White House to Host 38 Major Companies for AI Summit


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
The White House is hosting a summit today with Amazon, Facebook, Google, Intel and 34 others to discuss AI and how to deploy it. The administration wants to figure out regulations that can advance the use of AI and machine learning in many fields. They also plan to fund research as well. This is a great move and in my opinion AI is going to be a technology that is going to change the way we live (or die if SkyNet rises up) in the future. However, it's smart to figure out how it needs to be regulated so that it's useful, but safe. Bring on our robot overlords! Thanks again, cagey.

For many in the industry, though, AI sits at the center of a high-stakes technological duel between the United States and China. In July, leaders in Beijing announced a plan to incubate a local AI industry valued at about $150 billion by 2030, relying in no small part on government investment. To that end, recent reports have suggested the White House is exploring policy options to restrict U.S. firms from partnering with China on research in artificial intelligence.
White House is exploring policy options to restrict U.S. firms from partnering with China on research in artificial intelligence

so i am wondering what options will be presented in this meeting then
Great. I was not enough they were humping along by themselves, now they are merging, so they can really obfuscate AI deployment. Anytime the government attempts,....hmmm,....why do I feel a little like vomiting when I use the word "attempts" in conjunction with "government"? Damndest feeling....
I dunno what I'm more excited about, the possibilities AI could bring to us, or that shit show that it will actually bring to us. Call me a crabby old bastard, but a lot of the companies I see attending don't give me the warm & fuzzies, then mix in some politicians and yeah.. great things are coming.
of coarse, humans will use this tech along with robo tech to satisfy their sexual yearnings and desire for power over others ... the End will not be a good one for many people