Razer Imperator vs G9x for Fingertip Grip


Dec 13, 2009
I use a fingertip grip and currently have an MX Revolution. Very satisfied with it, and despite its palm design it's very comfortable for my fingertip grip. I use my computer at least 10 hours a day, if not more, so it has to be pretty comfortable. (FWIW, my MX Revolution works perfectly while gaming even though it's wireless with no noticeable lag. The reason I'm looking at an upgrade is because the whole charging batteries thing hasn't worked as well as I'd hoped - I always forget and the batteries die during a game!)

I'm looking to upgrade to a gaming mouse, and I've kind of narrowed it down to a Razer Imperator or G9x, both of which look good for my fingertip grip. They both are pretty similar on paper (5600 dpi. on Imperator vs. 5700 dpi. on G9x which wouldn't be noticeable). Ideally I'd like to try them both out but the only electronics store left here is Best Buy and they have a poor selection of mice on display - just the Mamba and G500 (both of which didn't work well with my grip).

If anyone else has more mice to suggest, feel free. I'm loyal to Logitech - have always had good luck with their products and I've heard their support is good (never had to use it myself, so I guess that says something towards the quality of their products). But if there's something that fits my needs better, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Thanks in advance!