China's Sex Doll Makers Jump on AI Drive


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
China has been investing billions in the AI market and this includes Chinese Sex Doll companies. Since 2016 WMDOLL has been building sex dolls that have moving eyes, arms, and torsos. The AI in the doll can answer questions though it can't carry on much of a conversation. Further, these dolls appear to have huge....attributes and can be customized. You can get one for $1,470 to $7,350 before the tariffs kick in. Also, I'm sure the AI will most likely improve over time and before you know it they'll be ripping off your junk once they become self-aware. I suspect Skynet will put these to good use. Thanks for letting us know about this cageymaru. Forewarned is forearmed.

“Of course we’re not expecting to make our AI dolls that human-like, after all we’re just making adult products,” said Liu Ding, WMDOLL product manager. “But we will surely add more advanced technologies... for example making the limbs move more naturally.”
Until it decides it is a feminist and terminates itself due to being a sexual object.
Oh, god... the pictures in that article...

This is what it looks like when you hit the floor of the Uncanny Valley at terminal velocity.
Ok, that is nice and all, but can it open a beer for you? ....Wow, I just read that back and realized I am getting old and my priorities in life have changed......
I look forward to these in a few decades, will be a fun time indeed... Also, it'd be interesting to see what would happen to the dating market if cheap , high quality robot sex is widely available. Tough times for women ahead, they'll lose their natural advantage over men, controlling the supply of sex.
The head isn’t on backwards. Once you bend her over the mouth and vag are both near each other and you can go from one hole to the other easier. Is that how that works????
$1,470 to $7,350??? You're freaking kidding me.

Right now and for $19.99 (plus shipping and tax), you can order a Fatty Patty Jumbo Blow-Up Doll from Spencer's equipped with all the important attributes. Unlike WMDOLL's ware, Fatty Patty doesn't talk back (a possible plus when it comes to some females), and storing her deflated in her original packaging takes up about as much room as an old video cassette. That and a family sized box of ultra absorbent Kleenex tissues, and you're all set for a tiny fraction of what the WMDOLL costs.

And for the ladies of the house (or the guys whose preferences lean the other way):

If I were so inclined to make a purchase like this, I would not want it to have AI unless it is only used to make the experience better. I don't want the thing talking or remembering anything that happened. (Sounds a bit creepy when typed like this...)
The AI in the doll can answer questions though it can't carry on much of a conversation.
If you're buying a doll for scintillating conversation, maybe you're shopping in the wrong place. I've never been with a woman who I thought would be improved by having her talk more. Less is better.
Asking for a friend... do they have a US site? Also for a friend, do they have support for English?
^as above. From Bobby Slayton's routine, on how a woman can make a guy happy: "Feed me, fuck me, and shut the fuck up". When a woman wants to punish her mate, she gives him the silent treatment. That never works. Men love silence.
The head's on backwards.
That's so you can look at her better during doggie or exorcist style (green vomit and glowing eyes costs extra for the latter).

If they want realistic discussion, I can offer some simple sentences for them, from the most common things that women say. Let's start out with,
'I do'. Then comes the real stuff.
'I have nothing to wear' (I got hit for replying, 'that's what I want you to wear')
'I have a headache; do it yourself'
'If you don't know what you did, I'm certainly not going to tell you'
'When are you going to start making some real money? I thought you were ambitious. All you do is sit around the house playing video games. '
'You're at work all the time, what about me?'
'Pick up your clothes, the house is a mess'
'Ewww, you stink. Go take a shower'
I'm tired of this look, let's redecorate the house'
'Which color do you like better' followed by, 'I like the other one better'
'Not in the ass'
'Don't come in my mouth'
'You're disgusting'
'You're not going to wear that, are you?'
'I though you were taking me to a nice restaurant; this place is a dump'
'All your friends are losers'
'I'm tired, stop poking me in the back with that thing'
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Shouldn't feminist welcome these devices? If every man had a really good sex doll, instead of men pursuing women based on appearance and sex appeal, they would chose partners based on mutual interests, what sort of hobbies they have, the sorts of domestic skills they bring to the household, financial assets, and well, darn it, that is why feminist don't want them. ;)

I will say that having dolls like this replace prostitutes would be a massive gain for society. Even in societies that have legal prostitution with regulations and such still have big issues with human trafficking plaguing the sex industry. (And for that matter, some studies show that legal prostitution leads to MORE trafficking than having illegal. Substituting at least some of the demand for prostitutes would hopefully put a big dent in the profitability of human trafficking.
Here's hoping, when the robots gain sentience, they either understand sarcasm, or forget that I participated in this conversation.
Forewarned is about forewarned is foreskinned? Kind of relates more to the topic.
I guess that's just another way to stem their population growth.
Make'em like the Westworld ones on HBO. With all these women wanting to be men and metoo pushing men into being anything but men, it's time. "Yeah, I want one that looks feminine, has a vagina, likes being female, and isn't afraid of being attractive and in shape and understand she brings balance to a relationship or I would just be gay.".....pushes button... :p
I guess that's just another way to stem their population growth.

The Chinese government is actually going in the opposite direction now; they dropped their one-child policy a few years ago, and are now actively encouraging people to have more children; some cities are now offering cash bonuses for second kids, others are ramping up pre-natal care to prevent miscarriages, and so on. China is now looking at the same demographic issues that are hitting first world countries, but without the built up wealth to act as a buffer.
The Chinese government is actually going in the opposite direction now; they dropped their one-child policy a few years ago, and are now actively encouraging people to have more children; some cities are now offering cash bonuses for second kids, others are ramping up pre-natal care to prevent miscarriages, and so on. China is now looking at the same demographic issues that are hitting first world countries, but without the built up wealth to act as a buffer.

China's policy, more births, more soldiers.
Why is prostitution illegal?

I'm serious here.

Strange as it sounds, legal prostitution pretty much always leads to an increase in the amount of human trafficking going on. (See the study I posted above) That is why France banned it (well, banned men paying for it, but not women selling it) a few years back. It turns out that if prostitution is legal, lots more men are willing to enter that market (as opposed to say trying harder at the bars or tinder) but the number of women willing to be prostitutes doesn't increase by much. Thus, with the increased demand & money, the profitability of human trafficking increases. In theory, with legal prostitutes that are regulated or registered, the local officials could tell which ones are being forced into, but in practice they aren't very good at telling if a women is prostituting herself voluntarily, or being coerced into it.
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