problem mounting glass disc


Feb 17, 2001
Ok, I am turning to you folks on suggestions on how I might mount a glass disc into side of a clear lucite case. I have been tryng to find someone who could drill the glass and make mounting holes but that hasnt gotten very far. My next idea was to have fabriated 2 lucite rings one that would fit around disc and another ring that would go over ring and part of the disc and that would have mounting holes drilled through it but the fab place cannot do that. So does anyone have any idea how I might mount a glass disc into the side of a lucite case?
isnt there some kind of glass epoxy. the stuff they use in fish tanks maybe?
there are some glues that go on fairly clear
Use a rubber roller to smooth it out
Its either that or drilling holes
Do like stain glass work is done.
Check library for books on it or get help from someone that does stain glass.
you can drill holes in glass, there are special diamond bits at most hardware stores. they are not horribly expensive either. You really must use a drill press though and oil to lubricate the bit as it cuts so the glass wont get to hot and break.