The Altcoin Thread

yep also "lucky." I saw the writing on the wall when he could barely keep the pool website operational and ran a few days before the payout issues started to get really serious. I mean come on guys the guy couldn't get the pool straightened out. Always keep your automatic payouts low and at the first sign of trouble switch to another pool. There's no excuse to have 250k sitting at a pool. At 40k I would have bolted.

In my case, I had my auto payout set to 20K. I noticed something was up when instead of 20K, the pool seemed to be missing the payout threshold and paying me at 30K, but I was still getting payments at least so I thought nothing of it. The last time I was supposed to receive a payment, the auto payment didn't go through even at 30K, so I upped it to 50K thinking it would just trigger again and pay out then... I think I also did a manual payout then too just to be sure. By the morning my total was 80K and still no payout, neither auto nor manual, so I jumped ship to another pool. I'm still giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and hopefully he's working on it... I do have this gut feeling he's not a big code monkey type so he's probably floundering trying to get things to work.

If not, well, it's a bit of a waste of a number of hours work, but I take a look at it this way too, if he was going to steal all these DOGE, you think he would pick a time when the price was going up and not down at least... 80K now is like a little over $33. Whooptee frickin' doo. Take it, I'll make it all back... and it's taught me a bit more of a lesson about pool payout limits (not that I had real high limits before).

super stable, I've been mining with it for nearly a week and have had payouts at 20k, they've come in like clockwork. They also give bonuses for found blocks.
What are you seeing daily for payouts? How much are you mining with to get those payouts?
Never gamble on those dice's way too nerve-racking. I got out pretty good, but damn I was scared 90% of the time :p
Is it just me, or does NetCoin look like it has steady, stable growth in terms of difficulty AND valuation?

Seems like it might just be sneaking up on the rest of the altcoins as a sort of "legit" coin.
Is it just me, or does NetCoin look like it has steady, stable growth in terms of difficulty AND valuation?

Seems like it might just be sneaking up on the rest of the altcoins as a sort of "legit" coin.

slow growth is the only thing that is sustainable but I haven't looked into it at all. So no pump/dump? what exchanges is it on? any really good pools? If you do digging I don't mind putting like 3Mh into it for a bit to get some coins to hold.
slow growth is the only thing that is sustainable but I haven't looked into it at all. So no pump/dump? what exchanges is it on? any really good pools? If you do digging I don't mind putting like 3Mh into it for a bit to get some coins to hold.

It's on Cryptsy and Coins-E. Weird since it's been around for a while (relatively speaking) - not litecoin/feathercoin, but still a few months afaik. Doesn't have a lot of hype or a lot of pools. It's just slowly going up in difficulty as well as value for no apparent reason. Even the thread on bitcointalk doesn't get a lot of traffic.
I caught the doge train to eBay and cashed that shit in hard and fast. Pulled over $4000 in 5 days selling doges. Profit was to the tune of $1k free and clear after fees.

Bought christmas and paid our portion of my wife's copay for surgery and still had some left over. Sure, eBay shut my account down for 3 days, but fuck eBay. I'll be right back at it when the next craze hits.

Another place you can buy in is coin.MX. I use my card to buy btc then transfer to wallet or wherever. They're quite helpful.

super stable, I've been mining with it for nearly a week and have had payouts at 20k, they've come in like clockwork. They also give bonuses for found blocks.
Thanks! Best site so far. Super stable and a ton of mining power to be had here. I am hoping to get about 45K doge a day with my small operation. We shall see. I am not sure where coins gets there $$$ estimates but they are sure off.
Is it just me, or does NetCoin look like it has steady, stable growth in terms of difficulty AND valuation?

Seems like it might just be sneaking up on the rest of the altcoins as a sort of "legit" coin.

How bout EarthCoin?
Thanks! Best site so far. Super stable and a ton of mining power to be had here. I am hoping to get about 45K doge a day with my small operation. We shall see. I am not sure where coins gets there $$$ estimates but they are sure off.

What will be your hash rate?
So I guess I did pretty well this month. Used around 1mh/s, $120ish electricity(fuck California prices) but made over $500 after those expenses. After I have paid off some other expenses I think I will start to invest more into buying more rigs. For now though, I'm gonna stick with Middlecoin for this month and see what I get, after that I may go back to mining random alt coins.
I caught the doge train to eBay and cashed that shit in hard and fast. Pulled over $4000 in 5 days selling doges. Profit was to the tune of $1k free and clear after fees.

Bought christmas and paid our portion of my wife's copay for surgery and still had some left over. Sure, eBay shut my account down for 3 days, but fuck eBay. I'll be right back at it when the next craze hits.

Another place you can buy in is coin.MX. I use my card to buy btc then transfer to wallet or wherever. They're quite helpful.

How the heck did you manage to not get scammed selling cryptos on Ebay? Just luck? All I've read is Ebay sales resulting in a large number of chargebacks.
^- Pretty sure you can set up rules when buying or bidding cryptos those with low ratings and new members are not allowed to buy or bid.
Oh right. I forgot about that. Haven't used Ebay to sell something in a very long time. :p

So I guess I did pretty well this month. Used around 1mh/s, $120ish electricity(fuck California prices) but made over $500 after those expenses. After I have paid off some other expenses I think I will start to invest more into buying more rigs. For now though, I'm gonna stick with Middlecoin for this month and see what I get, after that I may go back to mining random alt coins.

I want to build another rig or two but damn those 280X and 290 prices. And also I really wish I had bought some 7990 for $550 before Black Friday. I was thinking about, along the lines of "1300 kH/s in a single PCIe slot" but 7950s were still a better value, so I went with two of those instead. Should have just dropped the $1100 then and they would have been paid of by now (well maybe not, as I would I have needed new PSUs but still :()
Anyone have some advice for raising funds at the moment? So far, I'm just mining on this Asus 6970 (non-DirectCU) and getting around 475 Kh/s...if I can bump it up so much the better. Anyone familiar with the best settings for such a card? I'm currently at stock 890/1375...maybe its worth OCing a bit? Temps when mining are around 91, at automatic fan speed which creeps from about 30 to about 50% and maintains 91-95C. Of course, if I manually set the thing at 70%+ the temps drop significantly. Not sure if those temps are too high, but if they are I wonder why the auto setting isn't kicking up the fan speed bigtime to compensate.

I'm using GUIminer-Scrypt, which is GUI frontend for various miners.. I've only used CGMiner thus far as I have an AMD card and therefore Cudaminer is useless, and I hear that Reaper isn't useful unless you have a 7950 or better. My settings are as follows, the defaults for a 6970 (really awesome that GUIminer-Scrypt has all these defaults built in)

Thread concurrency 8000
Vectors 1
GPU threads 1
Worksize 256
Intensity 18
Stratum - Yes

Any tweaks you think would help?

Does anyone know if pools penalize users for not mining 24/7? Or is it only certain payouts that do? I read that there are certain pools etc.. that in order to counter pool-hopping, you have to stay on said pool with lower payouts or something for x amount of time before things start looking up. I haven't been hopping pools, but I do need to just stop mining every so often when I need to make use of my main rig - I hope this isn't counting against me.

That said, I've been mining primarily Dogecoin at the Dogehouse pool, and it seems that I'm making a decent amount of Doge all things considered, paying out ever 500 doge or so. For the people that seem to be making thousands of $ with Doge, please go into more detail as to how they've profited? I'd like to at least make a few hundred or thousand that I might upgrade and/or build a custom rig for mining if it turns out to be profitable.

I've run a few shares at the MuPool for Litecoin, but I haven't been able to get GiveMeCoins to work as of yet. I've not spent much time mining Litecoins as I've been told that it isn't as "worth it" to do now as it is to mine other altcoins and exchange for Litecoins etc..

Anoncoin seems bugged at the moment in term of the wallet connecting to the network, but they just did some major upgrades to coincontrol, i2p, and TOR so that's to be expected. I think it will get sorted out and then I'll be able to mine them again. Really looks like a promising coin though, and has a Gigahash-level network.

WorldCoin looks like it could be promising, especially if stuff in february comes to fruition (there's a lot of venture capital behind it). Only problem I've had so far is that it takes forever for the blockchain to discover - my wallet isn't yet ready. Absolutely insane...

Peercoin I've just downloaded the wallet. You don't need to create a .conf file if you use the QT GUI, right?

Any advice for a fellow with a 470 kh/s card would be much appreciated. I'm looking to not only make some relatively swift money, but also to mine a variety of coins that will hopefully appreciate in value. However, that will be easier if I can make enough to build a multi-GPU mining system that will eclipse 1 mh/s! Thanks!
Anyone have some advice for raising funds at the moment? So far, I'm just mining on this Asus 6970 (non-DirectCU) and getting around 475 Kh/s...if I can bump it up so much the better.

there are those getting 500+ with that card.

try --thread-concurrency 8128 and i = 17. go up after 30 or so minutes to 19 depending on your temps. My advise... do not go over 80c if you care about your hardware. this is my personal safety level for any hardware.

the info brought to me (and now you) by
there are those getting 500+ with that card.

try --thread-concurrency 8128 and i = 17. go up after 30 or so minutes to 19 depending on your temps. My advise... do not go over 80c if you care about your hardware. this is my personal safety level for any hardware.

the info brought to me (and now you) by

What clocks?

I have a 6970 that if I raise the stock clocks at all it drops to mid 300k/h. Keeps 465k/h at 880/1375.
While I jumped on the DOGE train for a day or so just for "fun", the people making thousands of dollars with it, are people that have way way way more hardware, or have money to gamble with.

I was able to make something like 100K DOGE coins per day with my 4000kHash/sec rigs - I get there are billions and billions of coins, but just don't think it's a good long term thing. For the people wishing it to be the next bitcoin and shooting up to $1... good luck. There are already over 20 billion DOGE coins in existence.

I have a small stash of LTC and WDC, those are my two long term coins im slowly mining. My goal is to have enough (either by mining or rise in value) to pay off my car in 3 months ($5k) If I can do that, it would be swell.
While I jumped on the DOGE train for a day or so just for "fun", the people making thousands of dollars with it, are people that have way way way more hardware, or have money to gamble with.

I was able to make something like 100K DOGE coins per day with my 4000kHash/sec rigs - I get there are billions and billions of coins, but just don't think it's a good long term thing. For the people wishing it to be the next bitcoin and shooting up to $1... good luck. There are already over 20 billion DOGE coins in existence.

I have a small stash of LTC and WDC, those are my two long term coins im slowly mining. My goal is to have enough (either by mining or rise in value) to pay off my car in 3 months ($5k) If I can do that, it would be swell.

what type of car? :D

im 100% on the doge train atm. so far today, i have done 20k in 7 hours so far over @ doge house. I feel that for my current kh/s and power usage, DOGE is what fits for me. when the second 280x comes in (monday), i will put both 280x towards DOGE and start to play around with other pools and coins with the 6950. If i find something promising, I may make the switch but am in no hurry too since the profit im getting now is okay by me.

Been looking at WDC. Any good pools that do block rewards?
While I jumped on the DOGE train for a day or so just for "fun", the people making thousands of dollars with it, are people that have way way way more hardware, or have money to gamble with.

I was able to make something like 100K DOGE coins per day with my 4000kHash/sec rigs - I get there are billions and billions of coins, but just don't think it's a good long term thing. For the people wishing it to be the next bitcoin and shooting up to $1... good luck. There are already over 20 billion DOGE coins in existence.

I have a small stash of LTC and WDC, those are my two long term coins im slowly mining. My goal is to have enough (either by mining or rise in value) to pay off my car in 3 months ($5k) If I can do that, it would be swell.

Doge will never hit $1 as long as BTC stays where it is. Doge at $1 would be larger than all the marketcaps of every altcoin and bitcoin put together.
Sweet Jesus, wtf is happening in the altcoin market? FTC difficulty is skyrocketing? LTC is back up as well.

I can only assume that given the constant price appreciation of BTC over the past week, it has made the old coins new again.
Sweet Jesus, wtf is happening in the altcoin market? FTC difficulty is skyrocketing? LTC is back up as well.

I can only assume that given the constant price appreciation of BTC over the past week, it has made the old coins new again.

This slower, steadier growth is fantastic and will be putting a spotlight all over the place. I have just cashed out quite a bit and gotten back to nearly broken even after some more purchases like the 290x I'm swearing at right now so I might just order more stuff cause another boom is coming
This slower, steadier growth is fantastic and will be putting a spotlight all over the place. I have just cashed out quite a bit and gotten back to nearly broken even after some more purchases like the 290x I'm swearing at right now so I might just order more stuff cause another boom is coming

What are you expecting to take off? I'm hoping Doge has some recovery soon, would like to get some cash.
What are you expecting to take off? I'm hoping Doge has some recovery soon, would like to get some cash.

DOGE has run its course, it is now dead. Just cash out and run. I'm not positive what the next boom will be but with the recovery of BTC I think LTC recovery is going to be following. $40 an LTC will be back in the near future which is why so many people are pointing power at the steady ones now that the stupid coins like DOGE are going back to where they belong. That really bad joke lasted far longer than it should have and is NOT a long term investment for anybody.
Honestly, I've had about all I can of the shitcoin craze. The scrypt market has come to an impasse. Here are the problems:

#1 - LTC difficulty makes it so you need a monetary investment to make decent money, but see #4 since slow and steady may no longer win the race.

#2 - The rise of the shitcoins has diluted the scrypt market so that it makes trying to figure out what to mine difficult.

#3 - The multipools are wreaking havoc on the scrypt points, causing many of them to fork once a huge pool like middlecoin decides to focus its attention on it thereby breaking the coins, often irrepairably because they were made as a scam by someone with absolutely no ability who should never have tried to make a coin in the first place.

#4 - scrypt asics are being promised in about 6 to 9 months time, bringing an instant 25+ MHash/s to anyone willing to throw wads of cash at companies. Thus begins the hardware arms race for incumbent "stable" coins like LTC that drove the difficulty of BTC out of reach from the general population in a hurry.

We've got a problem, and it's getting compounded daily.
Doge will never hit $1 as long as BTC stays where it is. Doge at $1 would be larger than all the marketcaps of every altcoin and bitcoin put together.

Yes -- I realize this which is why I said "good luck" to the people who think it's going to happen.

Personally I'd be overjoyed to see DOGE at 1 cent.
what type of car? :D

im 100% on the doge train atm. so far today, i have done 20k in 7 hours so far over @ doge house. I feel that for my current kh/s and power usage, DOGE is what fits for me. when the second 280x comes in (monday), i will put both 280x towards DOGE and start to play around with other pools and coins with the 6950. If i find something promising, I may make the switch but am in no hurry too since the profit im getting now is okay by me.

Been looking at WDC. Any good pools that do block rewards?

a 2012 Kia Rio -- lol I know, it's a crap econobox, but it's quite fuel efficient has a warranty, and it's tires don't cost $600 each. lol

Sold the uber fun toy the 2008 Z06 to buy my house that I'm in now. I feel like a bitch at this point since my only vehicle is a wussy kia, toyed wit the idea of buying a Ninja 300 to learn on, but then I don't want to go to an early grave screwing around on a motorcycle. I swear any car with less than 500HP is now boring to me. :(

If I can get back into a GOOD job like I had before... my next car will probably be the new F-type. supercharged V8, convertible, and sexy as hell.... yes please. I have a feeling the new C7 Z06 due to be unveiled with be rather overpriced for a few years.
Alright guys, here's the next mine ASAP and sell for BTC right away coin

"Coinye West" (COYE)

Actually read about that some last night -- something how it's not being released for around 8 days?

The official site was rather swanky -- however I'm wondering if this might suffer from a pre-mine. What little I read about it said that everything was ready, they released the binaries, but with a password on them? Seems odd in general.
On a side note, parts are slowly trickling in for mining rig #2. Just need a PSU really, but I should probably get some sort of case to put it in to keep little fingers out of it.

Ideally, I'll move the 3x 6950's I have over to the new rig to free up my main desktop (LGA2011), which will then be free to run the 7950 and 7870XT I have part time when I'm not at home and/or using it (which is most of the time). Should push me up to around 2.5MHash methinks.
On a side note, parts are slowly trickling in for mining rig #2. Just need a PSU really, but I should probably get some sort of case to put it in to keep little fingers out of it.

Ideally, I'll move the 3x 6950's I have over to the new rig to free up my main desktop (LGA2011), which will then be free to run the 7950 and 7870XT I have part time when I'm not at home and/or using it (which is most of the time). Should push me up to around 2.5MHash methinks.

you lightweight :) I'm spending my day today juggling cards around. Windows seems to hate pcie 1x risers so after juggling several cards around I now finding myself screwing around with linux again because I want a 4 x 6950 rig which will then completely free up another rig for this 290x to be all by itself so that I can crank TC and intensity up on it without another card intefering.

The best USB stick I'm finding so far is the one modded which is an updated BAMT from the looks of it with 290x support and everything
you lightweight :) I'm spending my day today juggling cards around. Windows seems to hate pcie 1x risers so after juggling several cards around I now finding myself screwing around with linux again because I want a 4 x 6950 rig which will then completely free up another rig for this 290x to be all by itself so that I can crank TC and intensity up on it without another card intefering.

The best USB stick I'm finding so far is the one modded which is an updated BAMT from the looks of it with 290x support and everything

will need to look at this site for those ISOs

been using just an extra HDD with a win7 install on it for my basket rig.

As long as I'm able to remote into any of my machine with VNC I'm happy.
you lightweight :) I'm spending my day today juggling cards around. Windows seems to hate pcie 1x risers so after juggling several cards around I now finding myself screwing around with linux again because I want a 4 x 6950 rig which will then completely free up another rig for this 290x to be all by itself so that I can crank TC and intensity up on it without another card intefering.

The best USB stick I'm finding so far is the one modded which is an updated BAMT from the looks of it with 290x support and everything

Pfft, I started this mining adventure about 3 weeks ago dude.
will need to look at this site for those ISOs

been using just an extra HDD with a win7 install on it for my basket rig.

As long as I'm able to remote into any of my machine with VNC I'm happy.

no VNC in the default install but it is at least an updated BAMT so you don't have to worry about updating stuff after you install it to the USB stick. I have those super tiny 4Gb ones that barely stick out of the USB port but I've been using full blown windows installs because of the ease of management and cgwatcher/cgremote