I've never tasted bee pollen before...

Helps with certain allergies.

Thanks. :)
Supposed to be good fo the immune system. I'm not so sure - never been into naturopathy, but it didn't hurt to add as a "mix-in" at the local juice bar I used to go to (either "Jamba Juice" or "Juice It Up" in SoCal - they may do a mean BBQ pork and hushpuppies in North Carolina, but the smoothie selection here SUCKS!)
It has also been marketed under such trade names as Snake Oil, Flim Flam, Bull Hockey, and Horse Feathers. In other news, I have some cheap Florida real estate for sale.
Actually, I used to take Bee Pollen as a kid for allergies. Since the pollen gathered by Bees tends to contain many of the items that most people are allergic to, it can be used to build up your immunity to these things... Same principle as allergy shots. Also, it tends to contain many trace elements and minerals, if I'm not mistaken.


If you have serious Hay Fever type allergies, be careful with the initial dosage. While to most everyone, Bee Polloen products are perfectly safe and will not manifest a single side effect, some people, like myself, WILL HAVE AN ALLERGIC REACTION. I'm not talking on the scale of bee sting allergies and shock, but it depends on the person. Personally, when I was young and started the initial dosage (supposed to start low and work your way up as your body can tolerate it), I broke out in hives all over my upper body and inside my mouth and throat. A completely miserable experience. Not dangerous, but ugh... It sucks, and since it was ingested it took a day or so to get back to normal. Needless to say, I had to drastically lower the the dosage of the initial cycles.

Anyway, I just thought that I would throw that out to anyone thinking about this. It's just good info to tuck away.


Hey wait...I'm allergic to pollen and all kinds of other stuff...maybe I'll die if I eat this stuff...I see no warning labels saying not to eat it if you're allergic to pollen...I smell a lawsuit comin up with me and a million dollars...oh wait...I'll be dead...hmmm...guess I'll have a kik ass funeral then!!! :D