usually busted to begin with. Either way, I'm way less motivated to upgrade this time. Seems like the machine to buy if you don't have a PS5, but I dunno if current owners will care as much.
I agree on the cpu front. I don't know why people think it'll have zen 4 and rdna 3. It's a refresh with a lil more umph not a new generation. As far as your second point. By the time this launches it'll be 4 years since it launched. So time for some kind of update to keep things fresh. On your third point. It's pretty much a sure thing a slim or smaller version of the ps5 is coming soon. It usually takes them about 3 years or so to do it.
You'd think they'd at least try and get more software out. Seems like 4 years of mostly nothing.
You'd think they'd at least try and get more software out. Seems like 4 years of mostly nothing.
That was made very clear in the various filings Sony has been forced to make in their campaign to stop the Microsoft/Activision purchase.

I expect the pro to be about the same with a frequency increase thanks to TSMC node improvements. But there are rumours of it being roughly 2x the performance of the original so who knows. I just know I haven’t turned mine on in Months because all the exclusives I was excited for never came.
Almost all PS5 titles are gimped because they're PS4 games, too. This thing would be a lot more compelling if there were a ton of PS5/Series X titles that needed more "oomph."
Instead we have 95% of titles designed for the PS4 and the PS5 versions of titles are the kicked up versions of those. I'd be a lot more welcoming of a new system if we weren't already just playing boosted PS4 games.
Not very surprising. After the success of the PS4 Pro, I think Sony sees the value of a mid-cycle refresh to keep more enthusiast gamers satiated through a console generation’s lifespan.
The problem here is the PS5 is barely out of diapers, no developer has pushed the system to any kind of conceivable limit, and already we need moar betterz hardware? For what...to play GTAV another 5 years? Witcher III? That new Jedi game that runs at like 14fps? That's not a hardware problem, that's a software problem.
Announcing a Pro Playstation or Xbox at this time would seriously make me consider giving up gaming and going back to my MAME cab...
The problem here is the PS5 is barely out of diapers, no developer has pushed the system to any kind of conceivable limit, and already we need moar betterz hardware? For what...to play GTAV another 5 years? Witcher III? That new Jedi game that runs at like 14fps? That's not a hardware problem, that's a software problem.
Announcing a Pro Playstation or Xbox at this time would seriously make me consider giving up gaming and going back to my MAME cab...
The standard PS4 played games just fine as well, there wasn’t a ‘need’ for the Pro. The Pro was for anyone who wanted more performance and/or graphical fidelity while regular gamers just stuck to their PS4. It would be the same for the PS5.

The article says it would tentatively launch in Q4 2024. That’s still 1.5 years away. The PS5 will be 4 years old at that point and nearing halfway through the console generation. The PS4 Pro came out only 3 years after the launch of the PS4 so this is coming out later in the cycle as well.
The PS5 is freaking silent as is.
To a certain degree yes. I haven't looked recently, but my general understanding from the construction of PS5 was that the cooling was built inefficiently.

Though I wasn't aware until doing these searches that there was an internal update on PS5, which has fixed some of these problems.

It is also... like I said stupidly huge. Okay, not loud? Fine. But it's definitely not a 'perfect' design in its current state either. I'd like to get a PS5 eventually, but this first gen behemoth I definitely do not want. Smaller, faster, quieter (even with push back on this, that is what thermal efficiency is) is what I'd want in a Pro+Slim.
The standard PS4 played games just fine as well, there wasn’t a ‘need’ for the Pro. The Pro was for anyone who wanted more performance and/or graphical fidelity while regular gamers just stuck to their PS4. It would be the same for the PS5.

The article says it would tentatively launch in Q4 2024. That’s still 1.5 years away. The PS5 will be 4 years old at that point and nearing halfway through the console generation. The PS4 Pro came out only 3 years after the launch of the PS4 so this is coming out later in the cycle as well.
Fair Points...but...

The PS4 Pro arguably didn't deliver much over the PS4, we went from a rock solid 1080p/30 machine to a 1440p checker-boarded up to 4k 30fps machine for the most part, with a few extra bells and whistles tossed in. The Xbox One X was a more noticeable improvement over the (admittedly gimped) Xbox One Potato. But also worth mentioning because it was a significant selling point: These systems came out when 4K TV's were literally replacing 1080p sets as the go-to standard, and 1080p upscaled to a big 4K display *could look crappy* depending on how fancy the AA tech being used was handling the scenes. You could argue....the bump to 4k native or 1440p checkerboarding on the Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro had more value there, making a mid-season $500 hit seem 'more worthwhile'....less like a "WTF?" and more like a "Ok I want this now and don't want to wait another 5 years because LOOK AT THAT 4K IMAGE!". (Which was, admittedly, impressive....)

So then flash forward to today: Both current systems do 4k/30 fairly effortlessly (PS5, XSX) unless the software developers and publishers are phoning it in, anyhow (See: Jedi Game, see...Redfall...seriously..)......there are almost no new AAA games coming out in the near future that I can name off-hand..........and nobody seems to be rushing-out to buy 8K sets which are not taking over anything anywhere........so why would we need a mid-season refresh this time around, when the core hardware isn't even being taxed yet? There's basically no incentive to upgrade. I can't think of any unless we bring in *more* B.S. marketing like "Ray Tracing, Path Tracing and 120fps standard!" which, we all know from history, will be utter nonsense in the final delivered product.

The only thing I can really think might motivate this change, besides "just doing it to see who bites besides scalpers"......is if the developers out there are saying the APU's in both current gen systems are just plain not enough to handle Unreal Engine 5 and similar-tech real next-gen engine based games, and the Devs and probably Game Publishers are unwilling to risk spending a billion dollars on a game that takes 5 years to develop and PERFECT with constant code-efficiencies just to find an audience that goes "Meh, we'll wait till its on sale". And so developers are going "Look...you want us to make UE5 games, gives us better hardware now because we're not willing to spend the money or time developing games anymore".
Its a stretch but...its what popped into my mind. More hardware power means shorter optimization times for developers working on these uber-titles.....dunno, could be true <shrug>
I'm not so sure this will be a "Pro" version of the console. This will probably just be a "slim" model with efficiency upgrades. Recall that the PS3 went through around 5-6 refreshes and 2 die shrinks without performance improvements, with both a slim and super slim model. We know the PS5 has already had at least one hardware refresh without a reduction in form factor.
That was made very clear in the various filings Sony has been forced to make in their campaign to stop the Microsoft/Activision purchase.

I expect the pro to be about the same with a frequency increase thanks to TSMC node improvements. But there are rumours of it being roughly 2x the performance of the original so who knows. I just know I haven’t turned mine on in Months because all the exclusives I was excited for never came.
Those rumors sound optimistic. Hopefully Sony will work on improving the cooler design if or when they push out an upgrade system.
Yes, we are. We certainly are not on console-equivalent hardware, though.
This whole discussion is symmantics. 4K/60 is not where 95%+ of PC gamers live in ultra on every title, and it’s not where consoles will live either. Technically possible? In cherry picked scenarios or less than ultra graphics, sure.
This whole discussion is symmantics. 4K/60 is not where 95%+ of PC gamers live in ultra on every title, and it’s not where consoles will live either. Technically possible? In cherry picked scenarios or less than ultra graphics, sure.
Your post was a blanket statement, which would be applicable to consoles. The fact is that it is possible with PC hardware beyond 60 FPS at UHD 4K resolution while it is not on consoles without severe compromises.
Your post was a blanket statement, which would be applicable to consoles. The fact is that it is possible with PC hardware beyond 60 FPS at UHD 4K resolution while it is not on consoles without severe compromises.
Yours is also.

There are zero cards capable of running Cyperpunk 2077 with path tracing at 4K/60. All we’re doing is arguing semantics and cherry picking.

Edit: I’ll wait for your response stating: well we can with “most” games.
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I agree on the cpu front. I don't know why people think it'll have zen 4 and rdna 3. It's a refresh with a lil more umph not a new generation. As far as your second point. By the time this launches it'll be 4 years since it launched. So time for some kind of update to keep things fresh. On your third point. It's pretty much a sure thing a slim or smaller version of the ps5 is coming soon. It usually takes them about 3 years or so to do it.
I said I wonder with zen 4 and rdna 3 😂. The Pros of last gen still had issues with CPU performance (granted it was jaguar cores).
I'm not so sure this will be a "Pro" version of the console. This will probably just be a "slim" model with efficiency upgrades. Recall that the PS3 went through around 5-6 refreshes and 2 die shrinks without performance improvements, with both a slim and super slim model. We know the PS5 has already had at least one hardware refresh without a reduction in form factor.
would a PS3 being on that cell processor system made for an upgrade cycle to be a much bigger deal ?

The console screamed for more ram, but changing that variable make it harder to keep game dev similar.

Going for a ps5 pro that simply as a stronger GPU and a bit more CPU can make for very similar game dev and experience, just playing the latest game in 1080-1200p/60 fps mode instead of 30 fps mode, able to do 1440p-60 more often in performance mode, etc....
would a PS3 being on that cell processor system made for an upgrade cycle to be a much bigger deal ?

The console screamed for more ram, but changing that variable make it harder to keep game dev similar.

Going for a ps5 pro that simply as a stronger GPU and a bit more CPU can make for very similar game dev and experience, just playing the latest game in 1080-1200p/60 fps mode instead of 30 fps mode, able to do 1440p-60 more often in performance mode, etc....
That’s the way I see it too. Basically just push up both the performance and fidelity modes on the console.

It would be nice if RT was more prevalent on Pro, which could be “easy” on an engine like UE5 where software vs hardware RT could split the difference between models but for basically every other engine that would be likely too time consuming.
I said I wonder with zen 4 and rdna 3 😂. The Pros of last gen still had issues with CPU performance (granted it was jaguar cores).
Missed having those discussions about the Jaguar CPU bottleneck on the PS4 consoles, those were fun times.
The modern consoles could do with more unified RAM at this point as well, though, especially considering the huge need for VRAM in games now for higher res textures and ray tracing.


a PlayStation 5 Pro is in development and it’s codenamed ‘Trinity’.

as of writing, the PlayStation 5 Pro is in development and is targeting a November 2024 release date.

Despite dates being tentative, it’s understood that demo events for the PS5 Pro are already ongoing, with the majority of studios receiving development kits by late November 2023.

sources have stated that Trinity with have 30 WGP and 18000mts memory.

As for the consoles performance targets and as to be expected, the PlayStation 5 Pro will be targeting improved and consistent FPS at 4K resolution, a new ‘performance mode’ for 8K resolution, and accelerated ray tracing.

But I don't see any upgraded consoles happening anytime soon this generation.
It's probably a ps5 slim. People hear words of a new ps5 dev-kit and they instantly flood the internet with ps5 pro rumors. It might be, but seems very unlikely.
It's probably a ps5 slim. People hear words of a new ps5 dev-kit and they instantly flood the internet with ps5 pro rumors. It might be, but seems very unlikely.
Possible that the leaker (Tom Henderson) confused slim & pro. Or maybe not !

For what its worth, the AMD SoC/APU is codenamed "viola"


a PlayStation 5 Pro is in development and it’s codenamed ‘Trinity’.

as of writing, the PlayStation 5 Pro is in development and is targeting a November 2024 release date.

Despite dates being tentative, it’s understood that demo events for the PS5 Pro are already ongoing, with the majority of studios receiving development kits by late November 2023.

sources have stated that Trinity with have 30 WGP and 18000mts memory.

As for the consoles performance targets and as to be expected, the PlayStation 5 Pro will be targeting improved and consistent FPS at 4K resolution, a new ‘performance mode’ for 8K resolution, and accelerated ray tracing.

30 wgp = 60 CU

CPU liklely to be zen2 to maintain compatability with PS5
GPU likely RDNA 3+ because it is more power efficient

Rumour is that Sony's patented hardware RT could be part of RDNA 4 & this tech might be present in PS5 pro
New rumour dropped from RGT.

Good news is that there is tweet summary. No need to watch videos:

Config is *probably*
  • Zen 2 @ 4Ghz@ 8C
  • 30WGP RDNA 3.5 Hybrid 2.5-2.8Ghz (more next tweet)
  • 16GB GDDR6 @ 18gbps???
  • (dedicated) DDR5 for OS
  • Numerous other improvements

Old info was zen 4, but probably incorrect based on latest info. Might have been a very very early considered design, IDK.

I've heard so much mixed info on GPU IPs. There's maybe some RDNA 2 elements for back compat.

GPU seems a bit like what AMD are doing for Strix Point / SARLAK APUs, with a lot of custom sony work.

Clocks for GPU (and CPU) aren't final.


Take with necessary salt until sony announces (as RGT keeps changing the specs in each rumour)
I hope they make it a small sleek form factor. PS5 shape sucks. Loved PS4 Pro.
Well Sony did unveil the PS5 Slim this week. Not as exciting as a "Pro." Overall it's just smaller and lighter than the original, includes 1TB SSDs in both models, and the BRD drive is detachable and sold separately for folks who purchased the digital console. Digital console is also $50 more expensive than the outgoing model. Everything else seems to point to the same specs as the previous models...