Phantom DVD Drive Showing up?


[H]F Junkie
Feb 6, 2003
I've got 2-HD and a regular CD & CDRW IDE drives installed on my kids PC. However when I look at "My Computer" or even in Device Manager I believe, a DVD drive shows up! I have no idea how it got there or what software installed it. Is this some sort of RAM drive? Only think I can think of that might do it is I recently installed NERO 6 and a demo version of Alcohol 120%.

WHY is this drive showing up and do I need it? I think I uninstalled it once, but it reappeared! Not sure why I'd need a DVD drive when I have no devices capable of playing one!
Alcohol creates a virtual drive. Start Alcohol/Virtual drive/set to 0.
Its for mounting disk/game images, can help trick the program to believe the CD/DVD is in the drive.

If you wont use it set it to 0.
Some games wont install when they detect a virtual drive.
CAMS said:
Alcohol creates a virtual drive. Start Alcohol/Virtual drive/set to 0.
Its for mounting disk/game images, can help trick the program to believe the CD/DVD is in the drive.

If you wont use it set it to 0.
Some games wont install when they detect a virtual drive.

I use Daemon Tools, It is like Alcohol 120% and my system always displays a ghost drive so I am sure that is your "problem".

I was wondering what games won't install if it detects a virtual drive as I have never had a problem with any of my games.
Daemon supports up to 4 virtual drives. I am not familiar with alchohol but it seems that that could be your problem.
Alcohol for sure, Nero ImageDrive needs to be enabled, while Alcohol installs a virtual drive by default.
Yeah, I noticed Alcohol 120% puts a SCSI chipset driver in the Device Manager whether or not you have a virtual drive enabled. Only way I found to get rid of it is to uninstall Alcohol 120%.