The Last Guardian


[H] Brewmaster
May 17, 2005
How fucking epic doe's this game look? Anyone have any news on it? I am really looking forward to it.
Looking forward to it myself. I am a bit of a newcomer to gaming, so I have not played Ico or SoTC yet. I am still holding out for a "collection" style release so I can play them on my PS3. If not, I will hunt the PS2 versions down before The Last Guardian comes out.

I know they are not sequels, but I figure it is worth getting a feel for the whole body of work.
I know it's going to be awesome, but just like SoTC it's not that interesting on the surface. But when you actually play it and it just blows your mind.

Crossing my fingers for that ICO + SOTC ps3 collection, never played Ico yet!!!
I'm not all on the nutts of Ico like a lot of people are but I think a remake of SOTC is going to be stellar considering how good it looked on the PS2. HD yum yum.

Here is an IGN Rewind Theater preview of The Last Guardian and it gives some hints at game play and stuff that they picked up from the trailer and from the developers in an interview.
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I'm bumping this because I started playing it again this weekend.
I beat it in Feb 2017, so it's time to give it another play through. I thought it'd be a nice decompressor after TLoU2, but the beginning stages trying to control Trico is a bit frustrating, lol. Otherwise, it's still a gorgeous game and makes me excited for his next game, whenever that will be.
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I thought so as well, tried searching and didn't find it.