Government Seizes BitTorrent Search Engine Domain

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Hey, remember that one torrent site you used to like? Well, it has a new owner. That other site you liked? Ditto.

Following on the heels of this week’s domain seizure of a large hiphop file-sharing links forum, it’s clear today that the U.S. Government has been very busy. Without any need for COICA, ICE has just seized the domain of a BitTorrent meta-search engine along with those belonging to other music linking sites and several others which appear to be connected to physical counterfeit goods.
Good. A government that isn't run by corporations is a government that I don't want a part in!
Down with people!

On a side note, what the hell does copyright infringement have to do with the dept. of Immigration and Customs?
Awesome, glad they wasted no time getting COICA out there and enforced. Goodbye net neutrality and hello 1984 censorship.
Good. A government that isn't run by corporations is a government that I don't want a part in!
Down with people!

On a side note, what the hell does copyright infringement have to do with the dept. of Immigration and Customs?

Media organizations are just trying every single avenue possible. With enough government agencies there is bound to be one that can get or assume authority to do what you want.
so can I make a request that the RIAA & MPAA's site are infringing on my ideas and get the government to seize the site first then ask questions last?
On a side note, what the hell does copyright infringement have to do with the dept. of Immigration and Customs?

Technically ICE is in charge of copyright infringement due to their role in customs, though this bill having them enforce more then tangible items seized at the border is really stretching what their role is.
I don't understand why they don't seize google... I can find way more copyrighted stuff on google than any torrent site :rolleyes:
On a different note with this, why has this not been on ANY mainstream news organization. I believe if this was on the front page a lot more people would be disgusted with this bill, or was that the idea to slide it under the table at midnight. Only us "nerds" on tech sites have any idea that this happened.
On a different note with this, why has this not been on ANY mainstream news organization. I believe if this was on the front page a lot more people would be disgusted with this bill, or was that the idea to slide it under the table at midnight. Only us "nerds" on tech sites have any idea that this happened.

They own the medias?
And one day we'll tell our grandchildren about the time when we had civil liberties..... I hate to be the guy wearing the tin foil hat but big brother is knocking at our door and one day will be inside.
This country needs a reset button... that or lets just call it what it is "United States of Lobbyists".
So when do they takeover google?

I can do a filetype search pretty damn easy and get any number of torrents or mp3s (or mkv avi wmv, etc)
Oh boy, I knew this was going to happen when the filthy corporation loving Republicans took over the House!

Oh wait, they're not in yet. It's still Dems right down the line.
US Gov doesn't control ICANN, so couldn't we just get the IP from an alternative DNS server? Anyone know one I can just change my router to.
So the government is now stealing websites. Time for everyone to have their websites hosted outside the US.

Obama, making George Bush look good.
And one day we'll tell our grandchildren about the time when we had civil liberties..... I hate to be the guy wearing the tin foil hat but big brother is knocking at our door and one day will be inside.

No worries Soulmetzger big brother doesn't knock at the door. They kick it in and shoot your dog.
I would like to point out, corporations control the government, and they control us.

capitalism is no different than socialism or fascism. You just think it's different because this system is the best way to manipulate the masses.

we are all slaves to the system, regardless of the labels.