EVoLVE Official Thread

To get it out of the way, yes, the DLC model for this game is the epitome of what is wrong with gaming right now.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, the game is a ton of fun to play with a group of friends. The only issue I have is that the Wraith is completely overpowered still. Unless it gets nerfed a bit, it's the only monster that you're ever going to see once people unlock it. Yes, it is that much better than the other monsters, and it's definitely a big issue for the game, IMO.

Wraith is powerful, but I wouldn't declare it OP. And it was noticeably toned down from the open beta of a few weeks ago where it was definitely OP. I think Turtle Rock is basing Wraith v. Hunter balance on reasonably upgraded hunters, and most people aren't really there yet. So starter-hunters vs a decked out Wraith probably isn't going to seem fair. Fear not, they WILL rebalance if they notice a disproportionate percentage of Wraiths in their backend stats.

That said, first time I saw Wraith's "Super Nova" ability in action, I was like O_O "That's SATAN". Seriously, I wish I could find a gif, because this screenshot doesn't do it justice. Its insane.

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Wraith needs a second nerf, period. Its still waaaay to fucking PITA to track and kill, even with a good team.
Wraith needs a second nerf, period. Its still waaaay to fucking PITA to track and kill, even with a good team.

I'm going to try to bring it up to a lady in m WoW guild that happens to be a dev for Evolve. I'm interested to see what their take on it is.
Yeah, Wrath is so fucking boring to play against.

Basically she just hides/evades for 15 minutes until lvl 3 and proceeds to kill the hunters. Its not that shes OP, its just that her playstyle ruins the fun of the game, especially for the hunters.
Even if you dome her early she will just use the invis skill and find somewhere to hide inside the dome. Unless you have someone like Cabot or Abe to reveal her you cant do anything about it. Plus if you are chasing her and on her tail, the stupid decoy knocks you really far back and you lose her.

She doesn't need to be nerfed, she needs her skill(s) completely changed.

What makes it even worse is you cant pick hunters based on the monster, so there is no way to counter pick her.
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This game runs amazingly well, Turtle Rock have done a better job polishing up Cryengine than Crytek have done in the past which is amusing. Perfectly smooth at max settings with SMAA 1TX SMAA @ 1440. Looks great to, bit of a leg up on Crysis 3 with PBR. Seems to be taking my 980 to it's limit and not really any further.

Eurogamer did their usual cross platform analysis with all 3 versions, it looks like the PS4 sits around a mixed level of medium and high settings when stacked up against the PC - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-evolve-face-off
Wraith improved a LOT after the original nerf. I don't think she needs a nerf again, just tweaks to make her more balanced IMO. Movement speed is really it, battles are not bad but it takes so long to catch up and actually trap them since they can dart from point blank to completely away in the time it takes an arena to drop. Kraken is still crazy in the hands of a good player but almost there.

I am glad that counter picking is not an option, as the hunters wouldn't always know what they are hunting and would just have to deal with it. While some hunters are much better against some monsters each should be able to do something. Currently that something is very minimal with a few of them vs Wraith.
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Anyone supporting this game by buying it before it is 75%+ off should have their computers taken away, do you really want to get ass raped so badly you would support a game/company that takes DLC to a whole new level? I mean holy fucking shit, do you all really want to start paying as much for games, if not more, than console owners do?

I enjoy the game. But I am not buying DLC. Is that okay? jesus lol..
I enjoy the game. But I am not buying DLC. Is that okay? jesus lol..

seriously lol...

i get the point, all the dlc skins should of been released with the launch to everyone the purchased it. i agree with this. there is no reason to have $136 worth of skins on day one. if they were finished before release, we should not be charged extra. agreed.

but look at this side.
all the new maps are free for all players. all the dlc will consist of is skins, new hunters, new monsters.

you dont need to buy the dlc to continue playing.

unlike other games where if you dont buy the dlc, u are stuck playing with the small number of people who also didnt buy the dlc.

im happy with my purchase. the game is excellent.
I pre-ordered getting the Monster Expansion Pack for free but that's the only DLC I'm buying as of now...the 4th Monster is kinda cool to get...the extra Hunters, skins etc are useless...one important thing the bashers keep forgetting is that all future maps will be free and anyone can play against anyone else (regardless if you bought the DLC or not)...you just can't play AS the DLC Monster or Hunter...this is the way to do it and Turtle Rock should be commended for it but instead people will always focus on the pre-order DLC
The only way that actually works is if everything is balanced. If the DLC monster ends up being more powerful than the others (which wouldn't surprise me if they want to push DLC sales) then that's a big problem.

But we'll have to wait and see.
I pre-ordered getting the Monster Expansion Pack for free but that's the only DLC I'm buying as of now...the 4th Monster is kinda cool to get...the extra Hunters, skins etc are useless...one important thing the bashers keep forgetting is that all future maps will be free and anyone can play against anyone else (regardless if you bought the DLC or not)...you just can't play AS the DLC Monster or Hunter...this is the way to do it and Turtle Rock should be commended for it but instead people will always focus on the pre-order DLC

Agreed, game is fun and I am very happy. If people are here just to complain I wish they would go start their own thread. This is for those happy to play and enjoying it.
Agreed, game is fun and I am very happy

game is very fun for me as well...I just hope the online community stays active for a long time...I just unlocked the Kraken :)

if anyone wants to add me on Steam: polonyc2
I've noticed that pretty much every Hunter team I've been on understands the team concept and knows their role and plays it...Trappers deploy mobile arena, Medics heal etc...there are no lone wolf/super soldier type of players who think they can take the Monster by themselves...for a new game I'm impressed with the community so far
I was watching some guys stream last night, there's really nothing great about the game.. It should've been released as free 2 play instead of $120 IMO.
I've noticed that pretty much every Hunter team I've been on understands the team concept and knows their role and plays it...

So a total reversal of the beta, then? :p

Seriously, it was a clusterfuck almost every time I played in the alpha/beta.
This will help clear up some confusion


wow, what a fucking mess.

and this doesnt count that unless you preordered, you have an epic retarded grind to unlock hunters.

How anyone could spend money on this is beyond me.
Actually, I think that chart is wrong. You don't get the Behemoth in the Monster Race Edition.
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wow, what a fucking mess.

and this doesnt count that unless you preordered, you have an epic retarded grind to unlock hunters.

How anyone could spend money on this is beyond me.

LOL, there is zero grind.

It takes maybe a couple hours to unlock all hunters if you pay attention to what you are doing.

Unless you have actually played the game, you should just shut the fuck up.
LOL, there is zero grind.

It takes maybe a couple hours to unlock all hunters if you pay attention to what you are doing

I don't consider it a grind either...it definitely takes some time to unlock all the Monsters/Hunters but that's part of the fun...if everything was unlocked from the beginning it wouldn't make sense...they do force you to use all your abilities and weapons to unlock the next tier which is a bit of a grind but it helps you to learn each character better and figure out which weapons and abilities suit your style so I don't mind...I can't really play using my preferred play-style until I unlock the next level

I unlocked Wraith last night...he is crazy powerful...my first time playing him as Level 1 and I dominated...that Supernova move is crazy...all his moves are crazy powerful...even with a good team of Hunters it's still hard to beat him...I can only imagine how powerful the 4th Behemoth Monster is going to be
Yes, you do

Hmm, wonder if that's a Europe thing. It doesn't say that in U.S. stores.


Evolve: Hunting Season Pass – Boost your hunting party. The Evolve Hunting Season Pass includes 4 new hunters and 3 exclusive Magma monster skins for one low price. Unlock the Magma skins right away to customize Goliath, Kraken, or Wraith.

Fifth Playable Monster – Goliath, Kraken, Wraith and Behemoth are not alone. A fifth playable Monster is coming to Shear and included in the PC Monster Race Edition.

Two More Hunters – With more Monsters threatening Shear Hunters are needed… and they’re coming. Get two additional Hunters to join the fight to save the colony.

Four Monster Skins (Limited Time Exclusive): Show the Hunters who’s boss with these limited time Exclusive Monster skins. Celebrate the release of Behemoth when he comes to Shear with a skin for each of the first four Monsters: Goliath, Kraken, Wraith & Behemoth.
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I think the line about "Goliath, Kraken, Wraith and Behemoth are not alone." implies you also get the Behemoth. But I agree, the wording is not 100% clear.
Unless you have actually played the game, you should just shut the fuck up.

Oh nose, did I hurt your feelings?
I don't know why your mom let you use a computer at your age, but telling people to fuck off for no reason puts you into the "idiot ignore" category.

Since beta, and so far all reviews indicate that unlocks still don't stack, that you have to grind in incremental levels on all hunters before you can grind the next stage. Its just the stupidest way to drag out unlocks for no purpose other than to make it longer. TakeTwo's idiot approach to progression that's second only to its retarded purchase structure. Users seem to be voicing their displeasure with its 4.3/10 rating.
Since beta, and so far all reviews indicate that unlocks still don't stack, that you have to grind in incremental levels on all hunters before you can grind the next stage.

You mean you have to unlock all tier 2's before moving on to Tier 3? Because that is not true at all. I have yet to play assault at all since release. Within 30 minutes of launch I had tier 3 Trapper and tier 2 Medic. I now have tier 3 medic & Trapper, Tier 2 monster and support and still have not touched assault once.

I played a fair amount of assault in both alphas and beta so I just dont care about it right now.

Honestly you have to try to not unlock stuff in this. Of all incremental unlocks I've played before (admittedly not a lot) this is really easy. Ensuring players know how each class works before moving onto the next can help the teamwork but most people just winge about it instead of simply playing.

To each their own though.
You mean you have to unlock all tier 2's before moving on to Tier 3? Because that is not true at all. I have yet to play assault at all since release. Within 30 minutes of launch I had tier 3 Trapper and tier 2 Medic. I now have tier 3 medic & Trapper, Tier 2 monster and support and still have not touched assault once.

I played a fair amount of assault in both alphas and beta so I just dont care about it right now.

Honestly you have to try to not unlock stuff in this. Of all incremental unlocks I've played before (admittedly not a lot) this is really easy. Ensuring players know how each class works before moving onto the next can help the teamwork but most people just winge about it instead of simply playing.

To each their own though.
must have been a last min change for retail as thats how it was.
you just need to unlock your particular class Tier to move on to the next...so for example you can have a Tier 1 Hunter and a Tier 3 Trapper...I've unlocked all the Tier 2 Hunters and all 3 Monsters thus far
Honestly you have to try to not unlock stuff in this. Of all incremental unlocks I've played before (admittedly not a lot) this is really easy. Ensuring players know how each class works before moving onto the next can help the teamwork but most people just winge about it instead of simply playing.

If that ain't the truth...
I've played for over a dozen hours and I haven't unlocked shit yet, i'm doing something wrong.
Finally killed a Goliath......I kept rezzing my team mates and shot the monster from angles I knew where it would be hard to kill me like climbing on top. I always play support I have no idea when my teams shields are down though. I really hate the Chase though in this game I know that is part of the game but everyone gets split up and it's just running though like a tunnel.
I really like this game a lot...right behind Dark Souls 2 pvp...I don't know when or if I'll get bored of this but it's a very fun and addicting game...I'm currently at Level 21..the Wraith is actually not as dominant when playing with high level Hunters...I actually prefer playing as Goliath or Kraken against higher level players

the Aviary map is gorgeous...right up there with anything in Crysis 3...I'm getting a constant 3.6GB+ VRAM usage with my 970...but performance never seems to dip below the mid 50's fps with everything on Very High, AA at SMAA 1Tx and Adaptive V-Sync enabled
Finally killed a Goliath......I kept rezzing my team mates and shot the monster from angles I knew where it would be hard to kill me like climbing on top. I always play support I have no idea when my teams shields are down though. I really hate the Chase though in this game I know that is part of the game but everyone gets split up and it's just running though like a tunnel.

After putting a ton of time in over the weekend I have a new opinion on the "chase". It is actually very fun, people just need to play their class correctly.

For the trapper having Daisy is key to catching the monster. Once you find tracks Daisy will sniff them out or at least lead you to broken trees/carcasses that will lead you straight to the monster.

Also, Bucket in support is great for tracking as well, using the UAV to get a fix on the monster and hunt them down.

Very thrilling, There may be more techniques but I am still learning the game also.

If you're playing as support and using Hank you should be trying to use your shield on whoever the monster is targeting at the time. Teammates do not have shields other than Markov who has a 30 second shield they can use. Ask the trapper to throw down some Harpoon traps, once the monster is immobilized rain down the Orbital barrage. Also make sure to camoflouge the team.

If you're using Bucket, keep 5 (max amt) sentry turrets going and spam rocket launcher.
Wraith is still unfair bullshit, I just quit games when I see people are gonna use it. I honestly am not going to waste my time
Wraith is still unfair bullshit, I just quit games when I see people are gonna use it. I honestly am not going to waste my time

it's really not...experienced Hunters can take it down without too much trouble...wrapping him with that bolt thingy which prevents him from moving around is a major help...I love playing as Kraken because you can pretty much stay in the air forever and rain down orbs, vortex etc
Who has the bolt thing? Man, i've never gotten a game beating himn

How the people in the 20's already? I've played several hours and I haven't unlocked shit yet, even at level 13. Unless peeps are just power leveling via solo mode while im doing multiplayer.