NF7-S AGP voltage adjustment and vid card OCing


I <3 Hybrids
Aug 8, 2000
anyone who has this mobo can you tell me if upping the AGP voltage in the BIOS helps in getting a vid card to OC higher?
Ive got my NF7-S from newegg (just hoping for a rev 2) coming in this week and id like to know :)
No, it doesn't help. It just adds voltage to the AGP slot, which doesn't transfer to the card. You can try it, but it won't do anything.
Originally posted by Visable-assassin
(just hoping for a rev 2)

does newegg still have anything other than rev 2?
I bought my nf-7s from them in august and got rev 2 no problem
no the incressing AGP votlage dosnt help dose help you run your AGP at anythign higher than 66Mhz...

iv been running mine 1.7v @ 80MHZ Agp, im not sure if it helps but iv been doing it for sometime now.
Originally posted by Ch1m3r4
does newegg still have anything other than rev 2?
I bought my nf-7s from them in august and got rev 2 no problem

God only knows man LOL remember a while back they were selling some awsome OCing 1700+ T-bred B's and yet some people would order them and get a T-bred A so im keeping my fingers crossed, besides itll tell you if its a rev 2 mobo on the barcode sticker no? (iver never looked :p )

Originally posted by I(illa Bee
no the incressing AGP votlage dosnt help dose help you run your AGP at anythign higher than 66Mhz...

iv been running mine 1.7v @ 80MHZ Agp, im not sure if it helps but iv been doing it for sometime now.

ive found that running your AGP speed outta spec (higher than stock..not lower) has actually allowed me to net some higher FPS ratings and what Ill try it later :p
as for now I'm waiting on my Swifty NB cooler,AXP 3000+ (400mhz) and my XMS 4000 pro :p (yeah yeah..I had the cash so shhh)
Originally posted by Iceman_IX
If you order an NF7-S from Newegg you will get a Rev2, don't worry.

well then Ill be all set once everything comes in and my ocing begins !
Originally posted by ST|FFY
keep us updated with ur OC results and 3DMark

I would but I gotta wait untill next payday to get my 3000+ so for the time being I may just see how high of a FSB my 2500+ can do :)
gotta love the fact its unlocked !
volt mods the only way to go. check the video cards forum, there's a few links to some guides :)
Originally posted by Stang Man
volt mods the only way to go. check the video cards forum, there's a few links to some guides :)

yeah I know but the thing really to chicken shit to volt mod my BFG right now since its only on air cooling :(
and I really dont feel like ripping my loop appart to do more water...especially on that hot bitch LOL
Vassassin, I think you can find a good set of balls on E-bay for pretty cheap, those might help you volt mod it...

Originally posted by I(illa Bee
Vassassin, I think you can find a good set of balls on E-bay for pretty cheap, those might help you volt mod it...


that sounds good and all but being E-Bay id probably get some used balls...which wouldnt help much :p
im debating on weather or not I should mod the alpha pal 6035 from my GF4 TI4200 8x to fit my BFG 5900nu however...I dont know what to use for ram sinks :(
that alpha should handle the load from the BFG with little problem