What is Ur fav BF2 Weapon/kit?


Apr 10, 2006
Mine is assault rifle and Special-Ops..that baby has never failed me. we have gone through many miles of pownage... what's yours?
i've got a thing for the spec ops M4. just the look of it makes it seem more realistic.

but the M24 or the euro sniper(can't remember the name.,..the one w/ teh thunderous report) are my favs.
My favorite kit is probably the AT kit. My favorite weapon is either the medic's G36E or the Euro's engineer shotgun (I love that sound). I like the L96 sniper rifle, too. Oh and the engineer's MP7. I like the RPG, too, it's kinda nice to fire one without the enemy vehicle knowing you're "locked" on. I love the Apache Longbow's missle launching sound, too.

Ok. I like 'em all.
I guess the AT kit by default. You see, I really hate getting pwned by vehicles. While everyone else is content to get mowed down by APC's in karkhand while they grenade spam or medkit spam, I enjoy blowing them up.

A close second goes to SpecOps, but I just love reaching out and touching snipers with a wire-guided rocket :D
The most fun kit to play? AT Prolly. The most usefull? Medic. I would have to say support is pretty high up there, the PKM is just a ruthless killing machine.
KIT: AT Kit..
Weapon: RPG-7

I make people cry and leave the server....it gets to the point where people stop using the APC and the tank...because they geet no chance..

I also play as a sniper with SRAW/Enix

Also head-to-head in close range, no one can kill me while i have DOA-12

Basically AT own3s!!
Kit: Medic
Weapons: Tie between L85A1 and G3

I like both. G3 is well rounded, and L85A1 fires quickly with decent accuracy.
If I'm looking to mow down some infantry it's got to be the G3. Couple rounds with this baby brings people down quick.

I play engineer if I'm using a vehicle and love the pump shotty.

Everyone I play with says I'm crazy but I love the SVD, the MEC sniper rifle alot to. Nothing like no-scoping someone with that at close range.
Removed no longer needed quote and scolding -Rich

As for my favorite kit, I would have to go with support. I'm in love with the M249 :]
Well, if you can give me one kit, that I have to use for ANY situation.... give me the spec-ops G36c kit... no question!!!! This baby is so accurate it's not even funny.. I don't know why people say it's the same as the M4, because it's a whole different beast IMO.
Spec-Ops without a doubt.

Their guns are the most accurate, and they have C4 for armor and ambushes. Very versatile.

Their downside being low hitpoints and armor.
You're trying to beat WhyYouLoveMe's record for most BF2 threads started aren't you!? :p

Although odd because you are doing it in such a flurry when the game is now almost a year old!
How big was his record? :p

hmmm this is the best time now... No more noobs knowin wtf im talkin about... Since it has been a year thier is more ppl now to relate...I mean we do have a lot of players on these boards...
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Oh and the engineer's MP7.

Gag me man, I hate that gun. Is it better with the most recent patch or something? I remember unloading rounds into people with that thing and not killin em.
J-Mag said:
Gag me man, I hate that gun. Is it better with the most recent patch or something? I remember unloading rounds into people with that thing and not killin em.

yeah that shit is powerful now... :p
Well I've played the most with AT (I currently run with the P90 a lot instead of the DAO) beause like prtzlboy, I don't care to be owned by vehicles too much.

I like Spec-ops and Engineer a lot too, depending on my mood. I actually like the MP-7 also. At short/medium range you can use it single shot, although you best keep your head down and shoot and scoot. At 10 feet or so, you just unload it in full auto with pretty good effect. And I do believe the fixed the ROF on it with the last patch, but not sure.

I'll play medic sometimes too with the L80 or whatever to plink away.
J-Mag said:
DId they increase dmg/bullet or accuracy? From what I recall it fired pretty damn fast.

i think they increased the dmg/bullet .

yes it does... but it takes to long to reload if you ask me. I still like it though.
Medic L85A1. Save your teammates, heal yourself/others, and reach out tap people in semi-auto mode from long range. Only disadvantage is against vehicles, but the AT guys on every server quickly form an understanding; revive 'em while they pwn the vehicle, I get to stay alive!
Brucelee said:
i think they increased the dmg/bullet .

yes it does... but it takes to long to reload if you ask me. I still like it though.

Nah, they decreased the damage and accuracy, but gave it a 40 round clip. Before they messed with it it was as good of a mid range weapon as any, and close range? Fuhhhgeddaboutit, the thing just chews people up it fires so fast.
The "official" bug fix for the MP7:

- Bug in MP7 fire rate fixed. Ammo count increased and mag count and damage decreased

They increased the RoF to compensate for the decreased damage. The P90 and the MP7 are now practically identical.
For me it's sniper class all the way. My favorite sniper rifle is the euro force one that I believe is the M96A1 or something like that. Before I got that sniper rifle though, I loved the M95. I've taken down several helicopters with the M95 by shooting the pilot. It's a challenge and I love it.
Wildace said:

Yea I actually like sniper to sometimes....Only sometimes

i cant believe how many snipers there are.. maybe its my mouse or a setting, but i could shoot at someones still head 5 times on BF2 and not hit a thing

need to go buy a 518.. im using a 5 year old trackball. its insanely jumpy, but only on bf2
spec ops w/ g36, next is probably the G3 or M95 I dunno?

I think my next unlock will be the medic L85 or the DAO cant decide

I wish BF2 was setup so you could make a custom class and pick whatver unlock you have, and then decide whether you want AT mines, claymores, grenades, c4, extra ammo, extra rifle etc.. but you would only have so many slots to carry stuff and how you use it is up to you :cool:
plasma said:
spec ops w/ g36, next is probably the G3 or M95 I dunno?

I think my next unlock will be the medic L85 or the DAO cant decide

I wish BF2 was setup so you could make a custom class and pick whatver unlock you have, and then decide whether you want AT mines, claymores, grenades, c4, extra ammo, extra rifle etc.. but you would only have so many slots to carry stuff and how you use it is up to you :cool:

Welcome to BF 2142. It has exactly what you describe.