How to Disable Advertising in Windows 10 File Explorer


Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
One of the things that irked me when I first installed Windows 10, was the number of ways Microsoft was seemingly trying to funnel me in to their cloud eco-system. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely hate being sold to, at any time, for any reason. Even when I walk into a store or a car dealership, I insist on being left alone until I ask for help, or I might just leave without buying anything. So, when my local file explorer popped up a nagging reminder to use One Drive, a Microsoft freemium cloud service, it drove me absolutely nuts. Advertising online is a necessary evil to pay for the websites I use, and thus I whitelist my favorite pages (hint, hint) but advertising on my local machine is just one bridge too far. This I cannot accept under any circumstance.

In his latest entry on InfoWorld, Woody on Windows notes that advertising locally within Windows 10 is about to get a lot more frequent with the 1703 Creators Update to Windows 10 coming this year. If you are like me, and don't care for this one little bit, head on over there and find out how to disable it. A fair warning, it comes with some side-effects, like losing certain notifications, and each application has a separate non-obvious setting to disable it, making it a bit of a challenge to find them all, but as of right now it seems to still be possible.

"Earlier this week on Reddit, poster Tall_Ships_for_Life drew interesting comments about the setting. Apparently the ads don’t appear in European versions of Windows 10 (although there’s a confirmed sighting of File Explorer ads in the United Kingdom) and the ads don’t appear in Windows 10 Enterprise."
Is advertising a new thing? I've never seen ads in File Explorer and I sync notifications is checked. I'm guessing there's another setting that turns on these notifications.
Dead God, what are MS doing?

After shelling out retail price or handing over your Windows 7 licence for Windows 10, it seems the user is supposed to continue to pay for the product for the life of the product in forced advertising.
Is advertising a new thing? I've never seen ads in File Explorer and I sync notifications is checked. I'm guessing there's another setting that turns on these notifications.

My impression is (but I don't have much to back it up) that these advertisements have up to date only been presented to users who have Microsoft's various integrated cloud services disabled. Maybe you have them turned on, and thus don't get them?

Either way, the word is that in the Creators Update they will become a lot more prevalent. I don't have any good data to back that up though, so take it for what it is.
The fact that Windows file explorer needs this kind of fix is extremely disturbing to the point it's getting fucking ridiculous.
even if this is the norm (as I said, I've never seen it), that's not a fix. It's a setting in explorer options. There have always been lots of options in there. It's probably one of the first things I change on install, but as I said, I have that box checked, and I don't get these pop ups. I'm not sure why others are....or maybe i don't do whatever it takes to get this pop.
The simple question is why? Who is going to come out with Adblock Plus for Windows 10??? I am still happily running windows 7 at home and have had absolutely no need to take on what is effectively an advertising platform as an OS. I heard windows 8.1 was also good, but again no need to upgrade... certainly not to this garbage.
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My impression is (but I don't have much to back it up) that these advertisements have up to date only been presented to users who have Microsoft's various integrated cloud services disabled. Maybe you have them turned on, and thus don't get them?

Either way, the word is that in the Creators Update they will become a lot more prevalent. I don't have any good data to back that up though, so take it for what it is.
OK so this is my Onedrive settings.

I believe that means I'm disabled. If so, then that's not what causes the pop up.
OK so this is my Onedrive settings.
View attachment 18849

I believe that means I'm disabled. If so, then that's not what causes the pop up.

Which version of Windows 10 do you have? They supposedly don't appear on Enterprise releases.

They also appear to be disabled in most European releases (excluding UK). (don't know where you are located)
even if this is the norm (as I said, I've never seen it), that's not a fix. It's a setting in explorer options. There have always been lots of options in there. It's probably one of the first things I change on install, but as I said, I have that box checked, and I don't get these pop ups. I'm not sure why others are....or maybe i don't do whatever it takes to get this pop.

I turn off every notification I can and still get the Microsoft cloud pop ups. The point is you shouldn't have to apply, un-apply, check or un-check that kind of crap for a OS file explorer window.
Which version of Windows 10 do you have? They supposedly don't appear on Enterprise releases.

They also appear to be disabled in most European releases (excluding UK). (don't know where you are located)
10 Pro
I turn off every notification I can and still get the Microsoft cloud pop ups. The point is you shouldn't have to apply, un-apply, check or un-check that kind of crap for a OS file explorer window.
Hey, I think the OS should do exactly what I want (which probably isn't what most want), but it doesn't. I have to customize.
Regardless, I agree if you don't want it, it should be off. The question is why do you get it (or why don't I get it)?
Here is my take on this. If you received the Windows 10 upgrade for free I can understand these ads. If you went out and purchased a copy or purchased a new machine you should not see these adverts.
AFAIK the additional ads baked into the OS core are coming in the Creators Update, as this crap is showing up in build 15048 - a beta version of the CU.


The root problem is Microsoft makes it intentionally difficult to turn off all ads in Windows 10. Ads are not controlled using a single preference, controls are scattered all over. What makes this even more of a pain is that the preferences don’t necessarily reveal or state that they control advertisements (or suggestions) at all.
Here is my take on this. If you received the Windows 10 upgrade for free I can understand these ads. If you went out and purchased a copy or purchased a new machine you should not see these adverts.

Here's my take on this, you never got it for free. And anyone thinking this is alright for 'free' just needs to remind themselves that you can get Linux for free, iO anything for nearly free, and Android for free, and they don't have pop up ads in their OS. So stop thinking it's alright if MS bends you over a table and sticks it to you with ads on your desktop. It's not alright and your desktop isn't a web page for them to throw up all over. Yea, I just got three 7 keys. I'm back man.
The root problem is Microsoft makes it intentionally difficult to turn off all ads in Windows 10. Ads are not controlled using a single preference, controls are scattered all over. What makes this even more of a pain is that the preferences don’t necessarily reveal or state that they control advertisements (or suggestions) at all.

And further, there's nothing saying that any of your preferences will survive the next patch.
Is advertising a new thing? I've never seen ads in File Explorer and I sync notifications is checked. I'm guessing there's another setting that turns on these notifications.

My impression is (but I don't have much to back it up) that these advertisements have up to date only been presented to users who have Microsoft's various integrated cloud services disabled. Maybe you have them turned on, and thus don't get them?

Either way, the word is that in the Creators Update they will become a lot more prevalent. I don't have any good data to back that up though, so take it for what it is.

For someone who doesn't log in I can confirm.
I installed Windows 7, no more issues :) and the Ryzen platform Loved windows 7 even more than the Xeon!
I have win 10 pro on my desktop \ Win 10 home on my laptop

and have never seen a single AD what version of Win 10 is affected ?

did you check your Win 10 settings .. you can shut off alot of things with a few cliks
Yeah, I agree. Too bad they are not promising support beyond a few years.

You know, I've been thinking about that. I don't actually know how much support we really get today with it. Kaby Lake doesn't officially support it. We get regular security updates, but Windows, itself, doesn't have a lot of cracks. Most of the infestations come from other places such as web browsing, Flash, LOLZ I clicked on a cat link, those kinds of things. I've had updates turned off on my gaming drive array forever and haven't had any adverse effects. I don't really think it matters much until drivers are no longer written for the hardware.
I'm surprised the usual suspects haven't dropped in to tell us how this is good for us and Microsoft is only doing what everybody else in the industry is doing.
This is not new, I think it's been there for the last two releases? I know it's in the current one.
Some might not know this but you can install Win 10 as a local machine. (not tied to a Microsoft account). Make it local and some of the advertising goes away.

Another sure fire way to loose all of Microsoft advertising and telemetry is to use anti-beacon from spybot. It is a very small program and only runs at each start up of the OS. Nothing complicated and as far as I know I have no side effects from using it. I've used it since day one of build 1506 and it works great with all other updates I've installed. Here is a link to completely shut down all telemetry.

Here is the link to spybot anti-beacon

One thing I hate about the media in all forms today is the "Oh Gawd the sky is falling we are doomed. The sensationalism is a bit out of hand. Lets vilify anyone who opposes our since of distorted reality. Instead look for ways or program ways to use the tool to meet your needs.
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So you're implying it might be okay to connect the OS to the internet without updates as long as one is careful with programs. Is that the idea?
You know, I've been thinking about that. I don't actually know how much support we really get today with it. Kaby Lake doesn't officially support it. We get regular security updates, but Windows, itself, doesn't have a lot of cracks. Most of the infestations come from other places such as web browsing, Flash, LOLZ I clicked on a cat link, those kinds of things. I've had updates turned off on my gaming drive array forever and haven't had any adverse effects. I don't really think it matters much until drivers are no longer written for the hardware.
Sometimes I swear MS is trying desperately to give people reasons to think about not upgrading to windows 10.

"Hey guys. The telemetry we added didn't scare enough people off, what do we do".
"How about annoying ads? We could stick em in the start menu, have cortana harass people, and hell, let's put them in the file manager too!"
"MAKE IT HAPPEN Smithers!"

One thing I hate about the media in all forms today is the "Oh Gawd the sky is falling we are doomed. The sensationalism is a bit out of hand. Lets vilify anyone who opposes our since of distorted reality. Instead look for ways or program ways to use the tool to meet your needs.

That's the problem here. I have already paid for the OS, I should not have to run more software just to get the OS to work in the way it should in the first place.
I have the latest preview release from the Fast ring. I have no ads. None. Zero. Nada. Never have seen one. But then I don't use OneDrive and I'm not signed in on a Microsoft Account. I've also shut down all telemetry as best I can as well as any push message switches.
I have the latest preview release from the Fast ring. I have no ads. None. Zero. Nada. Never have seen one. But then I don't use OneDrive and I'm not signed in on a Microsoft Account. I've also shut down all telemetry as best I can as well as any push message switches.
Hmm...maybe that's why I don't get it. I don't think I'm on a MS account either.
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Some buillshit right there. Kind of glad my windows media server just died. Perfect opportunity to convert it to linux. I'll never be completely free of windows because my gaming rigs all use it, but at least my main work computer is a mac. I know there is a lot of hate on this board against macs, but as long as you wait a few months(usually 10.x.2 or 10.x.3) to upgrade to the latest OS, the mac is pretty solid. I do not miss windows at all. I used to have a VM for some legacy software, but now I don't even bother with that.
Some might not know this but you can install Win 10 as a local machine. (not tied to a Microsoft account). Make it local and some of the advertising goes away.

Another sure fire way to loose all of Microsoft advertising and telemetry is to use anti-beacon from spybot. It is a very small program and only runs at each start up of the OS. Nothing complicated and as far as I know I have no side effects from using it. I've used it since day one of build 1506 and it works great with all other updates I've installed. Here is a link to completely shut down all telemetry.

Here is the link to spybot anti-beacon

One thing I hate about the media in all forms today is the "Oh Gawd the sky is falling we are doomed. The sensationalism is a bit out of hand. Lets vilify anyone who opposes our since of distorted reality. Instead look for ways or program ways to use the tool to meet your needs.

Just today I worked on 2 Windows 10 pro machines and 2 Windows 10 Home machines and all of them had these ads in File Explorer. None of them were on a Microsoft account, all local accounts. On all systems these were purchased copies of Windows 10, no free upgrades. There should be no work needed to turn this shit off, it shouldn't be there in the first place.
Just today I worked on 2 Windows 10 pro machines and 2 Windows 10 Home machines and all of them had these ads in File Explorer. None of them were on a Microsoft account, all local accounts. On all systems these were purchased copies of Windows 10, no free upgrades. There should be no work needed to turn this shit off, it shouldn't be there in the first place.
as I've said several times, instead of complaining, lets figure out why it happens, because it's NOT simply because of what this article says. That feature is turned on for me and I don't get that and I too have a local account.

Regardless, it's not really an add. It's a dialog. Like it or not, all consumer OS's in the future will have some cloud features. You can argue that you don't want this dialog, but I can see a case where if they don't have this, people who might otherwise want it are unaware it exists.

I can recall tons of articles complaining about MS having features that end users couldn't easily discover. Likewise they should be easy to dismiss. I consider the proposed solution easy, but as I said I don't get them at all, so maybe there's a bug or 2 at work here as well.
I got a file explorer ad for the first time ever just today. Only mine wasn't for a free service, but for some $6.99/mo onedrive cloud service. Seriously pissed me off.
I got a file explorer ad for the first time ever just today. Only mine wasn't for a free service, but for some $6.99/mo onedrive cloud service. Seriously pissed me off.

I have it on good authority you didn't get an ad but a dialog for a feature you otherwise may not have known had existed. You should feel good man, they care about you and just want to make sure you know your options.