Widescreen LCD's...


Limp Gawd
May 6, 2003
Okay, I've had my Dell Inp 8600 notebook with a 15" widescreen for a few months now...

but I had a few questions on resolutions....

When I'm playing very demanding games, such as FarCry, I'd like to keep the widescreen aspect ratio, but set a lower resolution.
For example, 800x500, instead of 1280x800....

BUT, I do not have that option available to me...

I tried to add a custom resolution via Powerstrip, but they never display correctly....is there anything special I should be doing? Any other program, driver hack, whatever?

Also, can you change the refresh rate on a laptop?
I know it wont make any difference in 2D, but when running with VSYNC in games, it usually locks at 30FPS.....If i could run in 85, 42.5 FPS would be much smoother....

thanks for your help!!