Chicago Man Shot Dead While Live Streaming On Facebook


Aug 20, 2006
I thought I saw this a couple of days ago but the video still seems to be up. This LiveLeak-esque stuff is only going to get more abundant as live streaming apps gain in popularity.

The 14-minute video featured the man drinking and hanging out with friends on a sidewalk, complaining about the heat. Sirens can be heard in the background. About six minutes into the video, the victim looks out of frame and says “Boy, stop playin.'" Then there about a dozen gun shots. The cellphone falls to the ground, briefly showing bloodied grass, and screaming can be heard. "Call the police!" multiple people scream. The screen goes black, continuing to broadcast for some 30 additional minutes. A spokesperson from the Chicago Police Department confirmed that the victim was pronounced dead following the shooting.
"Call the police!"
Call the police > fuck the police

The city has a reputation for having some of the country's strictest gun laws but has experienced an increase in homicides and shootings this year (2015), which Republican presidential hopefuls Donald Trump, Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina say proves their point.

"You look at Chicago, it's got the toughest gun laws in the United States. You look at other places where they have gun laws that are very tough, they do — generally speaking — worse than anybody else," the billionaire businessman Trump said on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday.

Chicago's police department seizes more illegal weapons than any other in the nation — nearly 20 a day for a total of 5,500 so far this year. [Link]
I saw this video.....I almost didn't watch it at first because I thought it was a repost of another video of almost the same exact scenario from a couple months ago.

Guns don't kill people, Chicago kills people™

EDIT: This was back in March, I'll leave it a link in case its deemed NSFW
Ugh, the lack of logic from Trump and anyone taking that position is saddening. It proves a very short sighted, and narrow view. The city of Chicago is not isolated. However strict their gun control laws are you need only drive out the city and back in to circumvent them. A better example would be one of the MANY European countries that have next to ZERO gun related deaths a year.
Ugh, the lack of logic from Trump and anyone taking that position is saddening. It proves a very short sighted, and narrow view. The city of Chicago is not isolated. However strict their gun control laws are you need only drive out the city and back in to circumvent them. A better example would be one of the MANY European countries that have next to ZERO gun related deaths a year.

Because the gun control in those American cities is a symptom of something else. The reason they have to outlaw guns is because of the dynamic that already exists in the city.

Those other countries are at an advantage (some would say) because their charter as a country allows the government to take those steps. Our country does not allow that, and again it's because of the dynamic of our country. However....if the citizens truly believe that guns should be limited or taken away there is a way to change the Constitution. Stop beating around the bush with "type of guns" or "ammo" or "what is a militia". Just change or repeal the 2nd amendment. It really is that simple.

I find it more troubling that almost every single SSRI commercial has the warning "Increased thoughts of suicide", yet when these people who are SSRI's decide not to kill themselves but other innocent people that no one brings up WHY do people commit mass shootings. What if the commercial said "Increased thoughts of suicide or killing others"?

And you have countries like Iceland and Switzerland that require citizens to understand and respect guns. I think that is more effective that taking away one weapon, only to be replaced by another.
CSI mode initiated ... enhance. Rotate the video to the other side of the lens. Bammo, got our killer.
Trump supporters keep saying that a lot of the big shootings happen in gun restricted zones, anyone have information on that? How true or untrue is it?
Ugh, the lack of logic from Trump and anyone taking that position is saddening. It proves a very short sighted, and narrow view. The city of Chicago is not isolated. However strict their gun control laws are you need only drive out the city and back in to circumvent them. A better example would be one of the MANY European countries that have next to ZERO gun related deaths a year.

Because the demographics of MANY European countries are comparable to those in the U.S--not.

Ugh, the lack of logic from people who mistake a liberal New York values loudmouth like Trump for a pro-gun conservative.
Trump supporters keep saying that a lot of the big shootings happen in gun restricted zones, anyone have information on that? How true or untrue is it?

I'm not a supporter of that liberal New Yorker who hijacked the Republican Party's nomination process, but here's some information indicating that crime increases in liberal 2nd Amendment-hating enclaves:

" Every place that has banned guns (either all guns or all handguns) has seen murder rates go up. You cannot point to one place where murder rates have fallen, whether it’s Chicago or D.C. or even island nations such as England, Jamaica, or Ireland."
Oh, that's interesting. If that's all true, it doesn't seem to change much. It shows a spike but then goes back to "normal" for the most part, but generally worse than before but not better. (I just glanced at the graphs)
Trump supporters keep saying that a lot of the big shootings happen in gun restricted zones, anyone have information on that? How true or untrue is it?
What type of zone are you talking about--countries, cities/states, or smaller locations (like schools)? If you're talking about countries, then you'll see gun deaths drop. I'm not sure about murder rates, though, since suicides are often included in the "gun deaths" statistic. You also see other types of violent crime (robbery, assault, rape, etc) increase.

As for cities that have stricter gun control, then yes, you generally see higher crime, but there are a lot of other factors (gang activity is the largest) that appear to have a greater influence.

If you're talking about specific locations, then absolutely yes, you see more mass shootings. In fact, almost every mass shooting seems to take place in a "gun free zone." The Orlando night club, the Aurora CO theater, Sandy Hook, VA Tech, Fort Hood...all of these places are/were gun-free zones.
Trump supporters keep saying that a lot of the big shootings happen in gun restricted zones, anyone have information on that? How true or untrue is it?
Of course it's gonna be a gun free zone. Cowards wont show up to a Police station at shift change or on a base during field trials. Cowards ALWAYS have to have the upper hand to attack. Real humans don't attack unarmed people. Only Cowards do that. War against Cowards.
Ugh, the lack of logic from Trump and anyone taking that position is saddening. It proves a very short sighted, and narrow view. The city of Chicago is not isolated. However strict their gun control laws are you need only drive out the city and back in to circumvent them. A better example would be one of the MANY European countries that have next to ZERO gun related deaths a year.

You are naive if you think taking guns from law abiding citizens would do anything to stop gun violence in places like Chicago. It is very unlikely the gun used was legal. These people that do these acts are evil savages. Even if they didn't have a gun they would find a way to kill people. Hell, look at prisons. Knives, shivs, whatever you want to call them are illegal in prisons. Yet people are getting stabbed all the time.
What type of zone are you talking about--countries, cities/states, or smaller locations (like schools)? If you're talking about countries, then you'll see gun deaths drop. I'm not sure about murder rates, though, since suicides are often included in the "gun deaths" statistic. You also see other types of violent crime (robbery, assault, rape, etc) increase.

Places like UK and Australia you see knife and blunt object crimes increase. England has a big knife and stabbing issue. Frankly if I had to die by knife or gun I would probably take gun.

But America is a violent country. We encourage violence in media. We love our competitive contact sports. Of course violent video games took off here. We are the most militarized nation in human history. And we have a long history of not liking the word "no". So it's not surprsing, to me at least, that given the ability, Americans would be more violent then much of the "civilized" world. Much of the civilized world also happens to be our bitch.....and you know that's true (and will probably bite us in the ass someday).
I always find it funny when people talk about gun control laws. Gun control laws or "Gun Free Zones" don't mean jack shit to criminals. There are more guns on the street and in the black market than in any gun store where you have to legally buy them. Making gun control laws for the common man hinders his ability to protect himself from criminals.

Take away the guns, and people will still be killing each other with sticks & stones like they've been for thousands of years. The real problem is mental health, which the government & media tend to ignore to push their agenda & ratings.

Nobody wants to hear that Bob, your neighbor might be mentally unstable, its only when Bob goes on a shooting rampage that they're interested.
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We are still like what, 111th in the world in murder rate, per capita? We keep having those rates fall. Also we aren't even in the top 10 per capita murders by gun, and that includes some European countries(mostly south american). All with stricter gun laws than us.
Places like UK and Australia you see knife and blunt object crimes increase. England has a big knife and stabbing issue. Frankly if I had to die by knife or gun I would probably take gun.

But America is a violent country. We encourage violence in media. We love our competitive contact sports. Of course violent video games took off here. We are the most militarized nation in human history. And we have a long history of not liking the word "no". So it's not surprsing, to me at least, that given the ability, Americans would be more violent then much of the "civilized" world. Much of the civilized world also happens to be our bitch.....and you know that's true (and will probably bite us in the ass someday).

We are not a violent country, our crime stats are far lower in terms of incidence of Violent Crime per capita than many European countries. We have gun crime, because we have lots of guns, but in terms of murder, per capita its not that much higher than other countries, especially if you remove attributed gang violence/drug crimes of which damn near 50-70% (depending on source) its linked too. Since the end of the assault weapons ban in 2003 we have seen an even further reduction in just general crime as well. Now if we can just figure out how to legalize narcotics and increase punishment for their abuse we can see a major dent in that statistic as well.
We are not a violent country, our crime stats are far lower in terms of incidence of Violent Crime per capita than many European countries. We have gun crime, because we have lots of guns, but in terms of murder, per capita its not that much higher than other countries, especially if you remove attributed gang violence/drug crimes of which damn near 50-70% (depending on source) its linked too. Since the end of the assault weapons ban in 2003 we have seen an even further reduction in just general crime as well. Now if we can just figure out how to legalize narcotics and increase punishment for their abuse we can see a major dent in that statistic as well.

We're actually in the 90's(low 90's I think?) if you're ordering murder rate by capita, which isn't specific to firearm related murders either(gotta love how suicides always get lumped into "gun violence" as if suicidal people would never try anything else). However, the difference between the US and the lowest on the list isn't even 4. Then consider just what might happen if you were to remove Detroit, Chicago, Baton Rouge, Compton, Birmingham, Flint, Newark, and the dozens of other outliers that do not represent the US as a whole. The per capita murder rate would be even lower. You know what that tells me? It's not a gun problem, it's a people problem. Have you ever heard of HeyJackass! ? Yeah, those statistics are just for Chicago. Not Illinois, not Cook county, just Chicago. That city alone would rate as a third world country looking at just murder statistics, and of course there's far more crime than that.

Hell, take a look at crime statistics for Australia, even murder stats. The place is a freakin' island so it's not like they've got smugglers digging tunnels under intentional borders, yet even though the population gave up guns for the most part, nothing changed and it's been decades now.

It would definitely be nice if people would drop the "guns are bad, the crime problems in the US are due to guns" when it's absolute bullshit, but that would require putting serious effort into mental health(something that basically ended in the 70's in the US when institutions were mostly closed, so crazy people are simply "out there" now), and gang/drug related issues.
“Police believe a high-powered assault rifle was used Sunday afternoon to gun down a 17-year-old boy outside a Catholic Church that was holding Mass at the time.

A 17-year-old male was walking eastbound on West 46th street when a vehicle — described as a light colored Saturn four door, possibly green or beige or light colored — drove up and an individual started firing shots at him from inside the car,” Chicago Police Department chief of detectives Gene Roy said at a news conference at the scene of the shooting in the 4600 block of South Hermitage.

“There are gang members for sure who have these kinds of weapons that are using them in our community,” he said. “This is just getting to be so out of control.”

“Sometimes they just drive their cars into each other like a demolition derby,” he said.

The problem isn't weapons, the problem is stupid humans are stupid humans. They kill people all the time with any weapon they can get a hold of, guns are just the easiest way to achieve their goals, and you can't outlaw everything that can be used as a weapon either. The weekend’s mayhem in Chicago brought the (2016) year’s gun violence to 1,789 total shot and 276 shot and killed.

The answer is to outlaw stupid people.
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Those other countries are at an advantage (some would say) because their charter as a country allows the government to take those steps. Our country does not allow that, and again it's because of the dynamic of our country. However....if the citizens truly believe that guns should be limited or taken away there is a way to change the Constitution. Stop beating around the bush with "type of guns" or "ammo" or "what is a militia". Just change or repeal the 2nd amendment. It really is that simple.


Just repeal the 2nd amendment? What could possibly go wrong? (See the roman empire, the american indians, the jews - all disarmed before irradication)

What happens when governments disarm their citizens?
Ugh, the lack of logic from Trump and anyone taking that position is saddening. It proves a very short sighted, and narrow view. The city of Chicago is not isolated. However strict their gun control laws are you need only drive out the city and back in to circumvent them. A better example would be one of the MANY European countries that have next to ZERO gun related deaths a year.

A country is different than a city.
If you look at gun laws and how they have been upheld over the years you will see that for the Government to take away the right to arm bears there would have to be such an overwhelming push it would be insane.
Basically until the entire country is begging for it they simply cannot do it.

If we can't control our borders how are we supposed to control anything?
Nobody wants to hear that Bob, your neighbor might be mentally unstable, its only when Bob goes on a shooting rampage that they're interested.

It's not illegal to be mentally ill. It's not illegal to refuse to seek treatment for your mental illness. "Bob" hasn't done anything illegal at all until that moment when he snapped and gunned down a dozen strangers at the mall.

Even if you know that Bob is unstable and you have credible reason to believe he might snap and kill some strangers, there is nothing the law prescribes that can be done about it. You could maybe try to befriend and help Bob if you actually care about him enough to try, but if you truly believe he is unstable, doing so is not without risk to yourself. Even if you might theoretically be in a position to prevent a mass shooting or something horrible through intervention, how are you supposed to identify those scenarios and then legally engage in a way that is productive?
It's not illegal to be mentally ill. It's not illegal to refuse to seek treatment for your mental illness. "Bob" hasn't done anything illegal at all until that moment when he snapped and gunned down a dozen strangers at the mall.

Even if you know that Bob is unstable and you have credible reason to believe he might snap and kill some strangers, there is nothing the law prescribes that can be done about it. You could maybe try to befriend and help Bob if you actually care about him enough to try, but if you truly believe he is unstable, doing so is not without risk to yourself. Even if you might theoretically be in a position to prevent a mass shooting or something horrible through intervention, how are you supposed to identify those scenarios and then legally engage in a way that is productive?

No, no, you miss my point. I'm not talking about turning Bob in on the assumption that he might kill people. That would be unjust. I'm just saying that the majority of the Government & News media are more interested in the outcome of Bob's mental illness rather than the illness itself.
It's not illegal to be mentally ill. It's not illegal to refuse to seek treatment for your mental illness. "Bob" hasn't done anything illegal at all until that moment when he snapped and gunned down a dozen strangers at the mall.

Even if you know that Bob is unstable and you have credible reason to believe he might snap and kill some strangers, there is nothing the law prescribes that can be done about it. You could maybe try to befriend and help Bob if you actually care about him enough to try, but if you truly believe he is unstable, doing so is not without risk to yourself. Even if you might theoretically be in a position to prevent a mass shooting or something horrible through intervention, how are you supposed to identify those scenarios and then legally engage in a way that is productive?

I think it's not so much as trying to identify and engage, so much as to change the perception that having any mental issues makes you a broken or bad person. That seeking help means that you're weak and can't do things on your own. It's something that the military has been working on for some time, and while it's improved, it still has a way to go. It's something that needs to happen from ALL aspects of life though, so that the general populace can feel at ease with getting help. You combine that with healthier ways for people to relieve the stresses of everyday life, and I'm sure you'd see a dramatic decline in events of this nature.
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No, no, you miss my point. I'm not talking about turning Bob in on the assumption that he might kill people. That would be unjust. I'm just saying that the majority of the Government & News media are more interested in the outcome of Bob's mental illness rather than the illness itself.

I agree with you, I'm just asking what we can do with the information as regular, non-news-media people.
I agree with you, I'm just asking what we can do with the information as regular, non-news-media people.

That I don't know. I think it's partially do to the environment people are exposed to. A garbag in garbage out scenario. Or we as a species haven't arrived at that point in our evolution.

I always think of that scene in Terminator 2 where the kids are playing with the guns, John says to the Terminator "We're not going to make it are we?" Which the Terminator replies, "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves".
Ugh, the lack of logic from Trump and anyone taking that position is saddening. It proves a very short sighted, and narrow view. The city of Chicago is not isolated. However strict their gun control laws are you need only drive out the city and back in to circumvent them. A better example would be one of the MANY European countries that have next to ZERO gun related deaths a year.

Because 'Merica. I can't wait to get out of this country.
Because 'Merica. I can't wait to get out of this country.
What's stopping you?

I think making comparisons between America and Europe countries is a bit mystifying. The countries are not any near alike, in terms of size and population, not to mention the way it's governed. As for gun related deaths..... sure, but how about violent crimes with resulting deaths??