USB drive is MIA in Gnome 2.6


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
ok - fresh install of FC2 with Gnome 2.6 & I pop in my USB key drive but I can't seem to find out how I can access my key drive :confused:

I click the computer icon on the desktop and get

- FileSystem
- Network

The most obvious one for me is Filesystem

I get a page with massive folders and one being USB but it does not seem to be reading th key drive storage - just some random FC2 usb stuff.

Must I make some modification to /etc/fstab or something like that?
hi, i dont have a usb-stick so im not sure of this!
first, Filesystem means your linux-install.
all these folders are youre running FC2 and some of them only are created at startup.
like the /proc folder ....
linux doesent handle things like win with devices like C:, D:,...
for example your cdrom is to find under /dev/cdrom or /dev/cdroms/cdrom0
(im not sure about FC2) look in your fstab :)

if you want your usb-stick to be recognized it should either be in /dev/usb or /dev/scsi
(what i read so far, most people using an iPod, access it through /dev/scsi)

to see where your usb-stick belongs to and to see if there happening anything in general if you connect your usb-stick try:

do a clean boot, open a terminal and switch to root.
connect your usbstick with the computer
now type dmesg in the root terminal and look for lines with usb.
to only see lines containing usb type dmesg | grep usb
it should give you some hints where it was put at.

hope this helps
Yes, when you plug in the USB key drive, type in:

It will spit out the last few actions that have occured on your computer, and it will probably say your USB stick was identified as some device. Then it will probably say it was placed under /dev/sdaX.

Now, become root, edit /etc/fstab, and place a line in there like this.

/dev/sda[b]x[/b]<tab>/mnt/flashdrive<tab>vfat<tab>rw,user,noauto<tab>0 0

Replace x with whatever number the device is.

Now mkdir /mnt/flashdrive.
mount /mnt/flashdrive

And hopefully, it will work.