Leopard Delay Due To iPhone

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Apple Hot News page says that Leopard has been delayed because of the iPhone. Apparently they had to pull developers off the Mac OS X team to work on the phone.

We had to borrow some key software engineering and QA resources from our Mac OS X team, and as a result we will not be able to release Leopard at our Worldwide Developers Conference in early June as planned."
I was going to wait until Leopard came out to buy a Mac. Now I may never buy one.
rofl....are you serious?

guess for you mac guys, the iphone better rub your back and do the dishes since you have to wait longer for leopard.
I was going to wait until Leopard came out to buy a Mac. Now I may never buy one.

I'm not a Mac user, but I understand Apple comes out with OS updates quite frequently (as compared to MS). Does it really matter when you buy one? You'll be paying through the nose for the long haul, anyway...
This is truly disappointing, I've been holding off on getting my new blackbook for 4.5 months already, cash in hand, thinking every day now that its coming in less than two. Now its like 4 more months! ARRGH :mad: :mad: :mad: apple why!!! WHY!!!
Oh Boo Fricking Hoooo!!!!

So Apple have put back OSX Service Pack 4 (as that is all it really is) by 4 months. Big deal, bearing in mind that Apple charge their mugs, sorry users for these 'service packs'.

I have it on very reliable & good authority due to my contacts within one of the UK's biggest cellular phone networks that the iPhone is WORSE than 3 year old HTC devices & is hardly revolutionary. It is that bad that the network is even thinking of dropping plans to supply it to their customers either online or through their retail channels. Obviously updates my fix some of the problems, but the key selling points of the iPhone are not revolutionary whatsoever.
So what?

If you need a Mac now buy a mac now. You play the waiting game and all you do is end up waiting.

And on the Service pack thing... If I have to say one more time that 10.4 -> 10.5 is like going from XP to Vista my head is going to explode. We've been having that argument for years now (at least since I joined [H] in 4/01).

Am I a bit disappointed that 10.5 is going to be delayed? A tiny bit...
Does it make me a ravenous uncontrollable forum flaming <censored>? Nah, not really. I have other things around that get my panties in a bunch.

edit: And at least the iPhone is a better excuse to delay the OS than getting Vista working
Oh Boo Fricking Hoooo!!!!

So Apple have put back OSX Service Pack 4 (as that is all it really is) by 4 months. Big deal, bearing in mind that Apple charge their mugs, sorry users for these 'service packs'.

You think it's a service pack which makes me believe you have no clue what they're delivering with the product. You're just spewing anit-Apple bullshit.
well, it is, in a way.
Are you going to qualify that statement?

Time Machine 'new application'
Spaces 'new application'
core animation 'new feature'
64-bit 'fuller support' large memory capability & optimization

Plus there's numerous additions and enhancements to several other applications let alone a reworking of the kernel and darwin. This will be a major upgrade in many respects. More so then you'd find in MS Office which costs more than OS X upgrade.