Paintball Forum please?


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2002
Could we please ressurect this forum under the [H]obbies category? Mota was a mod for this last time, and I know a lot of us that'd like to bring it back...somehow it seems like it should be apart from sports/recreation.
It is still in the [H]obbies section under 'Sports and Recreation' as is anything that can be considered a recreational hobby, they were all condensed to one forum to avoid the possibility of losing them all due to low traffic and participation. :)
in that case, can we at least give it a shot for like a week or so and if theres not a whole lot of activity, you can just get rid of it and go back to the way it is now? paintball was a very popular forum before, and a lot of people posted in it.