Starting League Of Legends... can someone point me to some good guides?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2008
Looking to learn fast, and enjoy the game. I am looking for a tutorial site, or some links to some good videos.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys
You should try Smite. You may enjoy it more. It's a MOBA style game where you get to play as various Gods from different pantheons. It's in a 3rd person view with aiming, rather than a top down view.

To answer your original question: I think just searching around youtube is your best bet, or looking for fan sites.
Mobafire is your best friend. I recommend choosing a guide with the highest votes and using it as a base. You can then modify the build to suit your own play style.
If you want to get screamed at for fun, may as well join the military and get paid for it at least.
LOL all the haters in here. I hate the game as well on certain days but sheesh the guy is asking for help not bashing of the game.

I like to use OP. I think it does a decent job on showing what can be considered hard counters to champions as well.
I could care less about the game itself TBH, it's the people you have to deal with on a regular basis.
add El Jewbacabra in game and I will give you some pointers if you can catch me online. is pretty good. Several different guides for each hero.


I generally prefer, but mobafire is pretty good for getting started. will give you a good overview of which champions are better against others.

And LOL at anyone recommending DotA 2, what a waste of a game. Added nothing to DotA, might as well play the original. So much more action in LOL.
I recommend playing a few games, and finding the champion that consistently kicks your ass. Then, get that character, use to look at builds, and keep playing that character until you get really good at it. Then find the character that consistently kicks that charecters ass, and repeat....
I recommend playing a few games, and finding the champion that consistently kicks your ass. Then, get that character, use to look at builds, and keep playing that character until you get really good at it. Then find the character that consistently kicks that charecters ass, and repeat....

Not a bad method. I found early on that playing a character you thought was OP shows you where they are weak.
I really don't believe Dota to be better. The whole flying donkey bringing you your items really seems fucking stupid. LOL
What's with the dota trolling in this thread? Really?

Anyways, as said, read a Mobafire guide, watch streams on your selected champ/position & practice maybe 10 or so games to get your mechanics and combos right.

Learning fast is good, but no need to rush into pvp, stay with bots for a good while until you feel very comfortable with the champs you have. Your first dozen or so games in pvp on a new account is not usually a pleasent experience, but just stick with it.
Solomid, mobafire, leaguecraft, those are the main "guide" suites to learn hero builds/strategies.

Apart from that watch high ranked streamers, pro/plat players doing what they do and see what they build and how they play the game.

A few new tips from me:

1. If you are support, WARD.
2. If you aren't support, still WARD some (not as much but some, support isn't the only one that can buy wards).
3. Wards win games. THe more "vision" you have on the map can drastically change the game, seeing incoming ganks, seeing attempts at baron/dragon and countering them, etc.
4. If someone is bitching at you (and not providing HELPFUL constructive reasons to why you should do this or that) put them on ignore, there's a lot of people that will just bitch and whine and complain about EVERYTHING and it's not worth your time or anyone elss to listen to them.
1. If you are support, WARD.
2. If you aren't support, still WARD some (not as much but some, support isn't the only one that can buy wards).
3. Wards win games. THe more "vision" you have on the map can drastically change the game, seeing incoming ganks, seeing attempts at baron/dragon and countering them, etc.
4. If someone is bitching at you (and not providing HELPFUL constructive reasons to why you should do this or that) put them on ignore, there's a lot of people that will just bitch and whine and complain about EVERYTHING and it's not worth your time or anyone elss to listen to them.

This a million times over. Even at diamond a lot of people leave warding only to the support. Also if you can ignore people who bitch and moan about everything you will win many more games than if you rage back. I can't count the times that I was on a team that made a comeback after someone posting GG and raging within 10 minutes of the game.
For me if you played any moba besides LoL before going to LoL the most important thing is learning the item builds. LoL is quite a bit easier to play and get better at than Dota or HoN because of the lack of denies. Also positioning I find for LoL is key to winning.