Opacity and final image problem on different PCs


Apr 27, 2005
I was making a background image that contains a bunch of different pictures of friends in a kind of collage.

I decided to add some symbols and things to the blank spaces I had to fill things out and make the background a little more interesting, I had all of these things on separate layers and used the opacity slider to fade them out and merged visible layers when I was happy and saved it as a jpeg. On my home pc it looks exactly as I want it. I can see these faded images with no problem but they are kind of subtle but still visible.

On my pos work computer I can barely make some of them out. I am guessing it is because the graphics card here is 6 years old and my home system is a newer and much better one.

My question, is there a way to format/fix/whatever the picture for other computer systems or is it just hit and miss?

Using photoshop 7

Thanks for any help!