My Xbox FRAGS with a mod installed, works fine without!?


Jul 30, 2001
So I just found out I only get a FRAG error when using the Xapt3r Solderless 1.6 adapter because when I take it off the the Xbox boots fine into the MS Dashboard... it can't be a bad BIOS on the Xecuter3 CE either cause it FRAGs even when the Xecuter isn't mounted on the Xapt3r (and I also tried using the emergency BIOS using the bank switches).

Anyone have any suggestions on what could be wrong with my adapter? Should I just have someone solder it on for me at this point? (as i have no soldering skills)
Solderless sucks, get a hardmod done or you can spend the rest of your day trying to get that adapter mounted correctly. There's nothing wrong with the chip or the adapter, it's just nitpicky.
Sounds like you've got the dreaded "corroded solderless adapter connections" problem. The only way to permanently fix it is to solder it; the way it is now, some contacts don't Melt that sucker on!
mine did the same thing... did yours come with the brass inserts that the pins from the solderless adapter poke into? I went back and used them and mine is fine now. I carry mine all the time and never get a frag anymore.
Yeah i had a heck of a time getting mine mounted properly the first time. It dislodged once and i havent had a problem since. Its just tough to get on there right.
your d0 point isnt making good enough contact, you gotta make sure the red light on the adapter stay red when you power up, total bitch to get it right.
In my professional opinion, softmodding is about the worst thing you can do with an Xbox. :p
It's an unnecessary risk and they're not exactly noob friendly. Xbox modding is more software than hardware regardless of what mod you choose to go with, so people tend to get confused.
heatsinker said:
In my professional opinion, softmodding is about the worst thing you can do with an Xbox. :p

I agree...

I hardmodded mine with a new HDD too, at least that way I know I can physically pull the chip out and whack the old HDD in and it'll be as "virgin" as it ever could be again...