New BF2 hacks to watch for!

The knife on the finger tip thing is cool.

I'd like to learn how to do the grenadier thing, the far away knife thing, and the parachute thing.

My Thoughts

They would be fun to use...IN SINGLE PLAYER MODE! Anybody that's so cheap they have to cheap to play good on multi shouldn't have the game.
His Battlefield Screenname: godfrack

Lets kill him! :D We can catch him on a server and make his life a living h***, untill he pulls out that launcher. me suspicious, but do a search on Godfrack (the guy obviously cheating) on a bf2 stats site. He only recently enrolled on Mar 2nd, and has absolutely no global score. That tells me all this crap was done on his own unranked server.

If it wasn't, why isn't anyone in the chat log screaming about being knifed at a long distance, not being able to kill him, and his high rate of fire on Anti-tank missiles?

I'm not so sure he could get away with this on a ranked server he didn't have control of.
he probably made a liddle mod and hosted this on his own, unranked server, just to stir up some anger among the massess.
hungryduck said:
he probably made a liddle mod and hosted this on his own, unranked server, just to stir up some anger among the massess.

lawl, what a way to piss people off :p
The first video is pretty funny! :) At least it wasn't on a ranked server. As for the 2nd video, I'm surprised the victim wouldn't quit... Pretty odd...
Mr. Miyagi said:
The first video is pretty funny! :) At least it wasn't on a ranked server. As for the 2nd video, I'm surprised the victim wouldn't quit... Pretty odd...
Because he was a willing participant in the POINT FARMING (hence the title of the video).

I remember when BF2 first dropped, a few clanmates of mine and I did the same thing before getting bored after the 10th or so kill and deciding to do it the honest way. lol
^ ^ ^

No, I don't think he was willingly doing it.

"This dude isn't even trying anymore -laughs-"
"All the shit he talked he got what he deserved, too."

Or something.
The18thLetter said:
Because he was a willing participant in the POINT FARMING (hence the title of the video).

I was thinking the same until the one player was commenting how he wasn't trying anything to stop it or leaving the server.
Nuzzles said:
^ ^ ^

No, I don't think he was willingly doing it.

"This dude isn't even trying anymore -laughs-"
"All the shit he talked he got what he deserved, too."

Or something.

it looked like it was all set up, the guy in the jeep didn't even fight back and just drove around. And it's not that hard to get out of a situation like that, all you have to do is click suicide after they revive you and then they can't revive you.
Having a semi-auto 50. cal snipper rifle would be AWESOME!

I have come across point farmers like in the second video before.
I devoted the rest of the game to hunting them down and C4ing them.
Me too, if I ever see people point farming in a group I don't do anything else in the game except do everything in my power to stop them (FBI clan seem to be the main culprits at the moment)

Though its a disgrace to see a gamer so desperate for kills and points that he needs to do something like this, the guy needs to be banned from EVERYTHING lol. I've seen hacks but this just takes it too far.
woo that is one dirty arse, if I ever see him I will hunt him down and kill him (in game of course).

I hate cheaters like that they really p*ss me off I can tell you now.