Realized something about PNY 6800 warranty...


¡el papa grande
Jul 10, 2004
This is per the information from the side of the box AND the website.

PNY products no longer receive the fake "Lifetime Warranty" offered on previous PNY cards (you know, the one that only covered the cards until the product line was discontinued), it is now a standard 1 year + 2 more years if you register the card (just did it, REAL easy and short).

So its a 3-year warranty (after product registration). So technically its no longer limited to the duration of the product line run (since the 6800 line will probably be replaced before the 2 year mark (18 months going by Moore's Law)).

It actually sounds better, since in 3 years, the 6800 line will most likely be outdated (by 2007 standards) it will have been time to upgrade by then.

So no more complaining about PNY's wh4ck455 "Lifetime Warranty", it is no longer a factor.

Sure BFG has a better warranty (a true lifetime), but for the price, take a look at PNY.

I love my 6800GT; but I wonder what I will be sporting in 2007 when my PNY warranty is up? :D
Interesting, and makes me feel a little bit better seeing as I ordered mine from Compuplus earlier today, and should be receiving it tomorrow.
makes me feel a little bit better

You should feel great, you're getting an awesome card. Just look into replacing the memory heatsink tape with something better (AS5 or ShinEtsu). And maybe getting an AC NV5 when they come out (if you plan on heavy oc'ing).

But hell, even with stock cooling, this card is WONDERFUL (especially upgrading from my 9700Pro).
wow, i too ordered PNY 6800 GT today, that makes me feel a little better, i still think i shoulda went with BFG or Evga, but the PNY was so tempting for the price especially when compared to other brands...
I'm not much of an overclocker, I am just now starting attempts at overclocking my Asus 5700, and boy does it give a beast of an overclock. went from 425/501 to 502/602 with very minimal temp increases
YES this is definitely very good info...I had a evga on order that got cancelled, I really thought that evga was the card to get (cant find a BFG, thought the warranty on the PNY blew, plus free farcry), but I think perhaps a cheaper price and three year warranty trump the free farcry....which is great, cause you cant find a evga gt.

YES I know this was pointless info but I'm rather excited...