Sun Solaris x86


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2000
I was just wondering if anyone is using Sun's free version of their Solaris OS. I think 9 is the latest one you can get for free.

Any pitfalls, nuances, etc that I should know about? I need to get it installed in my lab ASAP due to job requirements, and considering my lack of experience in all things *nix I don't need any more hangups and surprises than what's already in store for me.
I think you might be by yourself on this one - I have never heard of anyone using Sun Solaris for a home OS
Well, x86 Solaris' hardware support is very VERY lacking. I took a Solaris class, and on the first day we had to install it on the school's computers. Even our Sun trained teacher had problems with installation. If you plan on using it on a fairly recent system, you will have trouble. Guaranteed. I believe the latest video card it supports is a TNT2. Seriously. If you really need to learn Solaris, get yourself a SparcStation off Ebay, and download Sol8 or 9. I got a smp SS20 for $49 shipped. They are rock solid units, and in many ways, work like the latest Sparc based systems.
Hmm. Advice noted. However, how would I get the newer OS for the SPARCstation? Last I check it was in the $900 range.
BobSutan said:
Hmm. Advice noted. However, how would I get the newer OS for the SPARCstation? Last I check it was in the $900 range.
Sparc solaris 9.0 is available for download from Sun for free here. You have to pay something like $20 for x86 Solaris. If you get a Sparcstation, make sure you get at least 64mb ram. Anything less and Sol9 will not install. :( If you want an older version, I have copies of 6,7 and 8.
Wait a second. How do you load the x86 version on the SPARC? I thought you needed their regular *optimized* version for their "proprietary hardware platform".
BobSutan said:
Wait a second. How do you load the x86 version on the SPARC? I thought you needed their regular *optimized* version for their "proprietary hardware platform".

Sparc is the architecture and the normal version is meant for that. Obviously you can't run the x86 version on that.

Its not proprietary, as in a dell 4 years ago was. Its just a different architecture like Apple using IBM/Motorola PowerPC.
BobSutan said:
I was just wondering if anyone is using Sun's free version of their Solaris OS. I think 9 is the latest one you can get for free.

Any pitfalls, nuances, etc that I should know about? I need to get it installed in my lab ASAP due to job requirements, and considering my lack of experience in all things *nix I don't need any more hangups and surprises than what's already in store for me.
It's slow, and pretty much useless unless you install the gnu utils. All of the cool and useful Solaris programs are only for Sparc. I have a DELL Dimension XPS266 with a Celeron 766 in it and 128MB Ram. Solaris x86 is on it. I did that just to use the Management software to control all the Sun servers. There is a reason we call it Slowlaris.