Blackmagic casually announces 12K URSA Mini Pro Camera


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"According to Blackmagic:

“Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 12K is a revolution in digital film with a 12,288 x 6480 12K Super 35 sensor and 14 stops of dynamic range, built into the award winning URSA Mini body. The combination of 80 megapixels per frame, new color science and the flexibility of Blackmagic RAW makes working with 12K a reality. Oversampling from 12K gives you the best 8K and 4K images with the subtle skin tones and extraordinary detail of high end still cameras. You can shoot at 60 fps in 12K, 110 fps in 8K and up to 220 fps in 4K Super 16. URSA Mini Pro 12K features an interchangeable PL mount, as well as built in ND filters, dual CFast and UHS‑II SD card recorders, a SuperSpeed USB‑C expansion port and more. DaVinci Resolve Studio is included for creative control through post from editing to color, VFX and more!”"
This is going to be unaffordable for even the mid level professional however, what I see is that it will enable lossless down conversion from 12k to 8 and 4k because of the super high pixel densitiy to begin with.
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What Sony censor did they pay for access to...?
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I would argue that Blackmagic Design is next to Arri in color

I would buy that, but I haven't witnessed it yet. When its comparable though Arri is toast. I'd hate to be RED right now, cuz this is a way better workflow than RED.

RED ARRI and Sony will be leaning hard into Large Format.
I would buy that, but I haven't witnessed it yet. When its comparable though Arri is toast. I'd hate to be RED right now, cuz this is a way better workflow than RED.

RED ARRI and Sony will be leaning hard into Large Format.
Those are good points. And yeah, they will. Arri is coming out with a S35 4K next year though so that will be interesting.

Have you tried the 12K files on Blackmagic Design's site?
Those are good points. And yeah, they will. Arri is coming out with a S35 4K next year though so that will be interesting.

Have you tried the 12K files on Blackmagic Design's site?

Not yet, but I will be ordering several of these cameras for a documentary project sight unseen. I know their gear super well. I want to shoot anamorphic for Netflix, with maybe 8k for an NHK tie-in. Not other options are remotely budget friendly. I can manage any Decklink weirdness. Prior to this announcement it was a toss up with their cinema cameras, URSA G2's and Kinemax gear which is even sketchier.
Not yet, but I will be ordering several of these cameras for a documentary project sight unseen. I know their gear super well. I want to shoot anamorphic for Netflix, with maybe 8k for an NHK tie-in. Not other options are remotely budget friendly. I can manage any Decklink weirdness. Prior to this announcement it was a toss up with their cinema cameras, URSA G2's and Kinemax gear which is even sketchier.
I agree! The G2 was an amazing camera. 12K is extremely exciting.
The images are organic, and the colors are amazing.
12k OK cool. What good is this when at the present time 4K isn't even the standard yet? I get it that higher resolution is better for obvious reasons but what is the point of all this really? Here we are where 4K screens for TV and PC are readily available and cheap and still we have barely any native 4K content.
At the end of the day, taco and the likes will watch your 12k movies on walmart $159 1080p TV:D
Don't you mean 4K? LOL A friend just picked up a 55in 4K TV at walmart for $225. I think it was a "Onn" brand or something. It does have Roku built in though and smart features.
Why do we need 4k capable GPUs? Crazy talk. 1080p is fine.

I'm loving the lack of bayering, and the built-in ND filters. Bringing ENG pedigree to cinema cameras. Perfect for doco work
The best thing I see here other than the awesome camera, is the price of it.

12 grand is firmly in the 'prosumer' area.....

Want more super-ultra-high def content ?!!....make the cameras cheap.
RED and Arri are typically out of the price range of avid hobbyists.

If I thought I could ski with this, I'd consider it forsure.

Like Joust said. GoPro size.

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You would ski with 12,000 dollar camera?!(if it were small enough)
Used to do silly stuff with a setup just under half that, best shots sometimes are a risk/reward curve.
Some of the pros have what functions a bit as a roll cage when it comes to a fall. Things still can easily break in optics/mounts though..
Used to do silly stuff with a setup just under half that, best shots sometimes are a risk/reward curve.
Some of the pros have what functions a bit as a roll cage when it comes to a fall. Things still can easily break in optics/mounts though..
Well. Sometimes you only get the one chance.
12k OK cool. What good is this when at the present time 4K isn't even the standard yet? I get it that higher resolution is better for obvious reasons but what is the point of all this really? Here we are where 4K screens for TV and PC are readily available and cheap and still we have barely any native 4K content.

What do you mean barely any native 4k content? There is tons of 4k content available on Blu-ray, Netflix and Amazon. Basically every recent TV show and movie. There's also lot of content on youtube and other streaming sites is 4k. Pretty much everyone's phone shoots in 4k, so even home videos are 4k now. What isn't available in 4k besides old stuff?
Because my DSLR is probably worth the same, and about the same bulk when skiing.

Glass doesn't count and I doubt the body of your camera is anywhere near 12k. At least Nikon and Canon bodies bare reach half that at the top end.
When you are skiing down a 45 degree hill in 2 feet of powder,with it all on your back, glass sure as heck does count.

Used to do silly stuff with a setup just under half that, best shots sometimes are a risk/reward curve.
Some of the pros have what functions a bit as a roll cage when it comes to a fall. Things still can easily break in optics/mounts though..

I've actually skied with a tripod...
The last time I 'tomahawked' while wearing a DSLR it was my buddy's 5DmkII with a 100-400mm 'l' lens.
No damage (got sooo lucky !!!)

Back to topic.

Sweet camera, keep evolving it !!
I have Blackmagic bookmarked.

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