x800 Pro Clock Speeds Off In Benches?


Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2003
Hey Guys...

I am stumped on this one. I was running some bences (3dMark03 and Aquamark3) when I noticed something I never noticed before.

In both detail specs of my system, both 3dMark03 and AM3 stated that VGA Core and Memory Clocks were at 114.50 Mhz? Not 472.5/445 as they should be.

Now, when I go to the overdrive tab in ATI Control Panel, it shows current frequency at 472 Mhz? What is the deal? I thought my scores were lower than normal, so I decided to look and that is what I found? Any thoughts?

The only thing I did was I installed Powerstrip to see if I can start overclocking, and it showed the right frequencies in Powerstrip? I uninstalled Pstrip to see if that caused the problem, but it still shows as 114.5/114.5 in the detail of both benches?

Is this normal? What am I missing?
Yeah it's normal, they are just stupid benchmarks. Mine show up as 114 or 0mhz. They are just dumb.