WOW Tauren that can't be killed?


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2005
It was weird but when I went to StormWind there was a Tauren that everybody was pounding on and would not die.

Everybody was just using it as a punching back to get their weapon skills up and people said it was a glitch.

I joined in the fun and went ahead an max every single weapon skill for my level so I'm still new to WoW but is this common or an exploit?
well WoW can and always will have glitches but as far as a tauren that cant be killed.. i have never heard of that one. so for a glitch like that its not that common.
It was probably one of the mobs in the area south of swamp of sorrows. Can't exactly remember what it's called.. I stopped playing WoW a year ago. The mob won't die because it has to be near its spawn point/crystal item in order to die. It's called a "servant of ...." etc right?
There's servants in the Blasted Lands that are connected to crystals. To kill them you need to do something to the crystal. (Haven't done those quests yet and the rewards really aren't that good for them). It's not uncommon for people to kite a Servant to SW or IF as they can't be killed and they run fairly slow. Eventually a GM will despawn the mob.
Using the tauren that one die as a punching bad is a great idea. Easy way to get those weapon skills up.
There are a few NPC's that have a huge amount of health and they *can* die, but have never seen it happen although I have seen their health meters drop. It is a good/quick way to quickly improve skills.
also, there are times you will find a mob that is evade will evade all of your attacks but it won't attack you....they are quite rare....i used one time to max my polearms from 1 to 300
lol, flashbacks of beta.

I remember seeing those evasion bugs somewhat often, maxed out each melee weapon as well :p
It only sucked the most when it was a named mob during a quest...

Haven't played since, but hopefully they fixed all those ugly bugs! I mean it's been like 2 years :rolleyes:
NO there are still a disgusting amout of bugs. My favorite one from this week, invisible mobs attacking me that i cant hit back so i simply run away.... :(
TheCowOfNow said:
NO there are still a disgusting amout of bugs. My favorite one from this week, invisible mobs attacking me that i cant hit back so i simply run away.... :(

...sounds like lag. and i disagree about the amount of bugs you claim.
Blackrain said:
It was weird but when I went to StormWind there was a Tauren that everybody was pounding on and would not die.

Everybody was just using it as a punching back to get their weapon skills up and people said it was a glitch.

I joined in the fun and went ahead an max every single weapon skill for my level so I'm still new to WoW but is this common or an exploit?

That happens, just report it to a GM and they'll fix it (eventually)
Wytchocolate said:
...sounds like lag. and i disagree about the amount of bugs you claim.

Two things can cause the invisible mob thing, the most common is a server/client network desync, where some kind of connection problem causes your client to get stuck in a sort of loop, it should sort itself out eventually, but changing zone can also fix it, and relogging is the quickest (but obviously problematic if there's realm queues).

Unless it's because the realm crashed.

The other is on rare occasions mobs can fall through the terrain and get stuck under it, so they can attack you but are outside your game world.

Blizzard have whole forums filled with this stuff.
it's the servants of allstarj or servants of something. it's a mob bound by this crystal in the blasted lands and can only be broken by somebody who has the quest. it's a great way to level up your unarmed skill though :p