
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
We have previously documented China's social credit system, but a recent report from the National Public Credit Information Centre documents the effect it has had on Chinese citizens and businesses in 2018. The Chinese government has "discredited" 17.46 million people from purchasing plane tickets to travel and restricted another 5.47 million from purchasing high-speed train tickets. In addition to those restrictions, authorities have blocked individuals from "buying premium insurance, wealth management products or real estate, as well as shaming them by exposing their information in public." This pressure to conform encouraged 3.51 million individuals and businesses to pay off taxes, fines, and debts. Some cities rank their citizens on a AAA to D scale where everyone starts out with 1,000 points. There are more than 200 ways to gain or lose points. AAA rated individuals get free medical checkups, free water and other perks.

In villages, "information gatherers" document free labor that is performed by fellow villagers. Spending 8 hours to install a new basketball hoop will net an individual 2 points, while donating a TV to the village meeting room is worth 30 points. Another villager has a son serving in the army which is worth 10 points. These points are accumulated and added to the person's "credit score" and are rewarded with extra "rice, cooking oil and cash rewards from the village committee and are lauded on village bulletin boards as role models." Not taking care of elderly parents or littering will deduct points from their credit scores.

In the lobby of Rongcheng People's Hospital, senior staff member Wang Shuhong said she drove more carefully now because traffic infringements cost not just money but also social credit points. "Many from the general public may not know about it, but we public servants do know. It does have a binding effect on us," she said. According to Wang, applicants must have a ranking of A or above to be hired for permanent positions at public institutions. For contractors, such as security guards, B is a minimum.

Over 3.59 million Chinese enterprises were added to the official creditworthiness blacklist last year, banning them from a series of activities, including bidding on projects, accessing security markets, taking part in land auctions and issuing corporate bonds, according to the 2018 annual report released by the National Public Credit Information Centre.
While it looks nice to outsiders. It encourages people to do good things, but the headroom for abuse is way to big. The fact that someone in government can disagree with you on something and has the power to royally F-up your life by "deducting points from your score" is horrible. That's the beginning of a full on slave society right there.
While it looks nice to outsiders. It encourages people to do good things, but the headroom for abuse is way to big. The fact that someone in government can disagree with you on something and has the power to royally F-up your life by "deducting points from your score" is horrible. That's the beginning of a full on slave society right there.
Disagree with the Communist Party of China? Off you go to a "re-education" camp for some good old fashioned brainwashing complete with a receipt certified your brain has been dry-cleaned, pressed and starched. You'll come out loving your communist overlords in no time. :D
While it looks nice to outsiders. It encourages people to do good things, but the headroom for abuse is way to big. The fact that someone in government can disagree with you on something and has the power to royally F-up your life by "deducting points from your score" is horrible. That's the beginning of a full on slave society right there.
Other than insane people, I'm not sure what outsiders you speak of that any of this looks good too
The most terrifying thing is there are actually people over here in the US that would support that nonsense.

???? It's already here for the most part. Social media is everyone's 'credit score.' Not as overt as China's but folks are judged nonetheless.
???? It's already here for the most part. Social media is everyone's 'credit score.' Not as overt as China's but folks are judged nonetheless.

Well yeah we could say they went full retard on the "credit system" but I don't think it's fair to compare both.
It looks like the "reputation" system from WoW lol.

Anyway, crazy stuff...
Other than insane people, I'm not sure what outsiders you speak of that any of this looks good too
I mean the ways people gain credit points, in doing Good Samaritan type activities its made to "look good to outsiders"
Sorry wasn't able to word it the way I wanted to. :unsure:
We will have the same thing here in 5 years tops. the only difference is it will be integrated in to facebook, and morons will opt in voluntarily instead of having it forced on them just like the idiots that voluntarily give DNA samples to be collected in a database so they can know what % Scotish they are because you know that the sort of thing imbeciles care about .

already trying to make it a reality. I score a 3.5 so apparently im an ok person but not a good person.
Stuff like this makes me think the answer to the Fermi Paradox is "planetary species develop intelligence and technology, and continue to the point they invent the equivalent of the internet, at which point they die out after roughly 50 years..."
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Stuff like this makes me think the answer to the Fermi Paradox is "planetary species develop intelligence and technology, and continue to the point they invent the equivalent of the internet, at which point they die out after roughly 50 years..."

India's population decreased under the caste system? There were plenty of restrictions on purchasing train tickets in 1919. And real estate, shaming, etc.
Want to live a happy life, then do what we tell you. Don't want to do what we tell you, then you have no way to live a happy life. China is building a utopian society of drones.
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So crazy thinking, do think there is a way western society could adopt this somehow without falling into abuse of power cases? I see some merit to something like this, obviously not the way China has decided to roll it out, but perhaps some country can implement it, perhaps only to bring the benefits of a good score, but not drop into the negatives. So we all start at a baseline, if you choose to participate, then there are potential benefits, if you choose not to or your score drops back to the baseline then you just get the same as anyone else who chose not to participate.

Not trying to start any battles, but again i think there is merit to some shade of this.
???? It's already here for the most part. Social media is everyone's 'credit score.' Not as overt as China's but folks are judged nonetheless.

Really, your facebook 'score' will prevent you from buying plane/train tickets or block you from businesses? No..... Who gives a shit about being judged by other peons on facebook, that doesn't effect your real life. It's when the government gets involved and restricts what you can do based on this arbitrary bullshit that it's a problem. It's just creating one more situation where someone has nothing to lose and guess what happens when people reach that state....
So crazy thinking, do think there is a way western society could adopt this somehow without falling into abuse of power cases?

You can't have an exterior system that defines and develops 'morality'. Morality, empathy, and general kindness is a personal journey. The best that social structures can create is a society of politeness.

In the West we are already falling under a trap where we think that adequacy is a form of goodness. "I pay my taxes, I take care of my family, therefore I am a good person." No. You're not a good person, you are merely adequate at meeting the minimum standards for a society. But just like the participation trophies that we give to children, we adults feel we have the right to claim a 'mantle of goodness' to drape over our shoulders because we have met the minimum standards that society expects of us.

Saying all that, it sounds like I am actually advocating a social credit system, something where the government encourages 'goodness' and punishes poor behavior. I'm not - that's a dictatorship, and no one thrives under a system of forced behavior. You don't become a better person under a corrupt system - instead, you learn to resent being forced to do things because they are 'for the good of the community.' The only 'growth' towards 'morality' you will experience under a system of forced behavior is learning what a bad type of governance it is, and maybe accepting the risk and pain of fighting that system.

TL/DR: Kindness is a personal journey. Dictatorships don't work.
I can't roll my eyes hard enough at this...

Really, your facebook 'score' will prevent you from buying plane/train tickets or block you from businesses? No..... Who gives a shit about being judged by other peons on facebook, that doesn't effect your real life. It's when the government gets involved and restricts what you can do based on this arbitrary bullshit that it's a problem. It's just creating one more situation where someone has nothing to lose and guess what happens when people reach that state....

Christ you two are literal. I said not AS OVERT, but you two missed that part. About being judged, are you kidding me? Have you seen the blackface blowback? Think anyone's not been hired because of some FB post of them passed out drunk? It's already here. Doesn't matter if your aware of it.
Christ you two are literal. I said not AS OVERT, but you two missed that part. About being judged, are you kidding me? Have you seen the blackface blowback? Think anyone's not been hired because of some FB post of them passed out drunk? It's already here. Doesn't matter if your aware of it.

I can see your point through this lens - the internet records and keeps everything it is given. A determined person can gain a lot of information from your past, without understanding if it has any relationship to the person you are now.