Widescreen Laptop and Gaming?


Limp Gawd
Sep 10, 2001

I don't understand the trend of comboing widescreen laptops with the 9600. If the laptop has widescreen, doesn't that mean that it will stretch out standard resolutions? If I buy one of these things, I don't want my Jedi to be a fat freak.

Or is it that the laptop will run in a normal resolution and put black bars on the sides? I highly doubt this, but maybe so? No one has been able to answer. My buddy at Dell asked his manager about this, and got the response "More games are incorporating widescreen mode nowadays." Although true, I'd say we're a long way away from mass wide-screen mode adoption.

I'm pretty sure it's different per video card manufacturer, but there are a couple of different settings on my laptop that I can run. Stretched, standard with black bars, that type of thing. So you would have different options on how you wanted it to look.
Quite a few games can run at 16x10 aspect now anyway, but it completely depends on the game.
At work, we have a projector hooked up to a widescreen Dell laptop. The projector runs at 1024x768, so the resolution of the laptop must be changed to that whenever the projector is in use. The laptop displays black bars on either side when it is at 1024x768. and I would think this would happen in games too.
The Dell 8600 has a wide screen. IMO it just looks wierd because the proportions are incorrect. Its great when you watch DVDs on it!
Wrong.. I own a Sager 4780 FORCE. And with cs on it.. Its doesent stretch it out. It looks nice...
If you want to see what widescreen gaming looks like without stretching, bars, etc. see this thread. The review is of a Sager 4760 but the comments and screen shots apply to any widescreen notebook.