Dead Island: Riptide, The New Vegas of Dead Island?

Watching the TB video now...can't believe they didn't add an FOV slider as the FOV in the original is TERRIBLE, and apparently they have no intention of doing so. If you edit FOV in the config files it fucks up game mechanics apparently...unbelievable. I wonder if they even fixed the weapons disappearing...
Destructoids review seems to sum up my concerns on the game... I'm going to avoid it and probably not even buy on $5 holiday sales, if it ever gets that low.

Not hating on it... but time these days is more important and I have other games that are fun. :p
WTF Is Dead Island Riptide? TB seems to really enjoy Riptide, he never played the original.

About what I expected, I might wait for it to go on sale before picking it up. Seems to be about the same as Dead Island with a few improvements.

oh well, i'll wait for the GOTY edition...not! oh lawd, IN for more of the same! i shouldnt but.. but.. oh god i cant resist! (damn video review) sold! LOL
oh well, i'll wait for the GOTY edition...not! oh lawd, IN for more of the same! i shouldnt but.. but.. oh god i cant resist! (damn video review) sold! LOL

Are you being serious? DO NOT PAY $40 FOR THIS.
Is the first patched up enough to play? Bought it full price unfortunately (yes, dumb me got sucked in by a CGI video...think I would know better by now) and never got that into it.

i got the GOTY (lol) edition in the beginning of this year.. played like a madman, i was hooked, did all the sidequests, found all the hidden skuls, did it all until the end and had NO bugs, zero. didnt used any third party software, game worked great by itself since the start, played on 16:10. what i did use was a no-weapon-degradation mod because that got really old at the start of the game itself. but with all this said, i dont recommend this game to anyone, i liked, a lot, but others may not so i rather stay neutral on this one :p
Are you being serious? DO NOT PAY $40 FOR THIS.

It's futile, he's the same guy that bought SimCity when we all told him it's the most horrific piece of shit ever. It's "fine" though. "Works." :rolleyes:

I suppose some people just want to play the damn game, regardless of cost/issues. Nothing wrong with that, right?

It's futile, he's the same guy that bought SimCity when we all told him it's the most horrific piece of shit ever. It's "fine" though. "Works." :rolleyes:

I suppose some people just want to play the damn game, regardless of cost/issues. Nothing wrong with that, right?


hey u mad? i never played SimCity

The only way I could stomach the first one was modding away the repair mechanic. Any word on how repairing works in riptide?
The only way I could stomach the first one was modding away the repair mechanic. Any word on how repairing works in riptide?

It's a have you been?

Haven't heard from you since the first 30 or so pages in GW2. Not still playing that, are we?
Most of the reviews I've read seem pretty positive. More of the same as the fixed DI GOTY edition, but fairly good and not the buggy mess the game was at launch. I want it, but don't really feel like paying $40. Will probably pick it up during the Steam summer sale at like 50% off or something. It is nice that the campaign is reported to be around 15-20 hours, which for isn't that bad.
Dead Island shouldn't even be compared to BL2 or BL1 for that matter. Dead Island was too buggy for my taste they had a good idea going they should of just fixed the bugs better.
Dead Island shouldn't even be compared to BL2 or BL1 for that matter. Dead Island was too buggy for my taste they had a good idea going they should of just fixed the bugs better.


If people go into a Dead Island game expecting a Borderlands clone set on a tropical island with zombies they're going to be sorely disappointed.
Even given all the issues with the first one, I really liked this game and am going to give this a go and see if they made any headway.
It's a have you been?

Haven't heard from you since the first 30 or so pages in GW2. Not still playing that, are we?

Hah, I stopped playing GW2 (and pretty much all MMOs) after I realized I just can't afford to devote so much time to 1 game after college. I think I made that realization while on a trip for business during the Halloween event. I had maybe 2 hours a night to play and it took me an hour to figure out what the heck was going on with the event. It pretty much ruined the whole thing for me conceptually. I felt like I had to stay on top of it and follow all the updates closely to get the full experience.

I'm now relegated to adding steam games to my wishlist. I found this was better than buying them and adding them to a backlog - my wishlist is now my backlog that I haven't purchased yet. It's also convenient to see which ones are on sale.

Riptide will go on this wishlist. I'm sure there will be a repair mod like the first one...
It's a real shame, for all the whiny nitpicking Dead islands gameplay is at worst perfectly serviceable to getting a story or message across. In fact I felt like the originals gameplay was its only major redeeming quality. All they needed was to have someone decent come in and write a story. It just feels like they don't even care. If I was running the studio I'd be ashamed. There's a massive collection of untapped novel & comicbook writers who could have done this game justice. Instead you have a storyline EA would be proud for all its shallowness. As a Zombie fan it just makes me sad. The story in this makes ACM's story look like Oscar bait.
Hah, I stopped playing GW2 (and pretty much all MMOs) after I realized I just can't afford to devote so much time to 1 game after college. I think I made that realization while on a trip for business during the Halloween event. I had maybe 2 hours a night to play and it took me an hour to figure out what the heck was going on with the event. It pretty much ruined the whole thing for me conceptually. I felt like I had to stay on top of it and follow all the updates closely to get the full experience.

I'm now relegated to adding steam games to my wishlist. I found this was better than buying them and adding them to a backlog - my wishlist is now my backlog that I haven't purchased yet. It's also convenient to see which ones are on sale.

Riptide will go on this wishlist. I'm sure there will be a repair mod like the first one...

Hopefully some of those get purchased. Lot of great games that came out in the last few months, for sure. I've been debating to hop on GW2 during the weekends in my limited free time since I really do miss it.
In at launch. No issues with the first one for me, though my friends had a slew.

The co-op was a blast, we all played unmodded and I must say that with the most tiny bit of patience it is immediately noticeable that the items wear more slowly over time. By the end of my first playthrough I could run through a whole chapter and not need to repair.
You did the same for colonial marines.

The fuck are you even talking about?

1) There was no previous title as there is in this case.

2) I didn't pay $60, or even $40 for A:CM.

Completely different situation and the fact that you are trying to compare the two is laughably retarded.
Watching the TB video now...can't believe they didn't add an FOV slider as the FOV in the original is TERRIBLE, and apparently they have no intention of doing so. If you edit FOV in the config files it fucks up game mechanics apparently...unbelievable. I wonder if they even fixed the weapons disappearing...

This is exactly why I cancelled my would think that Techland actually gave a fuck and would implement something as simple as a FOV adjustment, but no....too damn busy catering to the console crowd these days I guess, or maybe there just ridiculously lazy and don't care about the PC side at all.

I was seriously thinking about picking up the new CoJ game in May because I love wild west FPS's but I don't think Techland deserves any more of my $$$ at this point, even if it's just $15
This is exactly why I cancelled my would think that Techland actually gave a fuck and would implement something as simple as a FOV adjustment, but no....too damn busy catering to the console crowd these days I guess, or maybe there just ridiculously lazy and don't care about the PC side at all.

I was seriously thinking about picking up the new CoJ game in May because I love wild west FPS's but I don't think Techland deserves any more of my $$$ at this point, even if it's just $15

This actually dissuaded me as well

how could that possibly happen? Why should the FOV make guns stop working right

it's so bizarre
Relax. I remember buying Rage day one because a reputable developer stood behind it, on top of that reviews were raving. Only to find out, it's one of the shittiest games in history. A:CM had gone through a similar predicament as Rage. I believe, if I am not mistaken, reviews were released on the day of release and many people had already made a pre order purchase for the game from deal sites like GMG for around ~$30 - this was the push that swayed on-the-fence buyers. I almost caved in as well, luckily I didn't. Now, this game Rip Tide, reviews were released yesterday and low and behold it's a shitty game. Also, the first one wasn't all that great upon release either. I think people were first pre-loading the developer version of the game! Even though Deep Silver did fix a lot of issues, as a consumer you should take the original games release as reference.
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I'll eventually grab this title when I burn through more of my backlog or it gets down to around $20.
c'mon, whos gonna take the bullet? what [H]'er will jump on the grenade to save his buddies? victim needed, we need a sacrifice. before you ask, no me bro, because: because. i'm not a martyr :p
c'mon, whos gonna take the bullet? what [H]'er will jump on the grenade to save his buddies? victim needed, we need a sacrifice. before you ask, no me bro, because: because. i'm not a martyr :p

Gift me it and ill write an honest review. :p

Though if it's terrible I may want pain and suffering money (from loss of wanting to play other games).
Why does anyone need to buy it? There are plenty of reviews that say it's basically the exact same thing as the original game. Just buy that for $5 if you really want to see what it's like.

If anything I'd say the lack of people in here buying it (or at least admitting it) gives me faith in the PC gaming community.
If anything I'd say the lack of people in here buying it (or at least admitting it) gives me faith in the PC gaming community.

oh yeah?? you think u bad uh? maverick!!! u think you flying an F14 on that chair huh?!? so be it! fuck it! i'll be the fucking jesus! i'll save fucking mankind! buying it...-NOW! :p i'll crush your faith!!!!!
While slightly refined, the PC version still suffers from the same control issues and overall polish.
I'd wait for it to hit $15 or lower.