Post your experience with Dell here

Except when said home user posts bad experiance to internet forum read by many hundreds of people, etc etc ad nauseum, and ends up costing Dell significantly more than if they'd just answer the fricking question the first time.

Newegg's popular around here for one very simple reason, they bend over backwards to ensure happy customers. They don't particularly DO anything different, in fact there are a number of alternative vendors that are probably better as far as quality of service et cetera. They're just really damn polite to the customers.

Dell...well unless you're a business account, or calling in on the sales number...they don't care. They're big and they know it and they don't give a damn. Now, I mostly call sales and ask them if the question is sufficiantly non-technical, or I have a couple numbers other than the one on their site for customer support.

Would probably have ended up listening to a lot more music except I'm in the habit of giving phone systems input they don't like so they're forced to route me to a human by default, if the automated system doesn't do something useful very quickly. Dell's still gives you one hell of a run-around before it'll even bother attempting to connect you.