Kyle.. No kudos to NewEgg!!!


Jun 24, 2004
Update: At this time we can confirm that is removing questionable motherboards using the new Intel 925/915 chipset technology till further official information is gathered. Kudos to NewEgg for sacrificing a few sales in order to protect their customer's best interest.</quote>

NewEgg is not looking out for their customers best interest. They are looking out for the potential of time and money lost on issuing RMA's to customers who purchase these boards. If NewEgg was looking out for their customers best interest, they would keep the Nvidia 6800U at the suggested retail price. I bet they will lower the price to 499.99 once the "big retailers" get them in stock. They did not pay a premium price to aquire these cards(according to eVGA), so gouging was not necessary.

Sorry for getting on an off-topic rant :)

NewEgg is good, but dont kiss their ass to get their ad money.
At least the powers that be at Newegg are smart enough to see that it's in their long term best interest to remove the questionable boards from thier site. Not all companies are this wise. Some wouldn't even care. CoughcoughcoughCompUSAcoughcough.
wicked said:
If NewEgg was looking out for their customers best interest, they would keep the Nvidia 6800U at the suggested retail price.
It's called supply and demand, get used to it. We go through this with most online retailers for all new products. It's nothing new and will continue to happen until the manufacturers get more cards out to the retailers upon announcement of the product.
Dont blame Newegg. Blame the fools that are stupid enough to pay such a high price to be one of the first to have one.

As long as there are people that will pay the high prices to get these cards and as long as they are in short supply, prices will remain high.

I look for prices to drop down to the MSRP some time in the next 2-3 weeks or sooner.
For the new video cards, NewEgg is doing just what every single distributor in the nation is doing- gouging the heck out of people.

Take the x800Pro for example, suppose a BBA box. Egg sells it for 461 delivered, while the MSRP (and best buy price) is 399. Now, suppose you are a small computer shop,and you call up all the distributors.... and their best price onthe same card is $435, which means they are either price gouging or ATI is selling them at MSRP to distys (which I doubt). For an MSRP $400 card, it is expected to have the wholesale price around 340-360....
In economic terms, people that purchase new hardware as soon as it becomes available are "early adopters". Just because you are not an early adopter doesn't mean that those that pay high prices for the newest technology are dumb.

As someone mentioned earlier, those early adopters are paying more because of supply and demand. The product is in tight supply and is in high demand, so those suppliers will command a high price for their precious cards.

If you were selling a car that everyone wanted, would you sell it to the lowest bidder?

PrkChpXprss said:
In economic terms, people that purchase new hardware as soon as it becomes available are "early adopters". Just because you are not an early adopter doesn't mean that those that pay high prices for the newest technology are dumb.

As someone mentioned earlier, those early adopters are paying more because of supply and demand. The product is in tight supply and is in high demand, so those suppliers will command a high price for their precious cards.

If you were selling a car that everyone wanted, would you sell it to the lowest bidder?


Good thinking there. I wouldn't personally pay $500+ for a brand new video card... but if I had that kind of disposable income, I wouldn't mind paying a little higher just so I can be one of the first to have it. You can't blame people for how they spend their money.