Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Does the expansion let you jump straight to act 5? I'm picking up my collector's edition when I get off work this evening, but my current character is a lvl 57 monk in the middle of act 3 on my second playthrough. Hoping I don't have to play through Act 4 again to get to the new content...

If you reset the quests, yes, you have to play through Act4 first. Set it to normal difficulty and blast through.
Played until 6:40 am last night and did a Crusader from scratch, currently level 38 and playing solo on Torment 1 difficulty and having fun.
Does the expansion let you jump straight to act 5? I'm picking up my collector's edition when I get off work this evening, but my current character is a lvl 57 monk in the middle of act 3 on my second playthrough. Hoping I don't have to play through Act 4 again to get to the new content...

Yes, My Monk was level 60 and I was mid Act 1 or 2 in leveling him to 60 (had previously finished a full run, killing diablo at level 54ish).

When I logged on last night, clicked my Monk, I had to option to start Act 5.
The only way I was able to get eyefinity to work, in Diablo 3, is to run it in windowed fullscreen. If I tried non-windowed I didn't get the eyefinity resolution option. I also get the pop-in on the side monitors.

same... that's how I have been running it. I have not been using FlawlessWS but I might try it and see if it allows me to adjust the gamma and stuff... that's all locked out in windowed full screen.

I can't set that option in D3 itself, it's greyed out. I can't set it in D3prefs either, it just reverts or ignores it. It is 2 right? That was my understanding.
I can't set that option in D3 itself, it's greyed out. I can't set it in D3prefs either, it just reverts or ignores it. It is 2 right? That was my understanding.

I will have to look when I get home.. it's in the graphics options, 'windowed full screen' and then it just pops into your default desktop res.
This Crusader really just kills everything, so versatile, wonder what they'll nerf in him eventually because he's just a killing machine. Really dig the horse he gets too for speeding through some places and getting out of a jam.
If anyone gets a hearthstone expert pack from ordering the game and don't want it i'd be happy to take it off your hands. I play the game and a couple expert card packs would help me out :) I know boxed versions get one not sure if you get one digitally.
If anyone gets a hearthstone expert pack from ordering the game and don't want it i'd be happy to take it off your hands. I play the game and a couple expert card packs would help me out :) I know boxed versions get one not sure if you get one digitally.

They're added to your account digitally either way. You can't trade them.
It took me to hit 70 and do a couple of adventure mode bountys plus helping guildies/friends progress but I finally replaced all my lvl 60 gear today on my wiz. I'm pretty happy with the expansion so far and the boss fights are actually challenging and requires you to move.
So what is the consensus now? If you install the expansion multi-monitor is gone? Because it still works for me now - but I have the box sitting here on my desk. I don't want to break my surround... mm.m.m.my precious. ;)
There is no "installing" the expansion, its already installed, it was part of the last few patches.
well can anyone else confirm "unlocking" the expansion killed their multi monitor ability?

It works fine:
ok thx.. that's all I wanted to know. :)

edit: yeah works fine... Master_Pain - not sure what's going on with your game. You said it had been 6 mos since you played so maybe try a fresh re-install? or FlawlessWS.
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Anyone have recommended builds for Crusader? I have an all ranged sort of build right now, but it doesn't really seem completely optimal.
Loved Act V, especially the score. I don't really agree with all the reviews saying it was the longest act though. There are quite a few optional "dungeons", especially in the blood marshes, but it didn't feel that long at all to me. Not even as long as Act I or II IMO.

For those talking about surround/eyefinity, are you saying they removed the ability to run in windowed/borderless mode with RoS? I was talking to someone in the HOCP clan last night (Kelly, I think) who said he had it working great, but I'm not sure if he was playing RoS or not.

edit: just saw a couple posts above that it seems to be working. This is huge news to me - I had no idea D3 ever supported surround/eyefinity. Always thought the devs said it gave people an unfair advantage. Good thing we have PvP to make that statement true :rolleyes:
Finished grinding to 70 before kill the final boss for the first time so my guarantees legendary was a Lvl 70 one. Had to bump the difficulty down a few times to kill him too. Loved the fight and the challenge.

Now off to adventure mode to Lvl the crusader aka my new main character
Finished grinding to 70 before kill the final boss for the first time so my guarantees legendary was a Lvl 70 one. Had to bump the difficulty down a few times to kill him too. Loved the fight and the challenge.

Now off to adventure mode to Lvl the crusader aka my new main character

It kills me that I found an ungodly number of legendaries - I want to say 4-5 - in the 20-30 mins of play I had at level 69. Hey, better than no legendaries at all, I suppose.

He was definitely challenging, and I loved the varied attack patterns. He didn't just stand there and try to wail away at you or capture you with cheap shot cages you can't really see coming like Diablo. I almost felt like I was playing a shmup, but then, I love shmups. :D
Also I don't know if it has been mentioned here but talk to all your followers in town. They have some interesting side quests to play through. The scoundrel one was my favorite.
Everything being account bound is officially the worst fucking thing they could have done. All the cry babies about the AH got their way.

I run mostly with my brother and a few friends.

"Hey I am short a particular material anyone got one" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND
"Hey I found this piece of gear you need last night" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND
"Hey can I borrow some gold" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND
"I need an emerald... Oh I got one... here errr" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND

Taking out the AH was fine, but taking out the ability to trade was fucking retarded. What was the point?
Everything being account bound is officially the worst fucking thing they could have done. All the cry babies about the AH got their way.

I run mostly with my brother and a few friends.

"Hey I am short a particular material anyone got one" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND
"Hey I found this piece of gear you need last night" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND
"Hey can I borrow some gold" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND
"I need an emerald... Oh I got one... here errr" - NOPE ACCOUNT BOUND

Taking out the AH was fine, but taking out the ability to trade was fucking retarded. What was the point?

Removing the ability to trade kills the secondary market of people farming items and then selling them on forums and websites.
Removing the ability to trade kills the secondary market of people farming items and then selling them on forums and websites.

Who cares if they do that? I don't use them and also don't care if they exsist.

So you ruined my experience (and probably the majority) due to people being able to sell items.
Yeah trading is a bitch now sucks that all legandaries etc are account bound and only tradeable within 2hours to people in same party... wah :(
So, I'm probably going to pick this game back up now. I installed the latest patches (but not the expansion) and noticed that the game seems to have changed back to "Normal" difficulty and changed most of my settings.

What are some things I should be aware of? I'm a level 60 Barbarian a few quests into the game on Nightmare. Most of my gear was considered really good (it came from the game currency auction)...but not full on great.
So what is the consensus now? If you install the expansion multi-monitor is gone? Because it still works for me now - but I have the box sitting here on my desk. I don't want to break my surround... mm.m.m.my precious. ;)

whoa whoa Whats this about D3 and dual monitors? How do I enable it ? What do i have to do? I have duals.

Also on side note the Expansion is amazing, love it.. Beat act 5, got wiz to 69. adventure mode is killer, got some upgrades last night, got my crusader to 9.

Only downside currently not being able to trade stuff with people is really lame.
I'm having a lot of fun with the game since the big patch. I just can't stomach $40.00 for this..Unless I'm missing something as far as the features it brings to the table(which is highly possible), this is really nothing more than DLC. Considering how bad they fucked us over on release, and then gave consoles the superior version...I mean it took a long fucking time just to give us the game we paid for on release. The fact that they have the balls to ask $40.00 for RoS is yet another slap in the face. I'd love to play RoS.But with all the previous bullshit considered, this DLC should be gifted to us at no charge.
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whoa whoa Whats this about D3 and dual monitors? How do I enable it ? What do i have to do? I have duals.

Also on side note the Expansion is amazing, love it.. Beat act 5, got wiz to 69. adventure mode is killer, got some upgrades last night, got my crusader to 9.

Only downside currently not being able to trade stuff with people is really lame.

I was able to trade just fine with buddies last night...I'm not sure where the issue is? I must be missing something since I haven't really invested much time in this game since launch. Got PL'ed to 60 yesterday and went right into RoS content.

Was able to swap items back and forth with people. Not gems of course, but weapons, armor, etc.

I'm having a lot of fun with the game since the big patch. I just can't stomach $40.00 for this..Unless I'm missing something as far as the features it brings to the table(which is highly possible), this is really nothing more than DLC. Considering how bad they fucked us over on release, and then gave consoles the superior version...I mean it took a long fucking time just to give us the game we paid for on release. The fact that they have the balls to ask $40.00 for RoS is yet another slap in the face. I'd love to play RoS and I'll admit that I'm hankering to play it.But with all the previous bullshit considered, this DLC should be gifted to us at no charge.

I hear you man, loud and clear, believe me, but that's just not going to ever happen. This game is fantastic, and for the bittersweet gulp of $40, it's totally worth it, especially with a group of people (hit me up). I too wish it was free...but that's a make believe world that Blizzard never visits.
I'm having a lot of fun with the game since the big patch. I just can't stomach $40.00 for this..Unless I'm missing something as far as the features it brings to the table(which is highly possible), this is really nothing more than DLC. Considering how bad they fucked us over on release, and then gave consoles the superior version...I mean it took a long fucking time just to give us the game we paid for on release. The fact that they have the balls to ask $40.00 for RoS is yet another slap in the face. I'd love to play RoS.But with all the previous bullshit considered, this DLC should be gifted to us at no charge.

Well even without the expansion they already gave you the new loot system and a variety of other features and changes for free. Paying for RoS gets you one new act, 10 levels, and Adventure Mode.
This game is fantastic, and for the bittersweet gulp of $40, it's totally worth it.

Is it though? I mean, when I think about what it brings to the table it just doesn't seem to be..I guess it's a sign of the times but damn..This seems like it should be $10.00-$15.00 max based on current DLC models. $40.00 for $15.00 DLC that in all honesty should be a gift to the community for fucking them in the ass? I don't know man, my principles just wont let me do it. I'm gonna hold out as long as I can haha!
I was able to trade just fine with buddies last night...I'm not sure where the issue is? I must be missing something since I haven't really invested much time in this game since launch. Got PL'ed to 60 yesterday and went right into RoS content.

Was able to swap items back and forth with people. Not gems of course, but weapons, armor, etc.

I hear you man, loud and clear, believe me, but that's just not going to ever happen. This game is fantastic, and for the bittersweet gulp of $40, it's totally worth it, especially with a group of people (hit me up). I too wish it was free...but that's a make believe world that Blizzard never visits.

You can only trade ITEMS with the PEOPLE in your PARTY when the item DROPS. And there is a time limit. SAY You play Today without your buddy and something drops that might be good for him or w/e WELP shit out of luck u cant give it to him say later tonight when he logs in.

someone tell me bout the dual monitors deal!
Well even without the expansion they already gave you the new loot system and a variety of other features and changes for free. Paying for RoS gets you one new act, 10 levels, and Adventure Mode.

I disagree. They didn't "GIVE" me anything for free. Their game was broke for 2 years. They are finally delivering the experience we paid full price for years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love the changes and am having a good time....Finally. But to rationalize all this as "well they are giving us something for free so I don't mind overpaying for the expansion" seems a little ridiculous.
I disagree. They didn't "GIVE" me anything for free. Their game was broke for 2 years. They are finally delivering the experience we paid full price for years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love the changes and am having a good time....Finally. But to rationalize all this as "well they are giving us something for free so I don't mind overpaying for the expansion" seems a little ridiculous.

Speaking to your original point - I believe this xpac rates somewhere in between DLC and a legit xpac. It's not to the level of a Baldurs Gate xpac, but it's way more than a single level or bunch of extra weapon skins. There was considerable time and effort put into designing the new act, new characters, new class, new skills (passive and active), new lore, new sound score (which is truly phenomenal), and a lot of end game play content. With a lvl 70 character, looking back at where the state of the game was at 60, it feels like they've opened it up quite a lot and offer so much more, and I couldn't imagine going back to that. It's almost every bit the xpac that D2 xpac was, and yet that never got complaints.

But to address your other comments for a second - I'm having a hard time believing you (and not a few others) feel so entitled to exactly the game that you envisioned yourself buying. Granted, they did promise a few things they never delivered on, but no one put a gun to your head and forced you to buy it. Many folks wait a day or two to read reviews to figure out if they *should* buy. But the fact that you feel like the game should have been crafted in exactly the way that suits you or others - and that Blizzard needs to keep doling out more content until you get it - is a little presumptuous, IMO.
I am level 52 and I played the expansion last night for two hours. I am playing on hard. Why is there no one to play with. It neither finds games nor does anyone join mine. shouldn't there be thousands online?

Is it my level or something?
Speaking to your original point - I believe this xpac rates somewhere in between DLC and a legit xpac. It's not to the level of a Baldurs Gate xpac, but it's way more than a single level or bunch of extra weapon skins. There was considerable time and effort put into designing the new act, new characters, new class, new skills (passive and active), new lore, new sound score (which is truly phenomenal), and a lot of end game play content. With a lvl 70 character, looking back at where the state of the game was at 60, it feels like they've opened it up quite a lot and offer so much more, and I couldn't imagine going back to that. It's almost every bit the xpac that D2 xpac was, and yet that never got complaints.

But to address your other comments for a second - I'm having a hard time believing you (and not a few others) feel so entitled to exactly the game that you envisioned yourself buying. Granted, they did promise a few things they never delivered on, but no one put a gun to your head and forced you to buy it. Many folks wait a day or two to read reviews to figure out if they *should* buy. But the fact that you feel like the game should have been crafted in exactly the way that suits you or others - and that Blizzard needs to keep doling out more content until you get it - is a little presumptuous, IMO.

I think we are indeed entitled. I agree with you in the fact that no game can cater to everything you ever wanted. That said, that fucking greedy ass scheme of a RMAH really fucked the original game over. Fucking with drops to funnel people through the RMAH is not just one simple mechanic that we could "get over" or "deal with". It changed the whole game.