Wife won't let my buy a laptop...so what do I do?

May 6, 2001
Buy an effin' nice toolbox...


...and another LCD. :D

I have to fly out to California the 30th...it'll be done by then.
"wife wont let" and "GF wont let" is just wrong..

"my work lent it to me"

" remember that (insert peice of junk here) in the garage, well it turns out the local (esoteric peice of junk collector) thought it was worth something and traded for this spiffy new laptop"

"I traded it for some of those old computer parts that you would almost not let me buy"

"I won it at a LAN party, cool eh!"

"oh :) I traded it for you, bye"
I was going to buy that toolbox a while back, wasnt wide enough for a standard ATX motherboard if I remember... =/... it wouldve only had like, less then 1/2 an inch of clearance.
Well, yea, lol.

An epia could fit in my ass. An ass PC would be awesome...

Anyways... um...

hehe, mean ass statement coming up:

You probably have enough unused space in your cranium to fit an epia.

Yeah, that was awful, but of course it was just the obvious joke and I had to say it!

In any case, what do you plan to put into that box?
Please...NO PICS and NO WORKLOG!

The plan is to put the keyboard, Epia, DVD, HDD, LCD and all the other crap in by the 30th so I can take it to Cali with me.

Has to look cool, and it has to look like a toolbox (complete with tray) when I open the lid.

...AND it has to be up and running by the 29th. (work depends on it)
dang foo your like me start 1 project almost finish then start another i got like 6 projects going right now and i played DC all friggin day. SOMEONE SLAP ME!!
something tells me they arnt going to let you take that as a carry-on ;)
especially if you decided to add some nails and plumber's putty to the toolbox.
just be a man and make the attack without your fluff. sheesh.

Originally posted by kleptophobiac
hehe, mean ass statement coming up:

You probably have enough unused space in your cranium to fit an epia.

Yeah, that was awful, but of course it was just the obvious joke and I had to say it!

In any case, what do you plan to put into that box?
what about putting the keyboard on the underside of the tray? like you take out the tray, turn it upside down, and start typing....just an idea. you could put the handle towards one end instead of in the middle to set the keyboard at the angle at which you like to type

good luck
I think you should keep the rectangular piece and work out a way to put it back on when you aren't using the comp.
i have to say that this is pretty pointless unless some superb things are going to go into it...like specialized storage and a regular sized (15inch or more) monitor inside of it
Originally posted by Niku
i have to say that this is pretty pointless unless some superb things are going to go into it...like specialized storage and a regular sized (15inch or more) monitor inside of it

Much like your post, right?

If it serves a purpose when I'm done then it's not pointless, is it?

And I'm fairly sure I can shove 30lbs of crap in a 5lb container...if I need it in there, it'll be there.
i hope your not planning on using that PS2 display as a monitor as your going to be very disapointed

how about something like this



you should make it two parts, like the display with a small keyboard/trackpad with a cord to the toolbox... so you can keep the toolbox under your seat and then just have the lcd/keyboard on your lap or w/e

and the two of you calm down right now

and i do hope you have something planned for all that extra space! that epia seems pretty lonely in there atm ;)
Project I wish I could do all the mods you do. Lack of money/tools seems to be the problem though. :eek:

Just flush the thread crappers. Hope to see more pics soon.

if he's going to spend that amount of money on a monitor, he might as well try to get a MAG 14" LCD off ebay or something for less.
bump... gunna update us? i did a ps one screen on my server, the res sucks... you wont be able to read off of that thing, unless its a high def lcd hehehe
In Florida now...

Wife bought me a laptop the day after I started this.

Came in handy, especially since we went out of town for the weekend.

I'm looking at larger LCDs...might as well make it nice.
but does the VGA mod work on that PS2 screen. I ask because I want a cheap screen and hope to use the PS2 on instead of the PSone one cause the creen is a little bigger.
Originally posted by john doe 182
but does the VGA mod work on that PS2 screen. I ask because I want a cheap screen and hope to use the PS2 on instead of the PSone one cause the creen is a little bigger.
I think so..atleast that's what I've been hearing lately.
Cool project I hope you have some more pics coming up.
Nice! What be great is if you could get a good shuttle SFF board and put everything in that single box. Just something with a bit more umph to it to fit that tough looking box. ;)
Yeah, since she bought me the laptop I can wait for a larger lcd and do it right...don't need to have it done ASAP like I'd planned for Cali.
Messed with it tonight.

The PW70 wouldn't power up the epia and western hdd.

Swapped in a spare 200W psu and everything works.

The image quality of the PS2 monitor is horrid.

Looks like it's time to save for a lcd.
Originally posted by ProjectTwin
Messed with it tonight.

The PW70 wouldn't power up the epia and western hdd.

Swapped in a spare 200W psu and everything works.

The image quality of the PS2 monitor is horrid.

Looks like it's time to save for a lcd.

What did the nice mod tell you? ;)

Very nice idea, though. :D How is this going to be a laptop, though? It's not very... Portable. =\ You'll need a battery to get it to work unless you have someplace to plug it in...

I'd suggest modding a keyboard into the toolbox and wiring it into the PS2 port for the keyboard, and possibly getting a trackpad for it as well. Or get one with a nipple. :D

Looks like fun. I get to make my own case soon out of Plastic... :p