Limited Edition Sega Dreamcast


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
Okay, so there isn't one out, atleast yet.

But, fans are petioning Sega to make one.

There is roughly 25,000 petitioners so far...

The chances are a long shot, but how cool would that be??

"The new console should have a new but similar design, wifi, wireless controllers (4 maximum) 720p or 1080p HD upscaling and HDMI output, internal 500g Hard Drive and a GD-Rom drive."

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yea sega is going to start making hardware again because 15000 people asked them too, of which, 75% wouldn't buy the thing anyway.

You need to take a few hundred classes on business, manufacturing, and intellectual property rights. This is beyond stupid.
Honestly, there aren't many good dreamcast games that didn't come out on other platforms, i.e. Mark of the Wolves (360 arcade), crazy taxi (everything else), sonic adventure (everything else), and so on. Even skies of arcadia hit the gamecube.
The title played with my head a bit. You know the Sega Saturn was something different from the Dreamcast.
Any chance we could see another company make a spiced up clone of Saturn and/or Dreamcast hardware? I know they were able to do that with older 8-bit, 16-bit consoles (the Retron, or whatever it's called).

Because, yeah, if there was a way to play my old Saturn games (which are buried away somewhere), I'd be up for it.
yea sega is going to start making hardware again because 15000 people asked them too, of which, 75% wouldn't buy the thing anyway.

You need to take a few hundred classes on business, manufacturing, and intellectual property rights. This is beyond stupid.

Chill out bro... jeez. How was that at-all helpful or constructive? Why not just "Hmm, that's dumb" and move on?

Anyway, more competition would be great even if it is based purely on fan-filled nostalgia. Dreamcast was great, and I would welcome more competition but I imagine that the licensing that Sega has in-place now for their franchises would make the idea of a Sega console kinda moot if there aren't any exclusives to drive it. I would say both PS4 and Xbox One are desperately in-need of more exclusives as it is and they both get Sega developed games... so to think that Sega would start-up hardware manufacturing and stop making games on other consoles is a real stretch. I would definitely welcome it though. :cool:
I have fond Dreamcast memories (can a mod fix the thread title please) but the idea that it needs an online store internal hard drive and wifi ... Hahahaha

If you want the Dreamcast to come back in HD then you don't petition Sega, you go to somebody like Retron or Jakks Pacific and try to get them to license the hardware. That company then does a Kickstarter after they reach a deal with Sega.
Sega should just partner up with Valve and one of their hardware manufacturers to release a Dreamcast themed Steam Machine. Similar form factor, special Dreamcast-inspired Steam Controller and Sega could pump out some DC/Saturn ports for Steam OS.
The most likely would be Sega making their old games run on new systems through Live or PSN, similar to Sony doing that for PS1/PS2 games.

Sega can barely make good games now days, let alone invest in another console.
Sega should just partner up with Valve and one of their hardware manufacturers to release a Dreamcast themed Steam Machine. Similar form factor, special Dreamcast-inspired Steam Controller and Sega could pump out some DC/Saturn ports for Steam OS.

Thing is its not like it would be hard for them, you can already link to and run emulators from steam big picture mode. Have a HTPC setup in my living room that starts up in big picture mode, scroll through steam with my 360 controller and launch emulators from tons of games (games show up in steam as if they were steam games). Nice ot be able to play all the old classic's, but it would be so much better if Nintendo/sega did this officially. I'd gladly pay for a proper steam emulated version.
Chill out bro... jeez. How was that at-all helpful or constructive? Why not just "Hmm, that's dumb" and move on?

Anyway, more competition would be great even if it is based purely on fan-filled nostalgia. Dreamcast was great, and I would welcome more competition but I imagine that the licensing that Sega has in-place now for their franchises would make the idea of a Sega console kinda moot if there aren't any exclusives to drive it. I would say both PS4 and Xbox One are desperately in-need of more exclusives as it is and they both get Sega developed games... so to think that Sega would start-up hardware manufacturing and stop making games on other consoles is a real stretch. I would definitely welcome it though. :cool:

Dreamcast was so good in fact that Sega exited the console market after creating the their opus.

Was defiantly a good call to go out on top and not due to shrinking market share that would have forced them out of the market.
Dreamcast was so good in fact that Sega exited the console market after creating the their opus.

Was defiantly a good call to go out on top and not due to shrinking market share that would have forced them out of the market.

Sarcasm? Or is today opposite day?
i don't see the point of this other than for fanboy and/or collectors to epeen over it and then hoard them to sell on ebay.
I signed though it seems pointless. Also OP yeah should say Dreamcast and not sega saturn. The things I would do for an HD sega saturn...well I don't wanna get banned for language.
Actually, as far as the manufacturing, design, business argument goes... I would bet that the DC or Saturn could be built using programmable logic or a SoC at this point without much else needed. Pop it in a pretty plastic box, and blam! Cheap to produce Saturn or DC. Even more-so if they started selling the old games digitally, and you didn't have to include any moving parts at all. (optical drive, etc.) It would be like those "Genesis plus 100 game..." systems you see all the time these days. This could actually happen if they felt like it without too much of a venture on their part.
Don't get me wrong: I would LOVE this to happen.

But it won't. Not ever.
Don't get me wrong: I would LOVE this to happen.

But it won't. Not ever.

I'm not saying it will or won't, but there is more of a chance than that. I would have said the same thing about those Genesis clones with 100 games about 5-10 years ago.
I'm not saying it will or won't, but there is more of a chance than that. I would have said the same thing about those Genesis clones with 100 games about 5-10 years ago.

Those little genesis clones were $10 of electronics outpaced by a raspberry pi in a $1 plastic shell, this is asking Sega to basically make a modern, internet-enabled Wii-U comparable console. No way in Hell is that happening EVER. We're talking new hardware designs, new manufacturing and QC process, new software to code, new support centres to open, new distribution channels... This is a multi-billion dollar project that 25,000 people are wanting to sign.
Those little genesis clones were $10 of electronics outpaced by a raspberry pi in a $1 plastic shell, this is asking Sega to basically make a modern, internet-enabled Wii-U comparable console. No way in Hell is that happening EVER. We're talking new hardware designs, new manufacturing and QC process, new software to code, new support centres to open, new distribution channels... This is a multi-billion dollar project that 25,000 people are wanting to sign.

Ah, I'm missing context. Couldn't hit the link from here, and just went by the thread title and a few cues. If that's the goal of this, then I agree with you 100%. Won't happen.

Still, just recreating a Saturn or DC in a tiny box with digital distribution (or all popular games on board) might still be kinda fun. :D (would probably take $50 worth of electronics and a $3 plastic box though.)
Title has been changed. Sorry all!

Thanks Oldie for the edit.

As for those speaking against this,

Yes, only 15,000 so far, but this is a brand new story. So I expect the total number to rise well above 100,000.

Coca Cola retired Surge for good, back in the 90's.

And yet, with just 25,000 signatures, they brought it back. Now granted this isn't a delicious and unhealthy beverage here. But if some amount of profit can be made here, it's definitely worth taking a look at, as a business stand point.

Retro things has and always had, some sort of niche market worth profiting on.

I'd pay $99 for one.
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Well....looks like I'm playing through RE:CV and Illbleed this weekend.

and signed
Title has been changed. Sorry all!

Thanks Oldie for the edit.

As for those speaking against this,

Yes, only 15,000 so far, but this is a brand new story. So I expect the total number to rise well above 100,000.

Coca Cola retired Surge for good, back in the 90's.

And yet, with just 25,000 signatures, they brought it back. Now granted this isn't a delicious and unhealthy beverage here. But if some amount of profit can be made here, it's definitely worth taking a look at, as a business stand point.

Retro things has and always had, some sort of niche market worth profiting on.

I'd pay $99 for one.

I REALLY want this to happen. But lets face it, a drink is a LOT easier to manufacture and process into a market than a home electronics device.

A can of drink can't malfunction and burn down a house, nor does it need a warranty, a support callcentre... Sure it goes through certifications, but the packaging is already sorted out: The can just needs a new label. The concept-to-market time is orders of magnitude longer. I can't think of a limited run, entirely unique and purely promotional games console, you can get VERSIONS of existing games consoles made for promotional purposes, but I'm talking a wholly computationally and electronicly unique system designed purely for promotional purposes? Never in a million years.

Yet you see all sorts of unique limited run promotional soft drinks.
I'll sell you a dreamcast and games for $75 since you guys are so eager to get one.
Coca Cola retired Surge for good, back in the 90's.

And yet, with just 25,000 signatures, they brought it back. Now granted this isn't a delicious and unhealthy beverage here. But if some amount of profit can be made here, it's definitely worth taking a look at, as a business stand point.

Retro things has and always had, some sort of niche market worth profiting on.

I *LOVED* Surge... and I was SO excited when I heard that it was going to be re-released, I didn't hesitate to buy a few cans at an extremely inflated price.

It sucked.

I *LOVED* my dreamcast... They only way this is going to happen is if it goes through something like Kickstarter where people are putting the money up. Signatures aren't a commitment.
Won't happen, not worth discussing.

Anything is worth discussing if two or more people feel like talking about it. Some people would argue as low as one person and maybe an inanimate object, but hey... :p
OK, guys. I made that $75 post jokingly. I never thought anyone would actually want it. Then I got five PMs about it. I don't even remember what is included. I'll have to go pull it out and check.
OK, guys. I made that $75 post jokingly. I never thought anyone would actually want it. Then I got five PMs about it. I don't even remember what is included. I'll have to go pull it out and check.

Heh, you underestimated the Dreamcast, which. of course, is why it failed.

I love the Dreamcast its one of my favorite consoles of all time. But I don't want another dreamcast console. I'll gladly take the Dreamcast classics and remasters on the current gen consoles.
I REALLY want this to happen. But lets face it, a drink is a LOT easier to manufacture and process into a market than a home electronics device.

A can of drink can't malfunction and burn down a house, nor does it need a warranty, a support callcentre... Sure it goes through certifications, but the packaging is already sorted out: The can just needs a new label. The concept-to-market time is orders of magnitude longer. I can't think of a limited run, entirely unique and purely promotional games console, you can get VERSIONS of existing games consoles made for promotional purposes, but I'm talking a wholly computationally and electronicly unique system designed purely for promotional purposes? Never in a million years.

Yet you see all sorts of unique limited run promotional soft drinks.

You make a lot of good points, but Sega actually still has a lot of their supply chains still open. They are still one of the largest Arcade Game manufacturers in the industry. And of course console systems are very closely related to Arcade Systems in terms of how they operate.

As far as support and all that other stuff, they could go through third parties to cut cost. And distribution would be a snap as they of course still distribute console games on other platforms, or alternatively do direct sales, or just pay Amazon to do their warehousing and shipping (all viable options).

R&D is somewhat of a concern, but it's not like they have to build the entire system from the ground up. If the goal is to not emulate the Dreamcast, but have it truly be a Dreamcast, I'm sure they could start to remanufacture the chips for that part. The trick would be if they wanted to integrate other features that have been mentioned in this thread... such as upscaling and having HDMI output. Of course having ethernet and Wi-Fi. An online store to buy and download games... etc.

In other words, if they wanted to do it, they could. It's just a matter of if it makes economic sense for them to do so or not. That's the real trick. I think quite a bit of market research would have to be done in order to truly determine that there would be enough people interested in purchasing the system to make it truly viable. As "annoying" as it might be to do so, a shortcut might be to have a kickstarter for it, because then it's easy to determine A) if there is a market and B) gain the capital investment to make it worth it.

Won't happen, not worth discussing.

Okay, then why are you in here discussing it? Move along instead of posting.
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Sarcasm? Or is today opposite day?

Just a bit of sarcasm. The Dreamcast was a cool system no doubt.
I never had a chance to use one until 2003, and I have to say I was impressed by the range of peripherals and extras that the system had to offer. I think Sega really dropped the ball on the Dreamcast, it could have been competitive.
I am hugely nostalgic over the Dreamcast. It was the first game console that I ever bought for myself. Not the first one in the house, but anything prior to that was purchased by my parents as a family console. I think I was 13 when the Dreamcast came out, and I wanted it bad, so I worked my ass off to save up to buy it. It was something incredibly special to me. There was pride in ownership. There was a desire to work to buy new games that were mine, that I wanted, instead of playing the handful of games the entire family could agree on. The Dreamcast is what made a gamer out of me. Despite all that, I would not want a Dreamcast 2. Why would one be necessary? Any game Sega wanted to make, they can make on a console I already own. Why would it be advantageous to me, or anyone, to have to buy a new game console instead of just playing Sega's games on the one you already own? As it is, I kinda wish Nintendo would follow Sega's lead and just stop making hardware. I purchased a Wii U exclusively to play Nintendo's franchises. I would have much preferred to save the $250 and play Mario on one of my other consoles.

On top of that, Sega isn't making the games that made the Dreamcast so iconic anymore. Sonic games are really hit or miss these days. Shenmue is coming back, but it's got nothing to do with Sega this time. What happened to franchises like Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Virtua Figher, and Phantasy Star? Or their innovative and quirky one offs like Space Channel 5, Samba de Amigo, Chu Chu Rocket, or Seaman? Back in the Dreamcast days, Sega was making awesome games that no one else was. What are they even doing now? Total War and Company of Hereos? Great games, sure, but certainly nowhere near as interesting or innovative as the Sega of 15 years ago.

Bottom line is, I have zero desire for another piece of Sega hardware. Instead, I want Sega to go back to making the games they were when they had their own hardware. I can't tell you how bad I miss some of those games. Shenmue 3 is a HUGE thing to me, but i'd be equally elated to see something like a new JSR. I'd even settle for JSRF getting re-released on PC like JSR did. Not only did I love the hell out of that game, it was living proof that Sega didn't need their own hardware to make a fucking incredible game.
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The trick would be if they wanted to integrate other features that have been mentioned in this thread... such as upscaling and having HDMI output. Of course having ethernet and Wi-Fi. An online store to buy and download games...

Without those extra features you're just rereleasing a console that is readily available and cheap on the secondary market. There's no financial incentive in doing this unless it has those extra features.

Let's take a look at the features to see if they are worthwhile:
HDMI - seems necessary to sell tv devices these days.
Wifi - The game servers don't exist any more, so this only exists to serve the next point.
Online store (also requires internal storage and wifi) - hugely complicated hardware, software, and publishing project. Likely to only have sega's first party games. DC games are already cheap on the secondary market and readily pirated.

IMHO the market just isn't there to support the effort. Look at how poorly publishers (including Nintendo) are supporting the Wii U virtual console.
I would love it if Sega got back into selling consoles, but really, I don't see it happening. Their games recently have been hit and miss, and I don't really think they could survive another failed console.
Without those extra features you're just rereleasing a console that is readily available and cheap on the secondary market. There's no financial incentive in doing this unless it has those extra features.

Let's take a look at the features to see if they are worthwhile:
HDMI - seems necessary to sell tv devices these days.
Wifi - The game servers don't exist any more, so this only exists to serve the next point.
Online store (also requires internal storage and wifi) - hugely complicated hardware, software, and publishing project. Likely to only have sega's first party games. DC games are already cheap on the secondary market and readily pirated.

IMHO the market just isn't there to support the effort. Look at how poorly publishers (including Nintendo) are supporting the Wii U virtual console.

I don't disagree with you. I'm just hashing the details. I think it would be interesting if Sega did re-enter the hardware market, but I really wonder if they can. At least in the sense that they are hurting for money in general and can't really afford to take risks.

I think Kickstarter might honestly be the best method if they're going to "re-release" a Dreamcast. In a way I hope they do. I'd love the competition. I love competition everywhere. I hope all the consoles can be successful. It only increases options and quality.
I think the time is absolutely right for DC2 to emerge on a perhaps beefed up android platform.
It wouldn't have to compete with PS4/XB/WiiU it would just have to be well, great.

If they even went back to a cart based system it would be hilarious. Keep games cheap, renew old IPs and just be great at making old school games.

Great launch title would be Shenmue 3. Ah, one can dream.....

Gotta go feed my chao.
