China preparing an antitrust investigation into Google


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"Chinese regulators will be looking at examples set by their peers in Europe and in India if it proceeds with the antitrust investigation, the first source said.

“China will also look at what other countries have done, including holding inquiries with Google executives,” said the person.

The second source added that one learning point would be how fines are levied based on a firm’s global revenues rather than local revenues.

The European Union fined Google 4.3 billion euros ($5.1 billion) in 2018 over anticompetitive practices, including forcing phone makers to pre-install Google apps on Android devices and blocking them from using rivals to Google’s Android and search engine.

That decision prompted Google to give European users more choice over default search tools and giving handset makers more leeway to use competing systems.

Indian authorities are looking into allegations that Google is abusing its market position to unfairly promote its mobile payments app."
The most important sentence of the entire article.

The case was proposed by telecommunications equipment giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd last year and has been submitted by the country’s top market regulator to the State Council’s antitrust committee for review, they added.

This is nothing but a tantrum as retaliation for getting busted.
The big tech giants need to be broken up entirely, not just taxed/fined by foreign entities that really just want some free money and protection for their own tech companies. Throw in some free-speech platform laws as well, since many of them are trying to become king-makers and influence elections.
Eh? Who gives a shit what China thinks. Does google even have a presence in china? If it does it probably heavily censored and restricted by the government.
The most important sentence of the entire article.

This is nothing but a tantrum as retaliation for getting busted.

no actually it's not.. it's actually a lot more complicated then that. you're also ignoring that it was proposed over a year ago. this has more to do with their inhouse store app that they wanted to include on their phones outside of china. governments work slow when it comes to this shit and china's no different then the rest of the world so it's no surprise it's just now starting to be talked about.

Eh? Who gives a shit what China thinks. Does google even have a presence in china? If it does it probably heavily censored and restricted by the government.

they have a very large presence in china, same with apple.
no actually it's not.. it's actually a lot more complicated then that. you're also ignoring that it was proposed over a year ago. this has more to do with their inhouse store app that they wanted to include on their phones outside of china. governments work slow when it comes to this shit and china's no different then the rest of the world so it's no surprise it's just now starting to be talked about.

they have a very large presence in china, same with apple.

When did Huawei submit this request? You said it was over a year ago, which is when action to ban them in the US started.


The article states that this was because of the US ban. Unless I'm interpreting the word "follows" wrong, in this context.

Eh? Who gives a shit what China thinks. Does google even have a presence in china? If it does it probably heavily censored and restricted by the government.

Yes all that censorship really really eats into the profits.... ya I guess not.

The multi nationals don't have morals, they are not people.