9th Annual BOINC Pentathlon hosted by SETI.Germany

From the Shoutbox in regards to shortening the amount of time between announcements and the events they cover.

23:49 pschoefer: we settled on shortening it by two days for two of the disciplines... and of course, if projects are announced later, there are less projects known at the beginning

23:47 pschoefer: around the same time last year, the prevailing opinion was that the bunkering time between announcement and start should be decreased
Does this only work on CPU or AMD GPU? this is what preferences seem to indicate. I certainly hope it will run on my green team
CPU only. AMD GPU is beta and they haven't had work in years.
We are doing actually very well for now ... but we also need to expect some bunker "against" us will be released in the next days.

Marathon: between #2 and #3
Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 21.07.32.png

Swimming: we catched up quite a bit from #9 to #4/#5
Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 21.07.14.png

Different view, same outcome

Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 21.21.12.png
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I didn't realize how intense this was. These other teams are racking up crazy points.

I'm not really up to speed on these CPU tasks, do you guys run them on each thread or each core on your rigs?
For NumberFields, best to run under Windows.

For Universe, you get more PPD under linux.

For both projects, run all threads. HT on.

We need help on Universe.
Damn guys. Team China apparently woke up. They're turning out SETI.USA sized numbers the past 3 or 4 hours in both projects. At this rate they will surpass us in a few hours or less!
Toss your other system at it! Let it run on the CPUs only.

Oh snap! I see you added a thread ripper to the mix! Hell yeah man you rock!
tayunz, if you happen to know some other folks who to want to participate in pentathlon but couldn't, they are most welcome to lend a hand or two here.;)
I am curious. Since SETI.Germany runs this event do they not have an advantage the other teams have?

Like, how are the projects announced for each discipline. All teams vote on their favorite 4 and then the top votes go towards each discipline right? So who knows those tallies? Can't SETI.Germany look at those votes well before everyone else and have their systems/hosts prepared before they announce it?
I am curious. Since SETI.Germany runs this event do they not have an advantage the other teams have?

Like, how are the projects announced for each discipline. All teams vote on their favorite 4 and then the top votes go towards each discipline right? So who knows those tallies? Can't SETI.Germany look at those votes well before everyone else and have their systems/hosts prepared before they announce it?

Of course they can cheat and there's no way to tell if they are or not.
Well they banned Gridcoin recently for "cheating" which IMHO seems a little far fetched to punish the many for the one.
I am curious. Since SETI.Germany runs this event do they not have an advantage the other teams have?

Like, how are the projects announced for each discipline. All teams vote on their favorite 4 and then the top votes go towards each discipline right? So who knows those tallies? Can't SETI.Germany look at those votes well before everyone else and have their systems/hosts prepared before they announce it?
I would not expect the full SG team would know ... the core team around managing the Pentathlon will know, of course. If they take advantage out of it ? I doubt ... it would kill their reputation one figured.
Day 2 review by Jeeper.

Someone needs to tell him that our proper team name is [H] for short, not OCP. I think we prefer to be called [H] coz we are [H]ard as [H]ell.
haha I was just bitching about that on TAAT's forums. I would be okay with HOCP, too.
Not if we include seconds! SECONDS CV SECONDS!
Seems like these daily reports are almost ignoring us. They do mention that we are #3 in swimming but didn't mention us at all in the overall that we took #3 spot yesterday...
Perhaps he is not familiar with our team and its name?
Playing with SG pentathlon website. They show hourly output in graph.

... and not to mention the last 24 hours threat and opportunities trend chart. We are in a tough race in keeping #3 spot. Moar power is needed!

I know. You're the best.(y) ... and me, well err I'm just whipping:D
Okay, now I have split my capacity between Numberfields and Universe. I will go back to 100% Numberfields after the Swimming Challenge ends on the 12th.

I have even fired up my ancient [email protected] box now, so that's four more threads for both projects. I figure every little bit helps.
Posted on the PrimeGrid web site.

More information can be found here. 6 May 2018 | 13:26:37 UTC · Comment

BOINC Pentathlon and Manual Credit
For two weeks next month, From May 5th until May 19th, the annual BOINC Pentathlon will be happening. In the past PrimeGrid has been fortunate to be chosen as one of the disciplines, and we're once again in the running for this year's Pentathlon.

It has come to our attention that our manual credit system has been used in the past to try and game the Pentathlon's scoring system. We've also noticed several people who seem to be planning on doing that this year.

We don't like cheaters. Neither do most of you. We believe in providing a level playing field. In order to both prevent cheating and to discourage people from even trying, we will be turning off the manual credit system during the Pentathlon. You'll still be able to earn manual credit during the Pentathlon, but it won't be applied until after the 19th.

All this is predicated on PG being part of the Pentathlon. If not, it doesn't matter. But for the purposes of argument we're assuming we will be.

The discussion thread for this topic is located here.

What does this mean?